Naturals, what do you do when the urge...

I haven't relaxed since 2001. I can't say that I ever had the urge to go back, not even transitioning. My scalp just couldn't take it. I did flat iron a lot the first few years.

Nowadays, I do get the urge to straighten, so i flatiron every once in a blue moon.
I've always wanted to try a weave just for the sake of having one. But I'd have to be curly. I loooove da curls. Loose, tight, it's all right!
I'm the SAME way this is my first time trying a weave-esqe style and I knew I wanted one with hair that was curly....I loooooove the curls I have in right now....didja see my crochet braids in my siggy Enyo? I luvs em:love2:
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I sometimes have as strong urge to relax. Then I think about my thinning edges and nape when I was relaxed. Plus the right side of my hair stayed thin. That usually does it.
I never get the urge to relax because I can easily straighten my hair with a flat iron when I want to rock it straight, but I hardly desire to wear my hair straight. Now the urge I do get is to CUT my hair...especially when I'm bored or frustrated with my hairs behavior lol.
I just had the urge to relax last weekend after a crazy straightening session but my husband talked me out of it. Hence, the twist style I have in my sig now. By the time I'm done w/these, the urge will have passed :-)

I think about the time it takes to go from a TWA to SL and that curbs my appetite right there! LOL Even if you don't BC, you will be missing out on those gorgeous coils, kinks and curls all over when you have those straight ends again.

So to me, its not worth it if you're not 100% sure to relax. Just sleep on it and if you still feel like relaxing the next day, put your hair under something- a hat, quickweave, wig or braids.

Your hair will thank you for your patience in the long run! I can't wait to have a BIG curly puff or pony.

This does it for me! Just the thought of going through that awkward phase again is enough. You do what you have to do to get through it but you don't want to do it again. And I know if I ever relaxed, it would be followed very soon by another BC.

I've vented on here before when I was discouraged but since then my straightening technique has improved. So when I want straight hair, I just go for it. I prefer the thickness of straightened natural hair and can always go back to my curls.
I never get the urge to relax because I can easily straighten my hair with a flat iron when I want to rock it straight, but I hardly desire to wear my hair straight. Now the urge I do get is to CUT my hair...especially when I'm bored or frustrated with my hairs behavior lol.

Ohh I had that one just yesterday... A little dusting off my crappy ends and the urge is gone.
I cowash and admire the kinks. That usually snaps me right out of it. I would miss my coils too much.

Also, I might pull my hair back and just stare at the waves. lol That helps too. I think I would miss my natural hair too much.
I've honestly never had the urge to relax again. I loved my relaxed hair, but I'm natural for life now. I can't imagine having to do touchups again.:nono:

When I get the urge for straight hair, I just straighten it.

Also, I totally agree with BMP's post.:yep:
It's easy for me not to relax, I ain't got much hurr now, LOL! As it gets longer, I will be stalking all the natural 4a/b's like me on how the straighten with a CHI or rollers.
I found that going and looking at natural hair pics and fotkis of people that may be your hair inspirations always seems to work for me.
Flat iron. Oh and I think about the maintainence of relaxed hair. I feel like you're kinda a slave to the relaxer after you've done it, because you have to keep doing it, even if you stretch your relaxers you still have to do it again, and again, and again if you plan to remain relaxed. With natural hair you just do whatever you want. Just my opinion.
To relax hits? That is, if you DO ever get the urge... or even the curiosity.
I personally just wait it out and the phase passes. Or I will just flat iron my hair and after about a week I miss my kinks. I always think that if I relax it I will regret it within a week, plus, transitioning is no joke!

Let's encourage our fellow naturals when times get tough!:yep:
I don't get the urge to relax, texturize or straighten my hair via pressing comb or flat iron. I'm too addicted to my natural hair to go back to that.
I have had urges to texlax when me and my frenemie Shrinkage go at it and I lose.

So I will put it up and away before I get my hands slapped. With the summer months coming I am trying my darndest not to do twist extensions because I don't want to keep updating the twists I have been doing for the past several months.

I am still in a mental debate about this one. I was trying to challenge myself not to use anymore fake hair, BUT........
I had relaxed hair for close to 15 years but since becoming natural I don't even have slightest the desire to press or ceramic it straight -I'm just way too in love with my natural hair texture!
Also, I think the main long term incentive for me not to relax again is that I had to BC more than 16" of hair to become natural so I felt it was a serious commitment I was undertaking. I spent many months...maybe even a full year soul searching the reasons why I wanted to be natural before I took to the scissors. Now 8 months into my journey, I am more than ready to be a kinky curly girl for life! Heck, I can always weave or wig it if I desire to have straight hair again but for some reason straight just doesn't appeal to me now at all.
When i get the urge, I remember my relaxed hair texture or i think of how horrible the creamy crack was..

If that doesnt work, I call my stylist and install some braids/cornrows ASAP!
I've never had the urge to relax because once I made the decision to go natural, I also made the decision never to relax again.

I rarely get the urge to straighten, because I don't like straight hair on me anymore.
I've been natural for almost 15 years and the first time I had the urge to relax, (well, texlax really), was after joining LHCF. When I went natural I didn't do a bc, I transitioned and the relaxed ends either broke off or were chopped off with time. I didn't have a plan, didn't know what I was doing, just decided that I no longer wanted to go the chemical route. I didn't have good, healthy hair habits because I had no idea that there was such a thing. I didn't believe that I could have healthy hair with a relaxer because of the damage that I was so used to seeing in my own hair. After lurking and joining LHCF, I realized that healthy hair and relaxers are not mutually exclusive. So it has been tempting at times, but the one thing that absolutely keeps me away from chemicals is all of the horror stories about stylists. I haven't been to a stylist in 15 years, (some braiders yes, but not stylists), and I am terrified to go. So unless I miraculously get over this fear, I'm just going to admire those relaxed heads while I sport my DIY creations and enjoy my natural hair.
*I make sure I remember the large patch of hair my last relaxer burned off
*how thin it makes my hair
*to me its a lot more complicated to take care of relaxed hair
And I don't think anyone is that dense that they don't know about pressing combs, roller sets, Dominicans, and flat irons.

I'd never heard of roller sets to straighten hair nor Dominican blow outs before coming to the internet to see what people in other regions did. I think some people don't realize Dominicans aren't all over the US.
When I first BC'd, relaxing was on my mind constantly. Now...? I can't think of the last time I even thought about it. The thought of relaxing my hair honestly repulses me now. I can't ever see myself having relaxed hair again. IF I did decided I wanted straight hair, I would just press it.
I've never gotten the urge to relax, but I have gotten the urge to straighten it with heat and be done with it! (I feel you Omachine on the Dominican blowouts). I just recently started getting over that phase by wearing half-wigs over cornrows, and now no urges. Couldn't be easier and no damage too.

I agree that it depends on the mentality and reasons behind going natural in the first place. I'm so dead set against relaxers for both political and personal reasons that there is no way I'd get that urge.

But... A few times I caught myself swooning over the commercials of long, silky flowing Euro hair and I hate myself for reverting back to that little brainwashed 9-year old and wishing it was me, even if just for a split second. It doesn't last though. I love the texture and feel of my hair and there's no way I'd jeopardize these frizzy curls. I also love the extremely low maintenance of my natural hair.
I guess it's your mindset. The idea of relaxing really puts me off. I don't miss the burning, the stink of the chemicals, and the limp hair that relaxers gave me. Plus my poor thin edges can't take anymore! When I last relaxed my hair I decided that chemicals were not an option - period. I think having such a determined foundation is what protected me all these years. Plus, I spent a lot of time on sites that were only for natural hair. The PC trend is to say that every is welcome, etc., but I find that segregated sites can really be useful when you are trying to maintain a certain mindset.
Totally agreed! Nasdaq_Diva and relaxers is such an oxymoron :yep: lol.
I usually get the urge to relax when I can't figure out how to do a certain hairstyle. When I do get that urge I pull out my flat iron.
I never get the urge to relax. My hair was always short and thin when I had a relaxer and I hated spending money on touch-ups. Whenever I get the urge to have straight hair, I weave it up or buy a new wig.
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