Dry Jheri Curl Not Natural


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies... Well I have met a few people lately that claim to be natural but their hair looks just like a dry Jheri curl. I am seeing this alot and I am curious... Is the Jheri curl being used without the wet sprays and gels now? And if so, why are some of them lying about having one...... Don't they know we can tell?????
How can you tell? What are the signs it's not natural.

I don't think we have any dry just curls around here. Not that I've seen.
I have yet to see one, but I would not be surprised. I knew how to keep my Wave Nouveau dry back in the 90s.
I suspect there is one at my work, although I've never asked her (not that serious). Her hair has a processed look, but curly. Could also be down to her products...I notice that juice scent when she's near.
What does that even mean "claim to be natural"? All natural hair doesn't look the same so there really is no way to tell unless you are the one doing the chemical processing.
By the way, a lot of us use S-Curl in our natural hair. I have a huge bottle of S-Curl that I used when in crochet braids.

hair products 2016.jpg
I know someone who's hair is very shiny and curly and people are always asking if she has a curl but she doesn't. It might be natural OP.

This was me when my hair was a TWA. I was accused of having JC almost daily. Are you sure it's a JC op? Why not just ask them? If you can't ask directly, ask them what products they are using. That might give you a clue what the deal is.
When I first went natural I got asked if I had a texturizer or a curl quite a bit. More when I was wearing a TWA than when it grew out. I wouldn't assume it was a dry curl, just uniform curls. Dry, uniform curls.
How can you tell? What are the signs it's not natural.

I don't think we have any dry just curls around here. Not that I've seen.

I don't know how to explain it but jheri curls/leisure curls/gina curls/wave nouveau have a distinct look. They don't resemble naturally curly hair to me. The hair always has this limp processed look. The created curls don't look or behave like naturally curly/wavy hair.
Dry or wet curly perms are obvious.

wave by design

Gina Curl


wave nouveau

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^^Ok. I guess I would have to see it. I know ladies with hair like some of the pics. The difference is there curls are typically not uniform.
The person could have a texturizer. I've noticed that some people still consider that natural since they don't equate that with a relaxer. However, I have had people ask if I had a jheri curl during the first day or two of my wash n go
What does that even mean "claim to be natural"? All natural hair doesn't look the same so there really is no way to tell unless you are the one doing the chemical processing.

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curly perms look like curly perms. it might be hard to convey the difference in pictures. The look of processed hair is obvious in person. and yes I am aware that there are different hair types. I am familiar with them. I have a range of hair types from type 2 to type 4 within my immediate family. I also grew up in the 80s and 90s. I'm know what curly perms look like both wet and dry.

curly perms look like curly perms. it might be hard to convey the difference in pictures. The look of processed hair is obvious in person. and yes I am aware that there are different hair types. I am familiar with them. I have a range of hair types from type 2 to type 4 within my immediate family. I also grew up in the 80s and 90s. I'm know what curly perms look like both wet and dry.
I grew up back then, too. They all had that very unnatural, rod curl pattern to me, so anytime I see it nowadays, I think jheri curl. My co-worker has a short wet one.

curly perms look like curly perms. it might be hard to convey the difference in pictures. The look of processed hair is obvious in person. and yes I am aware that there are different hair types. I am familiar with them. I have a range of hair types from type 2 to type 4 within my immediate family. I also grew up in the 80s and 90s. I'm know what curly perms look like both wet and dry.

I know you did not just Oprah meme me. lol

Unless you processed the hair, you do not know if it's natural or not. These people could be rod setting their hair or it could grow out that way.
And why does it matter anyway?
I know you did not just Oprah meme me. lol

Unless you processed the hair, you do not know if it's natural or not. These people could be rod setting their hair or it could grow out that way.
And why does it matter anyway?

Oprah has the best gifs.

it doesn't matter but it seems like people are insinuating that the op is not familiar with or is jealous of looser hair types. I'm just providing another perspective. Curly perms do exist. Texturizers also exist. And rarely people to try to pass them off as their natural hair. I see maybe 5 - 10 curly perms a year. The wearer is usually over 50 years old. every once in a while I'll see a younger person with one.
my stretched hair has no shine but a sheen. When I go curly, my curls are vibrant , shiny and on day one......look like a texturizer. I get it all the time because of the difference between stretched and curly but it never looks like a curly perm.

I have seen a few of those and folks in my family run from 2b-4b. It has a different look to the curl. The spacing, the perfect spiral.... the juicy... LOL
You're just jealous cuz they gat dat good hurr.
I am sorry to hear that you still have the western mentality that easy to manage ie.. straight, silky/curly, is "good hair" and kinky is not. I happen to love my hair texture just the way it is and wouldn't change it if I could. I actually wish I were the only one with kinky hair because it is considered exotic etc...... so there is no jealousy here...
Oprah has the best gifs.

it doesn't matter but it seems like people are insinuating that the op is not familiar with or is jealous of looser hair types. I'm just providing another perspective. Curly perms do exist. Texturizers also exist. And rarely people to try to pass them off as their natural hair. I see maybe 5 - 10 curly perms a year. The wearer is usually over 50 years old. every once in a while I'll see a younger person with one.

Thank you for your responses Milk. and I appreciate you having my back. Not sure what happened here but I came on site to talk to my sistahs about this girl on my job... country as a chicken coup with chemicals in her hair talking bout natural... I thought we could get a good laugh at no ones expense but evidentially it's a serious subject for some.... oh well, I digress
I am sorry to hear that you still have the western mentality that easy to manage ie.. straight, silky/curly, is "good hair" and kinky is not. I happen to love my hair texture just the way it is and wouldn't change it if I could. I actually wish I were the only one with kinky hair because it is considered exotic etc...... so there is no jealousy here...

No I don't because the proofs in the pudding so to speak. I have natural 4B hair (fine strands/ medium density that is currently HL, yassss my naps grow which explains why I've set my goal length at TBL.

What makes my hurr good hair is that I've discovered methods on this very hair board that enabled me to actually retain and maintain my tresses!

I swear that since being on LHCF that my mentality about what consitutes good hurr has changed. What I'm not is obviously funny so I 'm going to take my Soul glo curls which are much better than those other curls and leave your thread.
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