End of Summer '08 Waist Length Challenge!!

bumping.... how is everyone doing? nobody has checked in in a whiiiiiiile.

My hair is doing fine, but my ends are starting to get that stringy look that I hate.
bumping.... how is everyone doing? nobody has checked in in a whiiiiiiile.

My hair is doing fine, but my ends are starting to get that stringy look that I hate.

My ends are looking like that, too. I think I might get a trim. Hopefully, it won't slow my progress.
bumping.... how is everyone doing? nobody has checked in in a whiiiiiiile.

My hair is doing fine, but my ends are starting to get that stringy look that I hate.

I'm sorry girls, I didn't post midway pics cause I'm so embarrassed to say......I STILL CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET THEM UP!:wallbash: New camera and all:perplexed

As far as my hair, I just wanna cut it all off and start anew:wallbash:. From my scalp to just above apl is the super strong healthy hair I've been growing since I joined the website, but from there on down to bsl on the right side, and something shorter on the left, it's not as thick and healthy:nono: but I can't bring myself to let go of that length:cry3:. I keep reading threads on how to repair damaged hair without cutting it off and the treatments are working but that part of the length never really matches up to the "LHCF" grown hair and you can tell the difference:cry2:. Every time I analyze my hair, I flash back to my old hairdresser that overprocessed my hair using super strength relaxers (when mild would have MORE than straightened my hair), and never really rinsing it out well cause rinsing is just not her thing, (no time for all that):evil: and I get so upset, but I'm trying really hard not to cry over spilled milk (can you tell:rolleyes:). I'm so happy you all have taught me to do my own hair and I know it's just a matter of time and patience but I want WSL so bad and I want it NOW....or at least by Sept 08':yep: and that wont happen if I cut the pre-LHCF hair off:ohwell:. This may be an obvious call for most of you but on a scale of 1 to 10 of Long hair psychos..... I'd be your number one psycho of the site, and I would hold on to that hair till it reaches my ankle...THEN (after much debate) I'd cut it off!:lachen:. I know I know, I'm working on myself:wallbash: . Any advice or opinions would be humbly accepted and greatly appreciated.... How's everyone else doing?
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:look: sorry ladies, I'm very late but here is my april update
Andrea, I am dealing with pre-LHCF hair too and it is not pretty. The cut-off point for me is BSL... after that you can clearly tell the difference. Maybe you can do trims gradually?

I pretty much decided that when I relax in Sept for the end of this challenge, I'm trimming off 1.5-2in.... so my results won't be that much different from the April pics.
Andrea, I am dealing with pre-LHCF hair too and it is not pretty. The cut-off point for me is BSL... after that you can clearly tell the difference. Maybe you can do trims gradually?

I pretty much decided that when I relax in Sept for the end of this challenge, I'm trimming off 1.5-2in.... so my results won't be that much different from the April pics.

Thank you SL, I think that's exactly what I'm going to do. Come Sept. I'm just gonna let it go, no matter what, two heaping inches if needed. I'm using ovation cell therapy and the rapid new growth I'm getting will help me get over whatever weak ends I have to let go of:yep: (it sure is jacking up my relaxer schedule though). Hangin in till end of summer! Good luck to everyone!
I actually made waist length this past friday. But due to a stupid shampoo tech my stylist ended up cutting 4 inches off my hair!!!!!

When she was washing my relaxer out she failed to clean the hair trap out previous to me. The girl she washed before me had a weave. Needless to say, when she was washing my hair she allowed it do go down the drain and when she sat me up I had matted and tangled weave hair all through my ends!!!!! It took 3 stylist to get it sorted out and killed all my progress. in my four month stretch I grew four inches and she had to cut them all off. I was going to take progress pictures but my heart hurt so much that I just didnt.
I actually made waist length this past friday. But due to a stupid shampoo tech my stylist ended up cutting 4 inches off my hair!!!!!

When she was washing my relaxer out she failed to clean the hair trap out previous to me. The girl she washed before me had a weave. Needless to say, when she was washing my hair she allowed it do go down the drain and when she sat me up I had matted and tangled weave hair all through my ends!!!!! It took 3 stylist to get it sorted out and killed all my progress. in my four month stretch I grew four inches and she had to cut them all off. I was going to take progress pictures but my heart hurt so much that I just didnt.

