Ever regret....


Well-Known Member
Not transitioning longer? I know this may sound crazy as hell but for some reason when i see transitioners, i wish i would have transitioned longer myself and i get kinda envious. I get the urge to relax my hair JUST so i can transition... crazy... i know
Yes, because I would have most assuredly reached Hip Length and maybe even TBL by now (I was BSL relaxed, and after 4 years of growth, I'm BSL again). But I've never regretted my decision to go natural.
This is my 3rd time bc'ing, but the only time I really transitioned. The 1st two times I bc'd about two months after the last relaxer. The 2nd time I bc'd I hated the short hair and was very unhappy initially. So this, my 3rd (and final:)) time going natural, I transitioned for a year. This has been much less stressful.
Years ago i bc after just 3 or 4 months. At first i loved my decision but my hair grew to a stage where i could do nothing with it - not even a ponytail. Since i hate all false hair (both the look and my scalp is very sensitive) i relaxed.
This time round i'm almost 1 year post and will not bc until at least all my hair can be pulled into one.

During this transition i am learning about
my natural hair. Ive also recently done a few successful braid outs, learnt how to flat twist, my cornrows are getting better and better and i'm rocking some great protective styles recently.

When i do bc i won't be in 'shock' as i would have learnt how to style my natural
hair, instead of thinking my only option is a wash n go or extension braids.
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Sometimes I feel the same way you do, OP. Though I want to relax for an extra reason...hair straightening. I'm scared of flatirons and such with my natural hair lol. I tried to flatiron my hair once and I used a bunch of heat protectant, and I didn't realize that the protectant also helped shield your hair from reversion, lol. I freaked out when I splashed some water on my hair and it wasn't going back. :lol: Was shook for a good minute.

I think part of me also likes the way transitioning hair looks, oddly enough. It's like, "yeah, I've got two textures. So what?" I also know that if I would have still been at it now, 13 months later, I'd have BSL hair, lol. I fight with myself often because it's difficult for me to PS my hair right now. It's hot as hades up here, and I just got tree braids and my head is itching like crazy, and I have bumps but they're not tight at all. I think I'm allergic to synthetic hair. :(
Nope. I was just thinking about this. Never before have I been able to experience my hair at each length as it grows and I'm enjoying it. I especially like the feeling of actually being able to tell it's closer to not being a TWA anymore...plus transitioning was getting annoying.
Not really, but I did enjoy transitioning. It was kinda fun, watching the little curls I never knew I had sprouting up.
Yes. The first time I went natural back in 2004, I chopped after only 2 months and I tried to pretend to like my short hair but I really didn't. I texlaxed in 2008 and decided last year to transition for the last time, but I promised myself I'd transition for at least a year and now that I've made it there I'm trying to make it to 18 months.
This exactly why I'm long term transitioning.

I hate short hair and if I had BC'd I would have had to deal wih short hair plus ignorance on how to care for it.

My friend is trying to convince me I need to experience having a TWA....uh no thanks.
Yes, Yes, and YES.

but I also get the dang why did I big chop at two inches? I should try the FADE urge pretty often too. So clearly I'm insane.
Not transitioning longer? I know this may sound crazy as hell but for some reason when i see transitioners, i wish i would have transitioned longer myself and i get kinda envious. I get the urge to relax my hair JUST so i can transition... crazy... i know

lol, sometimes i wish i transitioned longer to have more length i think id maybe be MBL close to WSL if I did...but I'm happy i Bc'd earlier because i got to get familiar with my hair in all its stages and I didn't really experience any "awkward" stages while my hair was growing out i think it was more exciting to watch it grow versus it always being long
I get impatient all the time to see my hair fully natural! But since I won't cut my hair myself, by the time I go through the process of making an appointment, I calm down.

I want to make sure I can make a pony before I cut off the ends.
No I don't regret Bc'ing at 5 months post. For me cutting off my relaxed ends got rid of my temptation to end my transition and relax. The two textures were sooo different that it became a real chore to do my hair. I went back to my old faithful protective style of wearing sew ins, they helped me reach BSL when relaxed hopefully it will be just as easy now that I am natural.
I'm transitioning now. And I'm very close to bc'ing at almost a year post, but I only have 4 inches of hair. My relaxed is pretty much gone for, so I really have no choice.
Do the people that regreted have healthy relaxed ends?
no i dont have that urge. i actually transitioned for 11 months but when i chopped i did so down to 1 inch of hair. i initially wanted a certain amount of natural hair so that i wouldnt have to deal with short hair since ive never had short hair. but because of heat damage i had to bc down to 1 inch of hair and im glad i did. i get to enjoy each stage of my hair.
I sometimes regret not transitioning longer especially since when I went natural I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't learn how to properly care for my hair until last year and I've been natural since I was 15, I'm 22 now. I guess you can say I transitioned for 3 months? I got my last perm October 11,2003 (I remember because it was homecoming weekend my sophmore year) and then decided to shave it all off that same day except maybe an inch on the top. Then in Feburary of the next year, my stylist cut the relaxed hair off.

And OP, I thougt I was the only one who got the urge to relax again just to transition properly. It's like if I knew then what I know now kinda thing.
Nah, I enjoyed having short hair for a while. That was a first for me. It was nice to just wash and go.