Fake Hair vs. Real Hair


New Member
Hey gals, I'm not new to the forum I've just hardly ever posted anything before. Anyways just wanted to get your opinions on an issue.
For those of you who wear extentions, weaves ect. do you ever feel intimidated or slightly insecure when you come across sistah's with long real hair?
And vice versa, sistah's with long real hair, what do you think when you see a sistah with a weave (for arguments sake, its a full head weave so you know its fake)?

I have my reasons for asking this and I'll fill you in when I get some responses.
Right now I'm rocking a sew in, and I have no problem seeing a sista w/ long hair. In fact, in my mind, I'm giving her her props, and wondering about her routine! :lol: I'm not at all insecure about my weave b/c it doesn't define me. I know that I've had long hair before, and that I can and I am growing my hair out long, so why would I hate on someone that's further along in the process than me? I see my weave as another form of a protective style, nothing more, nothing less! The Miami ladies will tell you from our meeting, that I'm not at all shy about showing someone my tracks, or giving them the number of my stylist! :grin:

I think the attitudes/perceptions about weave vs. long hair come in when someone thinks that their long hair defines them, and that everyone with a weave is jealous of them. On the other hand, women who wear weaves b/c they don't think their hair will grow on its own, or are insecure about their own hair for some reason, may be intimidated when they see a sista sporting the naturally long hair that they want. HTH :ohwell:
I personally felt more secure with braided extensions. My own hair was "put away."

When I wear my hair down, I have to worry out the ends snagging and the roots tangling. It's more mentally taxing.
As long as the weave looks real, it's all good!

i dont have a problem wearing a weave (done that once, had 4 tracks and LOVED it); or getting my hair braided with extensions. I think it just shows how versatile one can be with their hair. I dont know another sista who has a prob with it either, as long as they r not going around pretending like it grew straight from their head i honestly don't see a problem with it.
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when i have the money, i LIVE for extensions and i have NO problem with sistas that have long real hair....i figure i'll be one of them soon enough! a couple of my friends have some gorgeous thick long hair and im always messin with it :D
Just because someone has weave or extensions doesn't mean that they don't have their own beautiful long hair. Sometimes when you know that your hair is all messed up or you see another person with a weave and you know that thier hair is all messed up, it's a shame.

I get insecure because while my hair looks good, it's short... and not totally because I want it to be that way.

Still, it's so frustrating to treat my hair really good, have it very healthy, not dry or breaking and have it grow at a snail's pace.

I should really post pictures, my hair is as shiny and pretty as anyone elses, but so short :(
CaramelHonee said:
As long as the weave looks real, it's all good!

i dont have a problem wearing a weave (done that once, had 4 tracks and LOVED it); or getting my hair braided with extensions. I think it just shows how versatile one can be with their hair. I dont know another sista who has one either, as long as they r not going around pretending like it grew straight from their head i honestly don't see a problem with it.

This is also my viewpoint as well.

I don't have a problem with weave/false hair or extensions. I've worn weave twice and braids about 10 times.

At first, I felt funny with the false hair but as long as my own hair can get a rest then it's all good.

Anyway, now that you ask, my cousin got cussed out by two guys yesterday because she has a weave on. They were saying things like "you're fake" and "take out that horse hair" just because the hair was in a plait all the way down her back. How silly!:spank:

I mean it didn't look like this -----> :antlers:

Also, I like a weave to look real, so undetectable. I've seen some really bad weaves that look obviously fake and those ladies aren't fooling anyone.:nono:
missyT said:
And vice versa, sistah's with long real hair, what do you think when you see a sistah with a weave (for arguments sake, its a full head weave so you know its fake)?

I don't think badly of anyone who wears a weave/extentions. As long as it's neat and tidy who am I to poke fun? Of course if it's busted up looking, I may giggle (to myself, of course :lol: ) but that also goes for someone with long, real hair. The point is, keep it neat whether it's up to your ears or down past your feet. :look:
brownhaired_bonanza said:
I don't think badly of anyone who wears a weave/extentions. As long as it's neat and tidy who am I to poke fun? Of course if it's busted up looking, I may giggle (to myself, of course :lol: ) but that also goes for someone with long, real hair. The point is, keep it neat whether it's up to your ears or down past your feet. :look:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
missyT said:
Hey gals, I'm not new to the forum I've just hardly ever posted anything before. Anyways just wanted to get your opinions on an issue.
For those of you who wear extentions, weaves ect. do you ever feel intimidated or slightly insecure when you come across sistah's with long real hair?
And vice versa, sistah's with long real hair, what do you think when you see a sistah with a weave (for arguments sake, its a full head weave so you know its fake)?

