Faking the funk....


New Member
Has anyone ever heard of or suspected someone on a hair board of passing off hair as their own when it's really fake?
I've never heard of such a thing, but I think it's bound to happen with all of the many many many hair boards....some people (like trolls) are just strange or attention seekers.
What do you all think? Not to get specific and name names or hair boards or anything!
not quite that .. but i have seen people who said that their natural .. and its so obvious they texturise their hair ...
Not necessarily faking, and not only here on LHCF, but I have had some people who know how to edit pics and stretch them out. You can tell because the area across which they stretch the picture down will be all out of wack. Or they tilt their heads backward to make the hair appear longer.
Ive seen some braidouts getting passed off as natural texture, whether the person was relaxed or natural I don't know but it was clear where the braids started and ended before they took them down :nono::nono:. One of which was on here but most just on random fotkis I saw last year when I used to look at a lot of them.

I won't name names, please no PMs.

I remember someone had their head tilted back and waited for everyone to compliment her before she said anything about it. I thought that was suspect. I mean if your hair looks good there is no need to lie about length.:look: I laugh at it and even spoof stuff like that, but I still wonder what they are lacking IRL to have to do stuff like that on the internet:perplexed

ETA: Anyone else notice... how on some comparison shots, people will stretch the After picture to be longer than the Before...? I mean you can tell because the person's whole head and neck and body is longer and skinner than before (the ratio is way off). Its like they don't realize folks notice they are stretching the pics to make their hair look like it grew. Stuff like that can make SL hair look APL and BSL look WL. I hate when people fake like that... :nono:
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I never really Thought About that....im Hoping every one is Being Truthful when it comes to things like that. But i have Seen Some Situations were Picture Theft was in the category.....
Ive seen some braidouts getting passed off as natural texture, whether the person was relaxed or natural I don't know but it was clear where the braids started and ended before they took them down :nono::nono:. One of which was on here but most just on random fotkis I saw last year when I used to look at a lot of them.

I won't name names, please no PMs.

I remember someone had their head tilted back and waited for everyone to compliment her before she said anything about it. I thought that was suspect. I mean if your hair looks good there is no need to lie about length.:look: I laugh at it and even spoof stuff like that, but I still wonder what they are lacking IRL to have to do stuff like that on the internet:perplexed

ETA: Anyone else notice... how on some comparison shots, people will stretch the After picture to be longer than the Before...? I mean you can tell because the person's whole head and neck and body is longer and skinner than before (the ratio is way off). Its like they don't realize folks notice they are stretching the pics to make their hair look like it grew. Stuff like that can make SL hair look APL and BSL look WL. I hate when people fake like that... :nono:

I'm sorry but for people to do stuff like that is really, really sad.
I've heard rumors of this.


Someone accused me of this. It's funny because I never said I'm natural and at the time 4a texlaxed was in my siggy :lol:

I have seen some suspect pictures myself. Not many, but you do run across them from time to time.
I have definitely thought his when looking through some of the fotkis. I find it strange the people would be deceptive about the length of their hair.
I have not noticed this. But then again I'm too consumed with my own hair to worry about and or examine someone else's hair pic's!:look:
ETA: Anyone else notice... how on some comparison shots, people will stretch the After picture to be longer than the Before...? I mean you can tell because the person's whole head and neck and body is longer and skinner than before (the ratio is way off). Its like they don't realize folks notice they are stretching the pics to make their hair look like it grew. Stuff like that can make SL hair look APL and BSL look WL. I hate when people fake like that... :nono:

You know, I always assumed that this was so they could get the comparison shots lined up properly. I know that sometimes when I take and crop then resize pictures, the dimensions aren't the same. So if I wanted to line them up in a nice even row, I'd have to distort one. I can tell when a picture is stretched and always assumed everyone else could, so I just look at where the hair falls on the body in each picture for comparison.

