Every Black Man's Dream

What I Think Black Men Want

  • Long hair~mid shoulder blades

    Votes: 265 99.3%
  • Short hair

    Votes: 2 0.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

My Friend

New Member
While having lunch with a co worker, we both noticed the bsl/mbl hair of this woman who walked by. After we both shared unspoken :lick: dreams of having her hair, my co worker then said " Every black man's dream" and then continued to eat her lunch.

Do you guys think this is true? I know men love short cuts too and some don't care but if they had to choose between long and short, which one do you think most would choose?

Long = mid shoulder blades or longer
I can certainly see where you're co-worker was going with that claim. But, I just think it's too general of a statement. My older brother really digs the Halle Berry cut on his woman. And truthfully, in his adult years that's all I have ever seen him bring home (girls with sassy bobs).

But I think longer hair is somehow equated with sex appeal and sex. So I wouldn't say long hair is a black man's dream but more so many men's dreams.
One cannot make a generalization of what ALL men want. I do not even think one can say MOST men prefer a particular hair length.

I can only go by what I've seen personally which is my dad. My dad's wife rocks a Platinum blonde fade. My mom rocked a short cut too for their entire marriage. Of the women that I recall him dating long-term, 4 had short cuts (ear length) and only 1 had long hair (APL).

While having lunch with a co worker, we both noticed the bsl/mbl hair of this woman who walked by. After we both shared unspoken :lick: dreams of having her hair, my co worker then said " Every black man's dream" and then continued to eat her lunch.

Do you guys think this is true? I know men love short cuts too and some don't care but if they had to choose between long and short, which one do you think most would choose?

Long = mid shoulder blades or longer
My SO loves my hair at whatever length.

But I would say majority of men like long hair.
Yeah, most men (not all) regardless of skin color prefer long hair. :yep:
Or put it like this, they don't like buzz cuts or crew cuts for the most time.

However, my father was an exception to that. He absolutely loved a woman with short hair! :grin:
Dh doesn't care as long as its not a wig or weave, my brother likes locs, my dad doesn't care either. And most of the other black men i know are with ww or lw so i don't know about them.
LOL @ our dads. My dad loves short hair too, as does my white neighbor who thinks black women with TWA are FIYAH!

I do think long hair is indeed associated with sex appeal and femininity: "A woman's hair is her glory" so it's not odd that long hair is indeed a turn on for a lot of men. But there are indeed some men who don't care one way or another, which I think is a great thing because hair can come and go and it'd be sad for someone to stop seeing beauty in his girl because she had to cut her hair or lose it to illness.

Some men don't even know what they like and a little confidence in a woman can help them figure out that it is her length (whatever that may be) that they liked all along. :giggle:
My dad loves hair that is very short. He likes long hair, too, but he isn't too fond of in-between lengths.
I've never met a guy that likes short hair. I don't think it's race specific, I think men in general are fond of long hair. I don't think most of them make it a priority though...there are more important features to be concerned with.
It seems to be human nature to project our insecurites and desires on others so when we make generalities about another sect its probably due to our own subjective ideas....we desire long hair therefore men must desire long hair....I have always found it wise not to think for others but instead ask what they think. Not only does it bring about greater comprehension but it also incurs respect. I think one of the most attractive qualities in anyone is confidence and if its true confidence it doesn't matter whats growing out of your head only what's in it.
I can speak from my experience. I don't know what all black men like, but I do know I got FAR more attention with my short pixie HB cut than longer hair, for sure and without a doubt. I am always confused when women say otherwise. When I had longer hair, nada. My father liked my mother's hair which is WL and my husband doesn't care as long as its natural. He really digs short hair, too. He doesn't care for stretched out bsl/wl hair, never has, and doesn't care to see me with it. So all men are different. I do think confidence matters and if it flatters the face, then thats all they care about.
Generalizations are not fair to everyone. But, having said that, many men, including my husband, expressed their love of my long hair. Take with it as you will.
i don't think most men care too much about length, most may truly like long hair better, but it's not a factor in who they date or marry. however, i have run across those who will not date women with short cuts.
I've never had hair past SL my entire life and I've NEVER had a problem attracting men. And both men and women are always approaching me complimenting my hair.

Yes some men (black and white) do prefer long hair but I don't think its as big of a deal as some of us make it out to be.

ETA: I think I'm one of those exceptions where long hair just doesn't suit me. Most of my male friends and men I've dated have told me they prefer me with shorter hair. Even now that I'm trying to grow to APL, I still plan on having layers. Long hair just isn't cute on everyone.

I've even had those guys that are like normally they are attracted to long hair but they just love how shorter hair looks on me. Most of those guys get an eye roll from me, bc they say it like I should be honored they are talking to me with my short hair- its comes across kinda like those "you're cute for a dark skinned girl" type comments.
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I think *most* black men like the look of long (healthy) hair but they may prefer the practicality of shorter hair. I won't say it's every black man's dream, though.
my (veery new) SO prefers long hair, loves when its healthy and is absolutely positively 100% in support of my HHJ & goals. he has only dated black women and prefers long hair in general, not just on me - but when it is real; he's not a fan of a long weave when your real hair is drastically shorter. i just thank God he is supportive of my HHJ habits and quirks! lol.
All I know is the only times random black men have complimented me on my hair specifically was when I had a twa and when I had a pixie cut. So I don't think long hair is every BMs ideal.
I think that men prefer healthy hair to chewed up, unhealthy hair unequivocally...length, meh...I know it's MY dream, lol!
i think they just want the hair to look nice, weather it's long or short. That FRESH from the salon look is what their after. Your hair could be as long as you want it to be, but if it looks raggedy/unpresentable then it's a wrap.
It seems to me that most men do prefer longer hair, but it needs to be healthy looking and it certainly isn't a deal breaker for most men if you don't have long hair. A lot of other things can trump long hair. But I have noticed that when a woman has long beautiful hair no matter her race, many men stare, no matter their race.
The only hair discussions I’ve seen men engage in all centered on “real” versus “fake” hair; the long and short of it, so to speak, didn’t appear to be a relevant factor.
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I can't speak for all men, but my DH always tells me he loves my long hair.

I think that most men like long hair on us.
Yeah, most men (not all) regardless of skin color prefer long hair. :yep:
Or put it like this, they don't like buzz cuts or crew cuts for the most time.

However, my father was an exception to that. He absolutely loved a woman with short hair! :grin:
I agree. When I met DH, I had a bob. Shortly thereafter, I cut it like Halle Berry. He thought both were sexy. But when my hair grew long BSL and longer, he liked that too.

What I have realized is that most men like long hair. But as long as you are WORKING a do, whether short or long, they're attracted to how it compliments the woman. I think what bothers black men, or men in general, is the dependence on weaves and all of the other stuff, to the detriment of your own hair. For the most part, though, as long as the hair makes you look good, they'll dig it.