End of Summer '08 Waist Length Challenge!!

Hey everybody, I just wanted to know how everybody is doing? What kind of regiment are you guys using to get to waist length.
Gosh, I've been lurking on this thread for sooo long now. I really want to join, but I'm so bad with challenges(even though this is why I joined LHCF in the first place:perplexed). My hair is at midback, and I estimated last summer that maybe I could make it to waist by some time this summer. What exactly do I have to do to join(sorry - I haven't read every page)? Anyway, even if I don't join, just wanting you all to know, I'm cheering you on:yay::yay::yay:!!!
I truly hope my progress by April is worthy of pictures being taken:perplexed I know we have til' the end of summer but my growth just seems so slow.... I feel like I'm gonna let everybody down:sad: Anyway, no more trims for me! Hope everyone is seeing the progress they are expecting:Rose:

Aww don't worry about letting anyone down. We are doing this for ourselves I'm sure. And even still I think If your not waist length you will be pretty darn close and I don't know about you but 1 inch from waist length even two Ain't bad at all. I would take that lol. But hold on tight and take care of your hair like it's your baby.
Just checking in ya'll. I'm actually sitting under the dryer cuz I attempted a rollerset tonight :rolleyes:. I'm tired of paying $ to get my hair done.

Qtslim & everyone else, don't give up!! This is why it's called a challenge, plus even if you do not make it exactly to WSL, your hair should be pretty close :yep:.

Silverlotus is that the result of your rollerset in your avatar? Your hair is growing so beatifully.
I am getting kinky twist this week so i will proably not update in april but maybe, may or june! Okay, everyone stay encouraged and focused! ;-)
Wll I'm doig good so far. I have lots of new growth.And I will prolly update my siggy this week when I straighten it an then I wont post pics again until April. I'm havin a love/hate with my layers right now. In my siggy I combed all my hair back including my bangs which are shoulder length and someone made a comment that they weren't bangs anymore:rolleyes:. I like my layers but sometimes I want my hair to be all one length. But then thats why I got layers in the first place because it was all the same length. So I don't know yet. I know When I do make it to WL I might want to cut it back to MBL. So we will see if I change my mind ......yet again.
Hey everybody, I just wanted to know how everybody is doing? What kind of regiment are you guys using to get to waist length.

Honestly I really dont truely have a SET regimen. But I wash 2 times a week and I bun mostly and straighten or rollerset when I feel up to it. I just co washed yesterday so its in a bun. My next wash later on this week I will be wearing it down. I have been conditionig every other wash. Thats all Im doing.
Gosh, I've been lurking on this thread for sooo long now. I really want to join, but I'm so bad with challenges(even though this is why I joined LHCF in the first place:perplexed). My hair is at midback, and I estimated last summer that maybe I could make it to waist by some time this summer. What exactly do I have to do to join(sorry - I haven't read every page)? Anyway, even if I don't join, just wanting you all to know, I'm cheering you on:yay::yay::yay:!!!

All you have to do is do what you been doing to maintain your hair health and let it grow. We post pics i April the date is on the first page. And we post our last set in Sept.
Silverlotus is that the result of your rollerset in your avatar? Your hair is growing so beatifully.

Thank you, MSG :blush:. Yes it is from my rollerset after I combed the curls out. BTW, how about you get to WSL first before you start thinking about how you wanna cut it. It's just your love affair with scissors talking right now :lol: :spinning:.

Welcome to the new challengers! Right now, all I do is the basics.. wash & d/c 1x/week, airdry and bun along with moisturizing daily. I'm thinking about switching to rollersetting weekly cuz my hair seems to behave and hold moisture better when it's roller-set. BUT on the other hand, I lose more hair from roller-setting so I dunno what to do. Any advice guys?
Thank you, MSG :blush:. Yes it is from my rollerset after I combed the curls out. BTW, how about you get to WSL first before you start thinking about how you wanna cut it. It's just your love affair with scissors talking right now :lol: :spinning:.

Welcome to the new challengers! Right now, all I do is the basics.. wash & d/c 1x/week, airdry and bun along with moisturizing daily. I'm thinking about switching to rollersetting weekly cuz my hair seems to behave and hold moisture better when it's roller-set. BUT on the other hand, I lose more hair from roller-setting so I dunno what to do. Any advice guys?

I get better moisture with rollersetting to but I worry about all the manipulation. Usually a really good leavin helps with detangling. Are you having breakage or shedding? Because when I rollerset I do notice after it has dried I have had some broken cirled pieces when I comb it out. But you know what I only noticed that when i used setting lotion. I dont' recall it happening when i did it with just leave in what do you use?

and yes there are still visions of scissors dancing in my head :lachen:.
Nothing new ladies, I just wanted to say:

onyxcabelo, your wavy style is gorgeous, and your hair so shiny and thick too. I love this style on anyone, it's sexy!
I get better moisture with rollersetting to but I worry about all the manipulation. Usually a really good leavin helps with detangling. Are you having breakage or shedding? Because when I rollerset I do notice after it has dried I have had some broken cirled pieces when I comb it out. But you know what I only noticed that when i used setting lotion. I dont' recall it happening when i did it with just leave in what do you use?

and yes there are still visions of scissors dancing in my head :lachen:.

Well, I tried it again & some of the hairs are shed with a little breakage. I didn't use setting lotion, just leave-in... I think the breakage is from the comb. Anyway, I didn't even make it past the center row this time. It just takes me too much time. I need a day when I'm not tired & have nothing to do.
Bumping for all challengers.................how are you ladies coming along?

I'm definitely seeing progress, so I think WL hair by the end of the summer is still possible for me! :drunk: The first reveal for the LHCF Bootcamp is April 1st, so I will soon have an idea of how much further I have to go until I reach my ultimate goal!
Bumping for all challengers.................how are you ladies coming along?
Well Miss Cherokee, I haven't looked at my length since my SO did a dusting. My hair feels great I just can't look yet:covereyes I am staying in loose buns and being tight with my regimen and there's a lot of new growth. I'm a little frustrated with people asking me, "do you have any hair under that hat cause I never see your hair", or "Just take your hair out real quick so I can see it":angry2: I wanna say look, Im on a hair challenge mission and I don't care if you all think I'm smack bald!!! (sorry for the rant). Anyway, I will probably do a touch up in April right before I take pics. I can't wait to finally look and:Flahsssss! Hope everyone's tresses are speeding towards waistlength!:yep: HHG everybody!
I'm retouching today. I can't hold out any longer without damaging my hair. 10-12 weeks is enough. I do a length check and trim if I need to and evaluate progress.
Well Miss Cherokee, I haven't looked at my length since my SO did a dusting. My hair feels great I just can't look yet:covereyes I am staying in loose buns and being tight with my regimen and there's a lot of new growth. I'm a little frustrated with people asking me, "do you have any hair under that hat cause I never see your hair", or "Just take your hair out real quick so I can see it":angry2: I wanna say look, Im on a hair challenge mission and I don't care if you all think I'm smack bald!!! (sorry for the rant). Anyway, I will probably do a touch up in April right before I take pics. I can't wait to finally look and:Flahsssss! Hope everyone's tresses are speeding towards waistlength!:yep: HHG everybody!
Sounds like you're having good results!! I made a decision to do a personal No Length Check Challenge for myself back in February. No lie, I was checking my hair every week to see if the length was changing any. Unrealistic, I know. So, I got tired of seeing the same length over and over and over again. So a lightbulb went off in my head and made me realize that if I wasn't consistently checking my hair for length every week, I would see some progress. So, to start off small, I made myself commit to a challenge in which I wouldn't check the length of my hair for 2 months. So, from Feb. 11 to Apr. 15, I'm not checking the length of my hair. But I will say this: there is some growth going on up there, I can definitely feel it. I feel it more so in the back than anywhere else, but it's there. So, I will see what has happened when I do my length check. Happy Growing ladies!!!
Well, I'm new to this challenge, but I'm doing ok - I think:ohwell:. I'm getting a retouch(texturizer) on March 12th, which has been roughly 8 months since my last one. I'm anxious to see how much length I've gained, but I'm thinking I may not be able to keep it all since I haven't had a good trim in a while (I'll be trimming myself). Anyway - that's where I'm at:0).

Oh! And not checking the growth works wonders - I used to check almost weekly too and it drove me nuts, now I tuck it away and don't even bother looking - it really does help, because when you finally do take a look again you can say, " wow, I guess my hair really does grow:grin::yay:"!
Bumping for all challengers.................how are you ladies coming along?

I'm doing fine. I will be relaxing next week. I need ya'll to pray for me cuz I found a friend on campus to relax it for me, just hope she won't mess it up. Her hair always looks in good condition and there's no way in hell she's coming near me with a scissors so I should be ok. At least she is nice and speaks English so I can tell her exactly what I want w/o her getting an attitude.

I should officially be MBL by now, but I'll know for sure when this forest of ng gets tamed :spinning:.
Bumping for all challengers.................how are you ladies coming along?

I'm doing pretty good. I will be relaxing in 3 or 4 weeks. I'm inching up on Midback. My sides of my hair that are in the front are touching my nips. I should be there in May.I will use a tape measure to check. But we will see. My ends are holding up very nicely without trimming. I'm still in aww. They are as soft as the rest of my hair.