Does Your Natural Hair look like a Jheri Curl

My boyfriend is the only one who says that my WNG looks like a JC, but I know others must think it...I can see it in their faces:grin:
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Yes! Especially now it's getting longer. Whenever I have it down, or even slicked back in a ponytail I get people asking, "What brand do you use for your curls?" "How did you get your curls like that?"

And theres a girl at my work that thinks my hair is a jheri curl. One day she said to me, "Your hair's jehri curled right?" and I didn't hear what she was saying properly because there was another lady in the store with beautiful curly hair that I was looking at and I thought she was talking about her, so I was just like, "Huh?" Then what she asked hit me and I was like, "No!" and she laughed and said, "You can't lie Sheena." (as in, you're not a good liar Sheena) and I didn't know how to respond because I was still confused at the situation.

So she probably thinks my hair is a jheri curl and I haven't corrected her because, how am I supposed to bring it up again? I can't just go, "Hey btw, my hair isn't a jheri curl." for no reason. LOL.
When I was natural, I was asked if I had a texturizer and also a different person asked what brand of activator I used. I also wore my hair straight for a while after both occasions. I was embarrassed to have someone think I would get a jherri curl. How outdated.

Just my opinions. Sorry if anyone who wear a jherri curl is offended. ironic... no one ever asks if I have a curl. Might have been the products you were using that gave you that "outdated" look.
somebody asked me that yesterday to be exact "did you cut your hair off to get a jheri curl? :look: umm no!
Someone asked me what products gives me jheri curl hair and which gives me great curls

Jheri Curl hair - KCCC & KCKT. I do use Curls Gel-les'c and Hairveda Gelly and although these 2 gels give me beautiful curls, if I am not careful or don't use the right amount of conditioner/gel I will have a jheri curl.

Beautiful curls - Black gel! Yep my truly Ecostyler has yet to prove me wrong in 2 years. Whether I use a little or alot my hair has the best curls ever. If I use black gel with a butter that equals hot mess.
Okay I had my pic taken.
Yep it does. I hate that people swear up and done that I've done something to it, and that it's not my natural texture.
I was told that a few times, but I don't find anything wrong with looking like I have a jheri curl. I love my hair and everything about it.
I don't understand why anybody would be embarrassed. As long as you ain't dripping and leaving grease spots everywhere, I don't see a problem.

I guess it is the connotation of the word Jheri Curl. I remember I got one as a kid not my idea. I was wondering why I needed one then because my natural hair looks likes a Jheri curl when wet. :nono:
I don't think it's an insult. I believe that most people have no frame of reference for what a head full of healthy, coily/super curly/springy hair looks like EXCEPT for Jheri Curls.

As someone pointed out, the "wet look" perm was supposed to imitate healthy Afro textured hair. If anyone asks you if you have a Jheri curl you can use it as an opportunity to educate them: Let them know that it's not a curly perm, but rather the result of natural hair that is well tended, nourished and properly cared for.
I don't understand why anybody would be embarrassed. As long as you ain't dripping and leaving grease spots everywhere, I don't see a problem.

You know there is a stigma about jheri curls. When someone says it I think of Coming to America, In Living Color and the Straight out of Compton video.

It just feels so '80's/90's. Most people are asking in an insulting way anyway.
You know there is a stigma about jheri curls. When someone says it I think of Coming to America, In Living Color and the Straight out of Compton video.

It just feels so '80's/90's. Most people are asking in an insulting way anyway.

It just makes me feel like a throwback to a time I would rather not revisit. I also find it interesting that folks assume I either did a twist out or put something in my hair to make it curl the way it does.
I get that all the time, it doesn't bother me. I get the "Soul Glo" song all the time and I wear a wash ngo daily, but I am about to get braids so my "Jheri Curl" can grow out during the winter.
I guess since I have recently discovered how S-Curl completely moisturizes my curls and makes them pop, people probably wonder, but no one has ever flat out asked me.

I do know that when I went home to visit around the last holiday, I was rocking a wash n' go (hadn't even discovered the S-Curl yet) and one of my cousins asked me what i put in my hair to get it like that. I told her I washed it and just left a little conditioner in it. Then she asked again "no, I mean like what do you HAVE??". The only thing I could respond with was "my hair". She has known me all my life and I was natural for the first 19 years of my life so I am not sure why she would have thought I would have to HAVE something for that texture.

Co-workers often ask as well what I did to my hair or either what I put in my hair to get it like that (when I wear my banana clip or curly ponytail)

I really don't get offended b/c a jheri curl is just supposed to imitate healthy textured hair; shoot, that's why everyone was getting one because they couldn't achieve the look naturally! So when I can achieve the look naturally, I am all good!

No, no one has ever asked me that, and I don't think my hair looks like a jheri curl (at least not most of the time--too dry for that). Some people probably think it's a curl though.
Yep, mine does. I need to update with more pics. I think as my hair gets longer, it will help, but at this rate I dont know when that will be, cause I am past APL straight, but ear length in a WNG :(
This is such an interesting thread. This morning in church, I sat behind two women - one who had a curly relaxer and the other who just had naturally curly hair with some kind of product in it (gel, shea butter, etc...whatever she uses on a regular basis...)

Because of LHCF and because I STUDY hair, I could clearly tell the difference between the two heads. The curls of a chemical curl hang differently than natural curls.

How crazy is it that they were sitting side by side? The one with the curly relaxer/perm clearly takes good care of her hair because it looked almost natural...but I could see her roots growing out a teeny tiny bit. The natural had the same texture from root to tip.

I guess I can understand why people who don't take excellent care of their hair and who might not belong to LHCF might think curly hair is chemically processed.

Mine usually does not, but immediately after a wash I get "soul glo" comments from DH, and also if I use too much Cantu Shea Butter Leave in on top of my shea butter, I get odd looks. I don't do that often...


They just don't know
Yes, I do get the question about texturizers when I have twists or an afro with a band. The question for my afro is if it is a wig or not, I, sometimes have to pull my hair to 'prove' it or "Can I touch it?". I don't mind because the questions come from people I know. People do not understand {worse yet, do not want to hear and believe}that the right products will impart moisture avoiding the dry, dull look which too many naturals display.
I used to joke that my curly hair looked like Rick James..LOL! I just don't like curly hair anymore unless it's 2b or 3A for that reason.