Ever regret....

I was a long term transitioner, it took me over two years to transition to natural and although it was difficult at times, I did learn so much about myself and my hair...I envy the ladies who did the BC because I think that a different type of education...The grass is always greener, I guess.

At what length did you start your transition? The reason why I ask is because I'm newly long-term transitioning at bsb.
I love the honesty in this thread, so thanks ladies and OP for opening up the topic. :yep:

I'm almost 6 months in and I'm doing just fine transitioning. As eager as I am to see my natural hair, I fight the bc urge because I know I want to have a years worth of growth because that's what is comfortable for me.
Nope....12 months was perfect for me. I couldn't deal with the two textures anymore, plus I was at a good length when I chopped.

Maybe if I had started transitioning in the wintertime and had to keep my hair set in one style for more than 3-4 days (i.e. rollersets and blowouts), it would have been easier to deal with the two textures. If I had started transitioning in December, I would have only been 6 months post come June, and would have been able to ignore that voice begging me to rock a WNG.
No I don't regret it. My hair was SL, thick, just lovely.. I never would have done the BC if I continued having all that pretty hair LOL I cut it before I had transitioning BSL hair that I would not have been able to cut. Hopefully that makes sense.

Once I cut my hair I hated the length a few weeks later. A year later it was longer than it was a year earlier. I'd probably be tailbone length if I didn't cut it BUT most likely that would not have happened since I could never get past APL with relaxed hair.

OP, whether you relax your curls or not your hair will still grow out the same. Let's assume you have 10 inches of natural hair. Well if you transition then that's 10 inches of relaxed hair you will have to cut off. You really want to cut all that new growth off? I still think you're better off doing BKT since you seem to like straight styles much better. At least you can let it wear off in case you miss your natural hair. My dos centavos! I wish you luck.
This personally why I'm long term transitioning. I personally don't have the face for short croped hair. Medium length hair is made for my face shape.

That, and when I go natural, I want to easily go into styling my hair into puffs, Afros, and pretty braids.
For me it's a grass is always greener situation (I transitioned for 12 1/2 months).

On the one hand I wish my hair was a wee bit longer right now so I could do more with it. Even though I enjoy the freedom of just washing my hair, slapping on a leave in and being out the door.

And on the other I look at someone like TriniChutney's (sp?) BC pics and wish I'd chopped earlier to a really Teenywa.
I love this thread...
My hair is at an awkward stage right now. I'm about twelve and a half months post relaxer and I bc'ed at about nine months post, but I went to a barber and he cut some of my natural hair as well so I probably have about ten months of growth now. I'm just starting to regret cutting when I did...but then I think about my "hair past" and realize it was for the best. My mother was anal about my hair when I was younger. I never had hair shorter than APL until 2008, WELL after I was out of my parents house, because I wasn't allowed to cut my hair. Then I went crazy. I went to neck length and was gonna cut more, but some people talked me out of it. Anyway, I said all that to say that I'd probably chop my natural hair off if I'd grown it out before seeing it short. This way, when it's all said and done, I can say I've had long, medium, and short hair, both relaxed AND natural...and I won't have the urge to chop "because I've never seen my natural hair short".
Its not that i like straight styles, i actually really love my curls and textured styles. Its just that sometimes i wonder the what if. Ya know...
I transitioned for a year. After I BC'd I immediately wished I had transitioned longer. A year of newgrowth was a lot shorter than I thought, so it made the whole BC experience a little too shocking, which is what I think causes some people to do something drastic (i.e. re-relax). Now, 2 years later, it's all good, I don't even really think about it. I do try to encourage people to transition for as long as they possibly can, unless they are just bout it bout it, because a new texture PLUS a new short length can be quite a shock.
No. I haven't really had much chance to anyway, because much of my straight relaxed ends have already either broken off or been cut, so now it's already looking pretty much like a (very messy) afro :ohwell:. I only regret not transitioning earlier, like right at the start of my journey in 2008, as I could have had healthier hair now, be at APL/BSL and in a big lovely afro :afro:
I am glad NOW that I BCed to a TWA because I wouldnt even know where to begin with this much natural hair. I probably would have relaxed :( At the time I was really sad bc I went from shoulder length and beyond hair to about 2-3 inches
I transitioned for a year. After I BC'd I immediately wished I had transitioned longer. A year of newgrowth was a lot shorter than I thought, so it made the whole BC experience a little too shocking, which is what I think causes some people to do something drastic (i.e. re-relax). Now, 2 years later, it's all good, I don't even really think about it. I do try to encourage people to transition for as long as they possibly can, unless they are just bout it bout it, because a new texture PLUS a new short length can be quite a shock.

i just reread this thread n i cannot believe u said "bout it bout it"

Nope. I chopped after a 3 month transition and honestly, I looked FAB!!! I didn't know if I'd look good with short hair or not but I do. I LOVE not having to do much but cowash, slap some gel on and go. I'm a high maitence kinda girl so this is new to me and I like it!!

I have about 4 1/2in of hair now and sometimes I wish it was a bit longer for a proper braidout or whatever but I love the ease of my twa. Not to mention it's what I need right now with a 21 month old and a baby due in Dec. I guess the timing was right.
I am the opposite, I transitioned for 6 months and wish I chopped after month one. I feel like I missed out on the super short hair. My hair is BSL now, so no going back now, at least not until I reach WL.
I wish I could have but my hair was suffering. I stopped caring about breakage, I knew it was time to chop then. I think I was just heavily anticipating being natural. I don't know who has it in their siggy but it goes something like I have all my life to be natural, something like that. I'm like forreal, lol

I'm just used to ponytails and now I see lots of cute transitioning styles. But really styling wasn't my problem, it was wash days. Yikes
Yeah because I hate not having long hair. But it seems that transitioning is the trend now. Not saying that people aren't doing it because they want to though.