Surely there have got to be people who fake the funk. There are people who fake the funk in real life, how much easier would it be to do over the internet with one or two pictures with Photoshop? Eh, we all got our issues (at least I know I got mine).
I truly think there is at least one person on here that is being untruthful..actually I would say two. No pm's please cause i'm not answering....

In any case, I think it's wrong but what can you do really? I just ignore their claims generally

I distorted one of my old pics to explain what I'm talking about (pics being squeezed together horizontally and stretched vertically). I remember this one particular member who did it, her before picture wasn't stretched at all, it was just regular :rolleyes: and the after picture was stretched like mine above. I was like... why would you do one pic like that and leave the other normal? Then I realized they were doing 1 month comparison pics, so they must have felt pressure and wanted people to think their hair had grown. Some people take this stuff so seriously that they try to trick people :perplexed

Anyway, you can tell the pic is altered if you know any better. I actually squeezed it until it was half its length across. My hair looks twice as long if I stand it next to a regular pic that isn't stretched.

I distorted one of my old pics to explain what I'm talking about (pics being squeezed together horizontally and stretched vertically). I remember this one particular member who did it, her before picture wasn't stretched at all, it was just regular :rolleyes: and the after picture was stretched like mine above. I was like... why would you do one pic like that and leave the other normal? Then I realized they were doing 1 month comparison pics, so they must have felt pressure and wanted people to think their hair had grown. Some people take this stuff so seriously that they try to trick people :perplexed

Anyway, you can tell the pic is altered if you know any better. I actually squeezed it until it was half its length across. My hair looks twice as long if I stand it next to a regular pic that isn't stretched.

:nono:WOW...thats a person with a lot of time on they hands.
I guess I must be the ignorant one cuz I've never noticed. And actually I don't care.... most likely I won't these these folks IRL and why does it matter anyway? Some people feel the need to lie and fake, well that's how they roll and I really could care less. Like another poster said, I'm too caught up in my own hair to notice- or care
:nono:WOW...thats a person with a lot of time on they hands.

The funny thing is it only took me like a minute to skew the pic like that, so maybe its not the time on their hands... maybe they just take stuff like that as normal... like they think everyone stretches their pics :perplexed:lachen:
I truly think there is at least one person on here that is being untruthful..actually I would say two. No pm's please cause i'm not answering....

In any case, I think it's wrong but what can you do really? I just ignore their claims generally

I don't understand... in this thread or on the site? :perplexed
The funny thing is it only took me like a minute to skew the pic like that, so maybe its not the time on their hands... maybe they just take stuff like that as normal... like they think everyone stretches their pics :perplexed:lachen:

wow lol..No what i meant was( i should have been more clear) They have a lot of time on their hands to think of something like that...I could barely load my pics up right lol..Then to have the nerve to "stretch" them lol..:ohwell:. Maybe they just want attention..Now i would think twice before i join one of those "omg my hair grew from this"...:yep:
I have not noticed this. But then again I'm too consumed with my own hair to worry about and or examine someone else's hair pic's!:look:
I also second this. Too involved with my own to have actually noticed.
But, if people did this, I don't know what the point would be:ohwell:.
Most of the members here are pretty honest about their results and what works for them. They show pics with scalp, with product, with out product, jacked up ends, everything so you can see the progress. The only time in the past we have really had issues is folx trying to sell things/endorse products for a friend, and exaggerating the results.
I just saw something the other day looking at fotkis... she had neck length hair and for a while was having big progress... I don't remember the dates but she went from EL or NL to full SL inching towards APL in a respectable amount of time but then after that got stuck... so in the next update her hair looked only a little bit longer than the last month, and she's like, yeah this is after I trimmed about an inch and a half :rolleyes: even though she still had the same little area of breakage that a trim would have fixed :rolleyes:

I mean if you hit a slump so what don't lie about it... you are still doing a good job
Ohhhh, gosh... seriously.:perplexed
Lord, I was just about to get off now yall gonna have me scanning pics for authenticity. :sad: But then again I am too hooked on my own progress to waste time to figure out whats real and whats fake. :look: