End of Summer '08 Waist Length Challenge 1st Reveal!!!

Everyone is making such beautiful progress, I can't wait until I am on a WL challenge lol. I'm still working on MBL :grin:
All of ya'll have made SUCH wonderful progress!!

Beautiful hair!! :yep: I don't get my press until the end of this week so I will check in with updates then.
Alot of people assume wl is where the belt is but thats not the case. Do you know how old people wear their pants on their real waist? Well people today hardly do that anymore(except the high waist pants style thats in:look:). So I could see how peeps get throwed off by that. My pants come a little above my hips. So I think most of the chicks who are claiming WL down there are actually REALLY close to HL if not there. You can feel your hip bone if you don't believe me:lachen:. My mom is a seamstress/nurse and I always remember her measuring the smallest part of my torso for my waist.

Ok! If I waited til my hair hits my belt, I'd be hip or maybe even past it.The last time I wore pants at my waist, I was 12 or so :lachen:.
Beautiful progress ladies :clap:
today my friend helped me to straighten my hair and with the high humidity here it turn into puff city :lachen: :afro: I'll try to update tomorrow if my hair and the weather allow me to:ohwell:...(not sure)
by the way i'm brastrap when stretched(not full):look:
Queeny, your hair looks long, wow. 7 inches seems like a lot to get to WSL, are you tall?

I think it's possible Queeny that you could have 7 inches until waist length. I have a T-shirt too and I'm 5'8". I'm BSL at 10. I will be MBL at 13. I estimate I would be waist length at about 16....so WL is another 6 inches for me beyond BSL at 10. You're an inch taller than me, which may or may not make a difference, but 7 inches could be possible.:yep:
I am far from WL and a challenge dropout but I thought I'd post my "reveal" pic anyway. I went wrong with too much flat ironing :sad:. I'm going to get a good trim and try to minimize direct heat for the rest of the year.

I almost forgot about the reveal!! Thanks for the reminder Mariposa!
I am so happy to see everyone is doing so well-even reaching WL waaay before the end of Sept! :congrats: Don't forget to cheer us on later!

Please excuse my photo. I know it's kinda bad with the flash, lovehandles, etc. My hair is currently braided up so it was the most recent straightened pic I could find. My question to you guys: Is where I drew the line my waist? I'm still confused about where exactly is one's waist. It seems like it's different on everyone.
I'm not in this challenge, but I'd like to say congratulations to all of you ladies. The pics I have seen in this 'reveal' show healthy, long hair. You've all made great progress, and the 'reveal' serves as inspiration for those, like me, who are not yet at MBL or WL, but are on their way :yep:

Okay so I had dh take a pic but the first one is up close and doesn't show the top of my head to prove I am not leaning back. Plus I think my arms were folded. The second one shows the top but not all of the bottom and I relaxed my arms. It appears I am a 9-9.5 on the progress in inches shirt so I gained about an inch since I took my FOTM pics in late January early February. I have 12 weeks until my anniversary to step it up and get some good growth. I think I will with the weather being warmer. Q

Whoa Queeny look at that cottony goodness! Great progress.

All the ladies in this thread have beautiful hair. :yep:
Here are mine..I'm not sure I will be there by the end of summer, since my hair grows so slow--but I will make it by the end of the year :yep:

The first pic is from nov...the second pic is from monday
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Here are mine..I'm not sure I will be there by the end of summer, since my hair grows so slow--but I will make it by the end of the year :yep:

The first pic is from nov...the second pic is from monday

Congrats to all the WL '08 ladies.....There is some beautiful hair up in here :)

Kbnax - your hair just gave me some MAJOR inspiration. Great job! My hair is a lil longer than your 1st photo. You got all that length in 5 mos?? Are you using growth aids? Are you a comber? Sorry for all the questions.
Here are mine..I'm not sure I will be there by the end of summer, since my hair grows so slow--but I will make it by the end of the year :yep:

The first pic is from nov...the second pic is from monday

Great progress! Keep up whatever you've been doing. Can't wait to see your pics at the end of the challenge. ;)
Awww, Q. You are my ultimate hair idol. Wow, love love the thickness.

Okay so I had dh take a pic but the first one is up close and doesn't show the top of my head to prove I am not leaning back. Plus I think my arms were folded. The second one shows the top but not all of the bottom and I relaxed my arms. It appears I am a 9-9.5 on the progress in inches shirt so I gained about an inch since I took my FOTM pics in late January early February. I have 12 weeks until my anniversary to step it up and get some good growth. I think I will with the weather being warmer. Q

Kbnax - your hair just gave me some MAJOR inspiration. Great job! My hair is a lil longer than your 1st photo. You got all that length in 5 mos?? Are you using growth aids? Are you a comber? Sorry for all the questions.


Thank u:blush:!
No I don't use any growth aids and yes I comb maybe 2-3x a week. My hair actually grows really slow. I probably get maybe a .25 inch a month. I was 1.5 month post in the 1st pic, so maybe that's why it looks longer--I don't know. Also, for some reason, in all my pics..my hair looks longer/better against my back than against my shirt:spinning:
I am far from WL and a challenge dropout but I thought I'd post my "reveal" pic anyway. I went wrong with too much flat ironing :sad:. I'm going to get a good trim and try to minimize direct heat for the rest of the year.


Your hair will recover in no time but you still have lovely hair. Can't wait to see it in September:yep:.
I almost forgot about the reveal!! Thanks for the reminder Mariposa!
I am so happy to see everyone is doing so well-even reaching WL waaay before the end of Sept! :congrats: Don't forget to cheer us on later!

Please excuse my photo. I know it's kinda bad with the flash, lovehandles, etc. My hair is currently braided up so it was the most recent straightened pic I could find. My question to you guys: Is where I drew the line my waist? I'm still confused about where exactly is one's waist. It seems like it's different on everyone.

Yes your line is right. And your hair is very pretty your natural aren't you?
Wow!!! Everyone's hair is coming along so nicely - I love this thread!!! MariposaSexyGirl - thanks so much for starting this challenge:Rose:.
Wow!!! Everyone's hair is coming along so nicely - I love this thread!!! MariposaSexyGirl - thanks so much for starting this challenge:Rose:.

Don't mind me...just a spy...but every time I come in this thread Im like :shocked::love:. All The beautiful ladies in this thread have made great progress.

ETA: I really love this thread. I always come back to it. Inspirational!
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sorry I'm late guys. My sides need to catch up looks like it's growing in a V. I'm about 1.5 inches past bra strap - only in the very back though. The sides are taking their own sweet time.:ohwell:


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    April Update - Journey to MBL.jpg
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hey ladies. i didn't forget to update. i washed my hair and blow-dried but my pics came out very crappy (dh wasn't home). i was also too lazy to flat-iron. maybe i'll flat iron a section and post the pic (whenever i find my flatiron) :drunk: