Faking the funk....

I'll say this...

I've seen a few people accused of having texturizers when I really didn't think they had one. Because I know there's no set formula for what natural hair will look like, I just accept people say.

But with the number of women here, there's bound to be a faker or two in the bunch.
puts on track shoes...

ahem.... so, is your nickname "Sideshow Bob?"

runs before mwedzi can catch me and kick my ***... :lachen:

BWoHa Hahaha!:lachen: You are a mess! I love it that some of us can joke and laugh and have fun while we're here..
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The only time in the past we have really had issues is folx trying to sell things/endorse products for a friend, and exaggerating the results.


I've only seen some okie dokie-ness happen a few times on this board, but I think it's rampant other places.
This has happened to me before too, but the pic was in my transition album and I still had relaxed ends :ohwell:. Some anonymous also left a nasty message in my account about a texture shot being a twistout. I have pics of both and there are clearly distinguishable (plus the fact that I name the picture of the style) :spinning: I also have varying textures that behave very differently w/ various products so I could possibly understand their reasoning

This is really true. With enough combing on dry hair I can get my 3c hair in the back to look 4absdiaiulf when I want to. Comb it under wet water and add conditioner and I can get waves. I have always thought that a lot of the "texture" game is really about the technique you use.
there have been times where i've seen texlaxed ladies that i thought were natural and didn't see any note of them being texlaxed until i checked the forum or a journal... i felt like x-mas coming 3months late lol. As for my own pics... all my braidout and twist-outs suck so... yeah its all my natural texture, except where i shingled. Maybe i should've put that i shingled/styled? It seemed obvious to me... i dunno now lol

Now I'm inspired to put that my hair is texturized back in my siggy. I don't want people to feel that I'm purposely misrepresenting myself. That thought really didn't cross my mind before :( I've started many boards about my relaxed hair.

In my mind texturized hair isn't any better or worse than natural hair, but I got a vibe from this board that ya'll just like to know for sure what's going on up in people's heads :lol:

I just don't have an album and want to show off my hair a little bit, lol. I'll figure out how to get it in there.
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I've heard rumors of this.


Well, MANY people on here think I'm relaxed or texlaxed, and they are ALL WRONG...I get questions like that all of the time. I'm natural...no relaxers or texlax or whatever. It's my misfortune I guess, that my hair doesn't look natural. So, being that I'm one case of a mistaken identity, there could very well be others that people are judging incorrectly.
Well, MANY people on here think I'm relaxed or texlaxed, and they are ALL WRONG...I get questions like that all of the time. I'm natural...no relaxers or texlax or whatever. It's my misfortune I guess, that my hair doesn't look natural. So, being that I'm one case of a mistaken identity, there could very well be others that people are judging incorrectly.
You have beautiful hair:yep:
I guess I must be the ignorant one cuz I've never noticed. And actually I don't care.... most likely I won't these these folks IRL and why does it matter anyway? Some people feel the need to lie and fake, well that's how they roll and I really could care less. Like another poster said, I'm too caught up in my own hair to notice- or care

same here. those faking the funk and those obsessed with catching the fakers out both seem to have way too much time on their hands.
This is so funny. I just had someone ask me yesterday if I relaxed because my before pic was much thicker than my after pic. That was a good question to ask me. I explained that the before pic was when I did my hair and the after was when I got a Dominican Blowout. Naturally, they will get it much straighter than I could on my best day...but, I could see how someone would think that I did something that I wasn't sharing with everyone else. To me, that would be lying....and I know where all liars go, so I'm not into that:lachen:

Good thread, OP....:yep:

hehe :giggle: i saw that post, i think she said your hair looked thinner before,thicker afterwards ;)
puts on track shoes...

ahem.... so, is your nickname "Sideshow Bob?"

runs before mwedzi can catch me and kick my ***... :lachen:

:spank: Bad, Smarty Pants! Man, I really wanted a witty comeback or something funny to say, but I got nothing. :lachen: That's alright, that's alright, Sideshow Bob's hair is fresh to death. So there! :moon:
:spank: Bad, Smarty Pants! Man, I really wanted a witty comeback or something funny to say, but I got nothing. :lachen: That's alright, that's alright, Sideshow Bob's hair is fresh to death. So there! :moon:

Awwwwww lookie here, mwedzi done brought out her beatin' stick :lachen::lachen:
I have seen a couple of pics that are questionable, but I don't really pay much attention. I'm really into my own thing right now.
LMAO @ this thread.

I've wondered the same thing many times. I've seen the distorted images, and the claims to have trimmed 2"+ of hair so people won't think they didnt' have any progress. :nono:

I think it would be easy to pull off claiming fake hair as your own. I posted a thread with pics of my current sew-in, and if I wanted to I'm sure I could say those were pics of my real hair. :nono: Almost everyone thought it looked really natural. However, I'm not a dishonest person, and don't have time to make myself into something that I'm not. That's just not right.
I've been a member here for almost five years and I believe that I only know two accounts of this happening. It doesn't matter to me though because I'm so busy trying to grow my own hair.

I do have a small vent, though. There are many times where I would see someone's hair album and they have beautiful, long hair. Then I find out later that every picture is actually a shot of them wearing weaves/wigs. My little heart just sinks and I go "Awww man! She doesn't have long hair at all."

I've had that disappointing experience a few times too.

I do remember some posts about people faking the funk. Back when I first joined in 07.
All I am going to say is that if we judged the pics our own members post like we judge celebrity hair pics in the Entertainment Board then we would say that alot of people were faking the funk.
Not necessarily faking, and not only here on LHCF, but I have had some people who know how to edit pics and stretch them out. You can tell because the area across which they stretch the picture down will be all out of wack. Or they tilt their heads backward to make the hair appear longer.

:blush: :blush::rolleyes: :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
how in the world can you guys tell? :perplexed I want to be able to tell !!! Oh no, I'm trying not to freak out?? ALL the long hair's not fake, right??!!! Will someone please pm me with some names of ladies who they're sure it's their hair and it's long and healthy?? Please? I don't want to be hoodwinked any longer :nono:

this is sooooo dissappointing!!!
I'm sure with all of the different hair boards combined that there are a few people wearing weave and trying to pass it off as real, but I don't think anyone on this forum is faking the funk from what I've seen. Plus, I'm not all that computer savvy yet so I wouldn't be able to tell if someone was messing around with pic sizes. That said, I need to shut my mouth because I just posted my first pic ever, yesterday, after all the years I've been here, so what do I know, lol. ETA: I see dents in my camera phone pic, hope nobody thinks I'm faking the funk. :lol: Nope, that bedhead is all me. :)
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I have been on here since 2003 even though it says 2005 I had to re-register, Anyway I have seen it and yes, some people do fake the funk, why? I don't know, I guess to get praise for having such long beautiful hair. Just like celebrities, we know most of them fake the funk. But it Happens even on here just like in real life, and then when the weave come out, they said they had to chop like 4-5 inches off to remove breakage or damage.

But Oh well! we have our own goals to get to and I know I ain't stopping to check who is faking the funk, I do like most people on here, if I see it I just keep it moving no need in making a fuss about it OR NAMING NAMES, you will get to your goal regardless.
Anyway we have enough Real ladies on this board with real beautiful long hair to not even worry or think about those faking the funk, if you feel they are faking the funk just keep moving!
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