I have my reasons for asking this and I'll fill you in when I get some responses.

I wear weaves/wigs and it doesn't bother me at all to see a woman with real long hair. I love hair whether it's real or fake; on my head or someone else's!
The general vibe that I'm getting is that you guys all think its ok to have one just as long as it looks good and you wouldn't feel insecure if you were wearing one and saw a lady with really nice long, beautiful hair.

Well, I am currently rocking a full header and whist it looks really natural and I keep it in good condition, I feel really nervous when other ladies look at me or when I catch a guy looking at me. I don't have a closure or anything, the stylist did it exceptionnally well and most people think it is my hair untill they don't see any scalp! :shocked:
I will post pics soon for you guys to see.

I don't know if this is just low self esteem, but I believe that they just like me or are looking at me coz of the hair.
I am currently living in University halls and there is this girl that lives in the same place as me. She has nice hair (just nice tho, I would like to recommend this board to her) and I would like to approach her but the weave is putting me off. When I say to her "you've got nice hair" is she going to be like yeah, "you're waeves nice!"
What do I do. Help me! :think:
missyT said:
The general vibe that I'm getting is that you guys all think its ok to have one just as long as it looks good and you wouldn't feel insecure if you were wearing one and saw a lady with really nice long, beautiful hair.

Well, I am currently rocking a full header and whist it looks really natural and I keep it in good condition, I feel really nervous when other ladies look at me or when I catch a guy looking at me. I don't have a closure or anything, the stylist did it exceptionnally well and most people think it is my hair untill they don't see any scalp! :shocked:
I will post pics soon for you guys to see.

I don't know if this is just low self esteem, but I believe that they just like me or are looking at me coz of the hair.
I am currently living in University halls and there is this girl that lives in the same place as me. She has nice hair (just nice tho, I would like to recommend this board to her) and I would like to approach her but the weave is putting me off. When I say to her "you've got nice hair" is she going to be like yeah, "you're waeves nice!"
What do I do. Help me! :think:

In my opinion weaves/extensions/wigs are all so popular (with the help of stars like Beyonce, Mary J and Janet J). Is it the lack of part/scalp that makes you feel uncomfortable or just the fact that you have a weave. You could approach the girl by complimenting her on her hair and telling her how you are wearing a weave to give your natural hair a break, and ask her about her routine and tell her about LHCF and how she may benefit from it.

I have been thinking about getting a weave again but I am undecided because I like deep conditioning my hair weekly. You said your hair looks good....you should feel confident you know its a weave...AND SO WHAT...if its the part and you feel people are concentrating on it maybe next time you could get a part.

I must say when I see people with wigs on and they are not wearing it right I may glance a little longer --for example I saw a girl and she obviously had her hair in a pony tail directly on top of her head in a bun or something and had on a wig???? So now the wig was slanted and she had a cone head. I wanted to pull her to the side sooooo bad, but I felt she would think I was being rude, so I let her walk by.

I hope I am making sense...

Good Luck
Oh my God, I swear every thought or feeling I have ever had about hair gets mentioned on this site! Its so weird to know that others feel exactly the same as me at times!!

Anyways the answer is yes! I am currently rocking two rows of weave mixed in with my own shoulder length hair and I never wear it out during the day cos I just feel so self consicous. I wear it down when I go out to a club but even then I don't really like the way I feel inside - I guess especially cos I know that I do actually have some hair underneath the weave but know people are thinking that I haven't!

When I wear my own hair out I can just feel the stares and the 'is it real or weave?' :confused: looks that I am getting. One thing I don't do though is give another girl a horrible look cos she is wearing a weave. Ok well I have got a little confused when I see a sista wearing a blond, horsey thing down down to her bum that looked I it aint never been combed (but I just keep that sigh of disbelief to myself :nono: ) . But in general as long as I know my hair is long and healthy I don't care if theirs aint!!

I don't know what it is about black women and hair, there's just some silent competition thing that goes on between them and its awful really.
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I have no issues at all with weaves and wigs. My issue is when the wearer attempts to pass off the fake as real.
I myself have very thin hair. I've been rocking weaves on and off for several years(that could be the reason for the thinness). However, I don't really care what people(especially men)think about me having fake hair. Besides, if you watch tv, you'll see that almost everyone on the tube(white men especially)rock a weave or some type of hair extension. What man doesn't like Beyonce who rocks a lace front wig on a regular? Please don't let anyone discourage you from wearing your hair the way you choose. I have given out more numbers than any of my friends who rock their real hair. Girl go on and rock your weave!
"I must say when I see people with wigs on and they are not wearing it right I may glance a little longer --for example I saw a girl and she obviously had her hair in a pony tail directly on top of her head in a bun or something and had on a wig???? So now the wig was slanted and she had a cone head. I wanted to pull her to the side sooooo bad, but I felt she would think I was being rude, so I let her walk by."-lkg4healthyhair


"Ok well I have got a little confused when I see a sista wearing a blond, horsey thing down down to her bum that looked I it aint never been combed (but I just keep that sigh of disbelief to myself ) . But in general as long as I know my hair is long and healthy I don't care if theirs aint!!"-HairQueen

LMAO :lachen: You are too funny.

Question for those of you who said you don't mind weaves just as long as the person isn't trying to pass it off as their own hair. How would you know if someone is trying to pass it off as their own hair??? Surely, one would treat fake hair as they would real hair!
Hey Wanda, thanks for the encouragement.

When it comes to men though (black men in particular), isn't there this thing about dating a gal with her own hair? So when they find out, if they don't know from the start, that the hair is not real, they get put off.

Personnally, I find that I get more attention with a weave but I don't like that because its as if its only because of my supposedly long, flowing hair. Lol.
I'm not sure...I haven't been single for nearly three years...a lot of men are preoccupied with long hair, and some like short hair. But, I think nowadays if they think you're weaved up its a problem. I don't agree with that but its true in many cases. Extensions are very versatile and often low maintenance...shoot I've even worn tracks sewn-in in the back before for a hair show and long after(although I would never do it again because a portion of my hair broke off)-eventhough I have relatively long hair. I think men should get over it! Appreciate the woman not only her hair!
missyT said:
When it comes to men though (black men in particular), isn't there this thing about dating a gal with her own hair? So when they find out, if they don't know from the start, that the hair is not real, they get put off.

My husband loves long hair (fake or real). I had a brief weave a couple years ago (brief because I couldn't stand the itching and took it out), and my husband was complaining to me about how I should leave it in. Although recently I told him I was thinking about getting a wig and he was like noooooooooo....

I have two male friends who don't like any type of extensions, but that's their choice..one of my friends says he doesn't like Beyonce because she has fake hair, but I bet if she asked him out he would go in a minute.

Can I just add that from 1990-1995 my girlfriends and I wore weaves and we got treated soooo bad by other black women when we went out together. It was horrible. It never stopped us though...once there were women who actually made up a song about hair weaves when we walked by and yelled and clapped to it on beat "Hair weave" clap clap "Hair Weave" clap clap..I guess this was supposed to be to the beat of The Clapper...we were called Envogue etc..it was bad :mad: ..Maybe they thought we were trying to pass it off as our own hair :confused: :confused: I just don't get it...we always laughed it off, and never let it change us....I wonder if that would happen in 2005? I really hope not....its just hair.
I don't think anything when I see a woman with a weave or some extensions as long as it is kept neat and looks good. Same with real hair. Long hair doesn't look good if you don't take care of it.
So my thing is whatever you decide to do with your hair, make sure it looks right on you and adds to your looks, not take away from them.
your weave looks so natural and nice missyT. Honestly, if I saw you in the street I would just assume it was all yours. :)
missyT said:
For those of you who wear extentions, weaves ect. do you ever feel intimidated or slightly insecure when you come across sistah's with long real hair?
Not at all. I have braids with extensions, and I wear them confidently because I know my own natural hair is thick, strong and beautiful. I'm doing the braid thing now to give my hair a rest and give me a rest from handling it every day. I feel no insecurity whatsoever when I see women with long real hair; it makes me feel good to see that, since it's not something you see regularly. More power to them, I say; the longer the better, as long as it's healthy.