Ever regret....

No regrets whatsoever. I'm not a fan of transitioning so I was very happy when I had enough hair to BC. I bc'd at almost 8 months post. I was anxious to see my natural hair and experiment with different hairstyles.
Had my relaxed hair been healthier I probably would have been a LONG TERM transitioner (2-3years worth).. but my relaxed hair was damaged, cut off, uneven etc etc so it was better for me to just forget about it and focus on my healthy new hair :yep:
I am guessing that where the textures were most different....the back of my head... Well those relaxed ends broke off long ago. I still have relaxed ends in the front and sides and texture differences haven't been a problem. Quite frankly, what is it I can do with my hair cut that I can't do now beyond wash and gos? I don't yet see what I am missing.
I sometimes regret not transitioning longer especially since when I went natural I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't learn how to properly care for my hair until last year and I've been natural since I was 15, I'm 22 now. I guess you can say I transitioned for 3 months? I got my last perm October 11,2003 (I remember because it was homecoming weekend my sophmore year) and then decided to shave it all off that same day except maybe an inch on the top. Then in Feburary of the next year, my stylist cut the relaxed hair off.

And OP, I thougt I was the only one who got the urge to relax again just to transition properly. It's like if I knew then what I know now kinda thing.
The first time i transitioned for a year.. if i would have known what i know now, i would have gone for another 2 years ..
Well MsLizziA and JaszyFaye....feel free to tell us transitioners what you guys wish you knew then that you know now lol
Not transitioning longer? I know this may sound crazy as hell but for some reason when i see transitioners, i wish i would have transitioned longer myself and i get kinda envious. I get the urge to relax my hair JUST so i can transition... crazy... i know

Yes. :look:

But it got to a point where I basically had to decide between relaxed and natural hair. The two were no longer peacefully co-existing. One of my natural girlfriends told me "if you ever get to the point where you just can't take it anymore - it's better to cut it off than reach for the relaxer." So I did.

I'm okay with it now, but I do wish I could've hung in there a little longer before I cut. :yep:
I regret not finding this board earlier since I would have known about transitioning and how to care for the hair. Maybe I would have transitioned longer and have more length. But I wouldn't have known what I look like with a BC. That really was fun.
I transitioned for 8 months then bc'd, loved it until, my friend who had been transitioning and clipping off the perm hair little by little bc'd after like a year and some change, oh and some pre-natal pills (cheater), well it wasn't necessarily a bc but, she's like APL now and I got kind of jealous lol so yeah I wish I would've transitioned longer, but I didn't know then what I know now and I couldn't take that awkward hair anymore. But I can puff my hair now, so all is well in my land lol.
I regret not finding this board earlier since I would have known about transitioning and how to care for the hair. Maybe I would have transitioned longer and have more length. But I wouldn't have known what I look like with a BC. That really was fun.

I totally agree with you.
Yes. I would have middle back length curls by now. I discovered my favourite products and techniques (especially oil rinsing and co-washing with a light protein) after my chop and they would have helped so much. I had information overload and still important missing pieces when I was transitioning.
Well MsLizziA and JaszyFaye....feel free to tell us transitioners what you guys wish you knew then that you know now lol
At the time that i was transitioning, i wish i would have known i had so many styling options and actually learned how to do my hair. I wish i would have found LHCF also.
At the time that i was transitioning, i wish i would have known i had so many styling options and actually learned how to do my hair. I wish i would have found LHCF also.

Seriously... what am I missing by keeping my relaxed ends?

I know I am giving up the wash and go, and that IS a hardship as I'd like o see my hair that way and that is what makes me so jealous when I see other people who are 100 percent natural.

But... because I still have my relaxed ends, I was able to rock a donut bun for church yesterday. Nothing beats a bun when you need to get going some place in a hurry.

Other than the wash and go.... I can do twist outs, bantu knot outs, braid outs...

What am I missing because I still have my relaxed ends?
I BC'ed on a whim about 14 days after my last relaxer and the only thing I regret about it was that I didn't go natural YEARS earlier! I have thouroughly enjoyed each and every stage of my natural hair and am still enjoying watching it grow to this day!
At the time that i was transitioning, i wish i would have known i had so many styling options and actually learned how to do my hair. I wish i would have found LHCF also.

So the fact that I'm totally upset with this site and learning as much as possible is a good thing?? :yep:
I BC'ed at two months post - I don't regret it at all. It wasn't just about going natural - I wanted a new, fresh start as well so it was right on time.
Do you guys find the growth rate about the same now as it was before the BC or does your new hair knowledge help boost it just a wee bit?
I was a long term transitioner, it took me over two years to transition to natural and although it was difficult at times, I did learn so much about myself and my hair...I envy the ladies who did the BC because I think that a different type of education...The grass is always greener, I guess.
Do you guys find the growth rate about the same now as it was before the BC or does your new hair knowledge help boost it just a wee bit?
I honestly couldn't tell you because i was not paying attention to all that when i started.
YES!!! I bc'd at 9 weeks post and at first I loved it, but now it's just irritating. My wash n go looks horrible, flat twists make me look like a kid and it's not long enough for me to wear headbands. So right now I'm wearing wigs. My relaxed hair was healthy and stretching was no problem for me...I wish I had been more patient.
Do you guys find the growth rate about the same now as it was before the BC or does your new hair knowledge help boost it just a wee bit?

I feel like mine has been boosted simply because my hair stays moist (via co-washes 2-3xweek, and nightly baggying). I transitioned for 8 months and it was truly a relief to BC! I'm glad I did it.
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I feel divided...

I am glad I bc'd because:

1. My hair will never be this short again. So, it was one time in my life to see my hair short and curly. And I heard that as your hair grows the curl can loosen and look different. So, I wanted to see it in every stage. :ohwell:

2. Plus i can wash/wet my hair as much as i want and stimulate my scalp now without any concerns about relaxed ends. I don't have to roll my ends on rods like I had to when i was relaxed and natural. It's much faster with all natural hair.

I wish I hadn't bc'd so soon because:

1. I regret not having length to put my hair in ponytails and just lenth period. I feel prettier with longer hair. And there's much more versatility with lenth IMO.
2. Men really do treat me differently. They show obvious disappointment. One man I work with out of the blue said "does your hair grow fast?" :lachen:
Do you guys find the growth rate about the same now as it was before the BC or does your new hair knowledge help boost it just a wee bit?

Honestly, my hair was really only "short" when I chose for it to be that way, which wasn't often, lol. My hair seems to grow about the same rate. The difference is that unlike others' experience, I saw my growth better when I was relaxed. Natural, it's like...it all looks the same...:lachen:I only know because I straight up stretch it out and measure it sometimes. :look:
Honestly, my hair was really only "short" when I chose for it to be that way, which wasn't often, lol. My hair seems to grow about the same rate. The difference is that unlike others' experience, I saw my growth better when I was relaxed. Natural, it's like...it all looks the same...:lachen:I only know because I straight up stretch it out and measure it sometimes. :look:

umm...yeah I'm guilty of measuring my NG from time to time :lachen: