Essence Bridal Bliss


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Thanks, Grandma!
Shavonn met her husband Hugh all thanks to a little help from her grandmother. At the time, she always took her grandmother to her doctor visits and Hugh was one of her surgeons. “She kept mentioning him to me,” says Shavonn. “She also kept telling him that he should reach out to her granddaughter.” Shavonn ignored her grandmother's efforts for almost two years, but then one day something changed. “I saw how much empathy he showed her as his patient,” she recalls. “I thought to myself, wow, this guy is really nice. We became friends and started dating a year later when I bought him surprise tickets to go to a Janet Jackson concert.” Even though the concert was cancelled, that night they hung out and shared drinks and laughs. It was then that Shavonn really knew that she and Hugh had something very special going on. “Ladies, it pays to take grandma to her doctor appointments,” she jokes. The happy couple dated for five years before Hugh popped the question.

Happy New Year
Shortly before New Year’s Eve, Hugh took Shavonn to a bed and breakfast in North Georgia. She didn’t see her proposal coming. “I thought to myself, no, he’d propose on New Year’s Eve, not three days before,” she recalls. That night they shared a romantic dinner and then retired to their room to relax. All of a sudden, Hugh told Shavonn to close her eyes and guess what was coming next. Tired of getting her guesses wrong, Shavonn opened her eyes sand saw Hugh down on bended knee. At first she thought she was dreaming, but then she was even more stunned when he pulled out a 3-carat diamond ring. She accepted, of course. She could barely contain her excitement. “I kept waking up in the middle of the night looking at my ring and thinking, wow, it did really happen.”

Six months later the happy couple made it official before their closest friends and family in a ceremony to remember. See their beautiful photos and share their love!
I don't want to be a Debbie downer but this guy looks so much older then her could it be the reason why she kept declining before giving in? Yes we all can find love but I hate the thought of having to settle for someone I was not even attracted to. The pics are nice and hey he's a doctor so I'm sure they are living comfortably and happy and that's what matters most.
This was making the rounds on facebook. Such a lovely couple! Wish them the best! Also, I love her grandma lol
He looks hurt in the face. Like literally. He looks like he was in a fight the night before. I wonder why he took 5 yrs to propose, they are older, right?