OOOh, I am so sorry that this happened to you. Your hair seems to grow fast, I pray it will grow back soon.:fairy:
I actually made waist length this past friday. But due to a stupid shampoo tech my stylist ended up cutting 4 inches off my hair!!!!!

When she was washing my relaxer out she failed to clean the hair trap out previous to me. The girl she washed before me had a weave. Needless to say, when she was washing my hair she allowed it do go down the drain and when she sat me up I had matted and tangled weave hair all through my ends!!!!! It took 3 stylist to get it sorted out and killed all my progress. in my four month stretch I grew four inches and she had to cut them all off. I was going to take progress pictures but my heart hurt so much that I just didnt.

OMG!! That is just awful! I am so sorry this happened to you. The health and thickness of your hair was such an inspiration to me when I began my hair journey. I totally understand your hurt....be encouraged, though. As fast as your hair grows, you'll get those inches back in no time.:bighug:
Im hoping to rebound by my 2 year anniversary and if it grows like it has been my longest layers willl be waist length with the shorter ones being bsl. Im trying to go for no more trim for the rest of the year (No... I WILL NOT GET ANYMORE) Here is a pic of the layers she cut in. Sorry for the uncombness (is this a word :yawn:) of my hair

I actually made waist length this past friday. But due to a stupid shampoo tech my stylist ended up cutting four inches off my hair!!!!!

When she was washing my relaxer out she failed to clean the hair trap out previous to me. The girl she washed before me had a weave. Needless to say, when she was washing my hair she allowed it do go down the drain and when she sat me up I had matted and tangled weave hair all through my ends!!!!! It took 3 stylist to get it sorted out and killed all my progress. in my four month stretch I grew four inches and she had to cut them all off. I was going to take progress pictures but my heart hurt so much that I just didnt.

I have never heard of this in my entire going to the salon experience life! Are you kidding me!?:wallbash:

How in the world, what kinda sink was that, what type of weave hair...?

Goodness gracious....this is one for the storybooks of "The Stupidest Things Ever Happened To Me In A Salon"

These folks a licensed...Sorry, I am ranting. I know how much you ladies...all of us put into haircare and to have four inches which for some people is a whole year worth of TLC, just get cut off because of something stupid like this is just incredible! Girl, I am hurting for ya!

Okay, for real...getting off the soap box. smh.:nono:
I actually made waist length this past friday. But due to a stupid shampoo tech my stylist ended up cutting 4 inches off my hair!!!!!

When she was washing my relaxer out she failed to clean the hair trap out previous to me. The girl she washed before me had a weave. Needless to say, when she was washing my hair she allowed it do go down the drain and when she sat me up I had matted and tangled weave hair all through my ends!!!!! It took 3 stylist to get it sorted out and killed all my progress. in my four month stretch I grew four inches and she had to cut them all off. I was going to take progress pictures but my heart hurt so much that I just didnt.

My hearth is hurting now just reading this:nono::nono::nono:
:Bighug: :bighug: :bighug:
Be encouraged lady til December you 'll grow back to your waist
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Im hoping to rebound by my 2 year anniversary and if it grows like it has been my longest layers willl be waist length with the shorter ones being bsl. Im trying to go for no more trim for the rest of the year (No... I WILL NOT GET ANYMORE) Here is a pic of the layers she cut in. Sorry for the uncombness (is this a word :yawn:) of my hair

still pretty and thick ...you'll make it back in no time:yep:
That is ridiculous. And I can relate with having good progress hacked off. I honestly believe that you can rebound by the end of this year. Just keep doing what you have you been doing. You have a good starting point!

Im hoping to rebound by my 2 year anniversary and if it grows like it has been my longest layers willl be waist length with the shorter ones being bsl. Im trying to go for no more trim for the rest of the year (No... I WILL NOT GET ANYMORE) Here is a pic of the layers she cut in. Sorry for the uncombness (is this a word :yawn:) of my hair

Thanks Ladies!

