End of Summer '08 Waist Length Challenge 1st Reveal!!!

Okay so I had dh take a pic but the first one is up close and doesn't show the top of my head to prove I am not leaning back. Plus I think my arms were folded. The second one shows the top but not all of the bottom and I relaxed my arms. It appears I am a 9-9.5 on the progress in inches shirt so I gained about an inch since I took my FOTM pics in late January early February. I have 12 weeks until my anniversary to step it up and get some good growth. I think I will with the weather being warmer. Q

Queeny You have some gorgeous hair. Your doing a very good job:yep:
Here we go, I was in the other thread wondering what happened to everybody. I'm glad to see so many progress pics. :grin:

Here is my pic taken today -


Wow! Gorgeous!
Okay so I had dh take a pic but the first one is up close and doesn't show the top of my head to prove I am not leaning back. Plus I think my arms were folded. The second one shows the top but not all of the bottom and I relaxed my arms. It appears I am a 9-9.5 on the progress in inches shirt so I gained about an inch since I took my FOTM pics in late January early February. I have 12 weeks until my anniversary to step it up and get some good growth. I think I will with the weather being warmer. Q

whooow! beautiful hair!
i wish my hair looked remotely decent enough for me to take a picture:lol:
i think tomorrow i will stretch the bottom part of my hair (it is all shrunken up these days) to figure out where i am.

and i'm thinking of ending this transitioning business. :look:my hair is just jacked up!!
maybe at some other point in my life i'll do it. i'll be 16 weeks post next week.
Or maybe I should continue, and go to the salon next week so that I can try to look alright, especially since i am presenting at a conference at the end of the month. I gotta look decent.
Wow! You ladies have some beautiful hair.

I believe I joined this challenge, but I just got a much needed trim, so I'm slightly above BSL. :ohwell: I don't think I will make it by the end of Summer, but you never know...
Wow! Everyone's hair looks great! Here's mine - no time to style it, this was a wash/condition air dry with lite coconut oil. I gotta work on my ends, but I intend to do it slowly.

WTH?! Man you, got long DSylla hair!!!
You go...

All of you ladies are just inspirational...
Okay so I had dh take a pic but the first one is up close and doesn't show the top of my head to prove I am not leaning back. Plus I think my arms were folded. The second one shows the top but not all of the bottom and I relaxed my arms. It appears I am a 9-9.5 on the progress in inches shirt so I gained about an inch since I took my FOTM pics in late January early February. I have 12 weeks until my anniversary to step it up and get some good growth. I think I will with the weather being warmer. Q

Queeny I doubt your waist i another 7 inches. OMG look at your hair!, those curls :yep:
Here we go, I was in the other thread wondering what happened to everybody. I'm glad to see so many progress pics. :grin:

Here is my pic taken today -


Wow!!! Your hair is absolutely gorgeous!!!!! It looks to me your hair is ALREADY waist length!!:dance7:

I was wondering if it's too late for me to join this challenge. I know its already half way done, but I think I might be able to pull it off....
I'll post a pic shortly.
Wow!!! Your hair is absolutely gorgeous!!!!! It looks to me your hair is ALREADY waist length!!:dance7:

I was wondering if it's too late for me to join this challenge. I know its already half way done, but I think I might be able to pull it off....
I'll post a pic shortly.

Come on and Join...........The final reveal is end of summer. Sept I think. Looks like your there or will be making it :yep:
Here we go, I was in the other thread wondering what happened to everybody. I'm glad to see so many progress pics. :grin:

Here is my pic taken today -


See....when my hair gets to this length, you won't be able to tell me nuthin'! Seriously, congratulations silverlotus on achieving WL. I debated about joining this challenge, but I still need about 4", so I'm aiming for WL by Christmas. Everyone's hair looks wonderful; great progress, ladies.
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See....when my hair gets to this length, you won't be able to tell me nuthin'! Seriously, congratulations silverlotus on achieving WL. I debated about joining this challenge, but I still need about 3", so I'm aiming for WL by Christmas. Everyone's hair looks wonderful; great progress, ladies.

Girl look at your clean ends :yep:, thick hair :yep:
I am having a really hard time with the picture size, so let's give this a try. Both pictures were taken this morning, eventhough the hair looks a bit different from one picture to the next.:grin:


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I am having a really hard time with the picture size, so let's give this a try. Both pictures were taken this morning, eventhough the hair looks a bit different from one picture to the next.:grin:

Gawgus!!!!! Looks like your at waistlength :yep:. By september you will be holding it down fo sho.
Queeny I doubt your waist i another 7 inches. OMG look at your hair!, those curls :yep:

I will have dh check for me but I think so. It doesn't matter because that means it will be super long and thick. Either way, I am about to step it up big time. Girl what you see is part of my hair after being taken out of a braid. But thanks for the compliment!!! Q
I am having a really hard time with the picture size, so let's give this a try. Both pictures were taken this morning, eventhough the hair looks a bit different from one picture to the next.:grin:

Wow! You are at your waist. But it your aiming for full WL you can definately join. Your hair is so pretty.
Hi ladies, it looks as if everyone is making wonderful progress!! Silverlotus and Tenjoy, I think you're both WL!! Congrats on the success girls! Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to post my pics yet. I'll be flat ironing today or tomorrow, so my pics should be posted by then.
All of you ladies have very pretty hair. This just shows what hair can do when you take care of it no matter if its relaxed or natural.
Thanks ladies for all the compliments!!:blush: I think I have about 1 more inch to go before I hit WL. I have a tat (which I blurred in my avatar) and the top of it is right where I consider my waist to be, so it does look like I'll be WL by the summer fo' sho!
Here is my pic...my hair is wet..I didnt feel like doing a rollerset or anything. I believe I have a good 4 to 4 1/ inches to go...


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