Ethiopian Salons are doing healthy, BEAUTIFUL hair!!!

I think I'll pass on this one. If a Black American shop owner was talking about how nappy my hair was I would not hesitate to get to steppin'. I guess I wouldn't know if they were speaking another language but since you told me I think I'll pass.

If I avoided all the people who might talk about me in their language, I'd never do anything or go anywhere.
Jesus is cussing my happy black *** out in Spanish when he's cutting the grass in 95 degree weather, the Vietnamese lady is cussing me out doing my nails and feet, the Korean BSS owner is cussing me out for touching all the wigs and not buying... you get the point!:lachen: Just give em the side eye when you can't understand what they're saying. That's the international language of Oh hell naw!
If I avoided all the people who might talk about me in their language, I'd never do anything or go anywhere.
Jesus is cussing my happy black *** out in Spanish when he's cutting the grass in 95 degree weather, the Vietnamese lady is cussing me out doing my nails and feet, the Korean BSS owner is cussing me out for touching all the wigs and not buying... you get the point!:lachen: Just give em the side eye when you can't understand what they're saying. That's the international language of Oh hell naw!

True. But, it's not so much that you are talking about me...because I surly have had somethin' to say about some of my more interesting customers...but that you are going to do it WHILE I am sitting in your chair, in a language you DON'T think I can speak. Humph.:rolleyes: If you're gonna try and be bold and call me a heff* to my face, at least you can make sure that I understand and have the chance to reply. Don't try to have erbody in the shop laughing and ke-keing it up at my expense and not give me a chance to articulately defend myself.

If I don't know what you are saying, and I am sure there have been plenty of times when I haven't, then you might/probably get a pass. But if I understand what you are saying, or I have a friend who understands what you are saying (I can't tell you how many braid shops I have said "no thanks" before even sitting down after someone thought that my friend and I were ignorant of their French) then I am going to saying "thank you, but no thank you," cause I can spend my good hard earned dollas elsewhere...where someone will at least have the courtsey to let the good door hit before they start calling me a heff*.:lachen:
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Off topic a little:::: but that's what I always think in the nail salon too....that the chinese ladies are talking about people's feet in their language! haha

NOOOO! They say you so preeeetty! :lachen:

I've never been to an Ethiopian salon but it was an Ethiopian I went to learn how to shingle and ended up with what I call the ugliest hairdo I've ever worn. Methinks she might be good as she came highly recommended just not very adroit in working on 4B hair. Maybe if I'd given in to the suggestion to be texturized, I might've been happier with her work. Anyway, I don't go to stylists anymore. I'ma take the wheel on this one myself. Once bitten, twice shy.
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