Im not going to lie and say that im very discouraged when it comes to stylist now. Its like as soon as you go to them you progress gets hacked off or jacked up. But its ok. Just like it grew before it will grow back with my TLC.

Im very tempted to learn how to do my own relaxers and avoid stylist at all cost. Hopeful I will find one here who cares about healthy hair and knows how to maintain it.

I miss my stylist in New Orleans.......:perplexed
Hi ladies, I did yesterday a much needed trim because of heat damage (my natural twists ends were so thin:nono:).
So, I quit the challenge and hope that you'll reach your goal :up: :wave:
Hi ladies, I did yesterday a much needed trim because of heat damage (my natural twists ends were so thin:nono:).
So, I quit the challenge and hope that you'll reach your goal :up: :wave:

Sorry you had to quit the challenge, but if your hair looks and feels healthier now that you had a trim, then it's well worth it. :yep:

I had actually come into this thread to see how everyone else is doing. I was thinking about stretching my relaxer until Labor Day weekend, but my last relaxer was March 1st and my attempted texturizer in May failed miserably, so my ng is just getting hard to control. Am going back and forth between continuing to stretch or just transitioning, so I'm in a bit of a hair stand still...

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer and being good to their hair :beach:
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We're at the last stretch ladies!!! How are you all doing??

I don't think I'll make WSL by the end....I haven't relaxed yet and I think that after I do, I'll be 2 inches away. I'm actually not even sad about it, very happy w/ the growth I got even with the impromptu dusting and that trim:yep:
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Hey everyone! Just checking in! My progress is going good.I can't wait until Sept. Oh..and I forgot to tell yall that I dusted...like twice ,once in may and once in june:look:. It wasn't alot though I promise.

I'm sorry that your hair got cut Cholet and It sucks that you have to drop out soun:sad:. but you guys hair still looks nice and you did make some progress.

So far everyone looks to be doing good. Oh I can't wait until we show pictures again.I can't wait until I can give my hair a good trim.
Hey ladies, went ahead and relaxed as I couldn't take all the ng. Eventhough maternity has rendered my waistline nearly invisible, I am using my elbows as a guideline and I'm happy to say it looks like I am WL :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

Unfortunately, my ends are looking pretty thin and ragged, IMO, so I will probably be getting a trim of a couple of inches come December :) Hope everyone is doing well and happy hair growing!!!!


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im doing ok
doing alot of protective styles
it looks like alot of u r already making wsl - congrats!:clap:
like honeya
i will be very happy w/mbl :yep:
Hey ladies, went ahead and relaxed as I couldn't take all the ng. Eventhough maternity has rendered my waistline nearly invisible, I am using my elbows as a guideline and I'm happy to say it looks like I am WL :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

Unfortunately, my ends are looking pretty thin and ragged, IMO, so I will probably be getting a trim of a couple of inches come December :) Hope everyone is doing well and happy hair growing!!!!

Congrats, your hair looks WSL to me! Very healthy & thick.

I think we are all getting anxious to trim. As for me, I know I need to take a couple inches off... so I will be doing that in Sept. IDK if I'm still gonna be WSL after the trim but we'll see. I fell off with my hair care these past few weeks but I'm getting back on track. My hair is really dry, probably due to my a/c being on 24/7.
Hi guys

I have been away for a while and thats is why I have not update as of yet. I am rocking a braid out right now. On my next wash I will roller set and take some length shots. Hope all is well with everyone and happy hair growing :rosebud:
Just checkin in....I will not be makin WL this year (my growth seems to have slowed for some reason)...plus I have been trying to nail down this breakage problem for a while now...

But I'm making some changes to my regimen so I hope to be there sooner rather than later...good luck to everyone! :drunk:
Onejamifan, congratulations on making waist length!!!! :dance7::yay::bouncy:

As for me, I think I'm gonna make it ladies. :grin: I'm MBL right now and I believe that in a month and a half I should be there, at least with my longest layers. I've been doing some serious protective styling. Although I fell off the wagon with the DC's, I'm back on track.

Good luck everyone! We're almost there!!