Dry Hair


Well-Known Member
I am having a problem with my hair being dry when I attempt to either comb or even finger comb it I hear and feel the ping and popping I have very fine/thin texturized hair I need some suggestions ladies I've come so far with my hair I've noticed its dry no matter what I do. Please help!
Maybe you should try Elasta QP DR11 - it's a deep conditioner you should use it overnight and your hair should be restored. It works really well and it relatively inexpensive ($5 compared). For extra moisture you can use EVOO. You should be able to comb your hair after this just fine.
Jada said:
I am having a problem with my hair being dry when I attempt to either comb or even finger comb it I hear and feel the ping and popping I have very fine/thin texturized hair I need some suggestions ladies I've come so far with my hair I've noticed its dry no matter what I do. Please help!

Hey Jada,

It sounds like you and I have similar hair types. My hair is fine, dry and thin (although getting thicker since joining LHCF.) Have you been DC'ing? I initially tried to get away w/o it, but for my hair it's a must. I have just realized that I must DC at least once a week. I also just recieved some products from Qhemet Biologics and I must say that these products are great for moisture. My hair drinks it up, especially my ends. You may want to give them a try. HTH
I would recommend deep conditioning your hair and even leaving it on over night as well, then wash out in the morining.
carmella25 said:
I would recommend deep conditioning your hair and even leaving it on over night as well, then wash out in the morining.

I agree with this and also cw helped my dry hair along with flax seed oil.
Jada said:
I am having a problem with my hair being dry when I attempt to either comb or even finger comb it I hear and feel the ping and popping I have very fine/thin texturized hair I need some suggestions ladies I've come so far with my hair I've noticed its dry no matter what I do. Please help!

Clarify and then deep condition as the other ladies have said, but also...have you been consuming your daily recommended allowance of water a day? Sometimes the issue can be internal. Once I upped my water intake and started taking fatty acid supplements, I noticed my hair's moisture retention increased dramatically.

I hope something works out for you soon, especially with the winter months approaching.
gloomgeisha said:
Clarify and then deep condition as the other ladies have said, but also...have you been consuming your daily recommended allowance of water a day? Sometimes the issue can be internal. Once I upped my water intake and started taking fatty acid supplements, I noticed my hair's moisture retention increased dramatically.
I hope something works out for you soon, especially with the winter months approaching.

i forgot to mention that. i was reading that dry hair can sometmes be a symptom of an omega 3 deficiency.
Thank you all so so much this truly is a sisterhood community..(love it) o.k. I did a deep conditioner with Humecto last night..and it seems to have really helped for the leave ins i used the Humecto & WGHO hopefully this will resolve the problem I did not use heat just a plastic cap & my turbo twist towel...I will do this again on wednesday also, will start back on my vitamins and drink more water...Once again Thank you ladies so much!
I used Tresemme Ant Breakage conditioner as a leave in and my hair is soft as cotton. After shampooing and conditioning, I apply a quarter size of conditioner to my hair and do not rinse it out.

After blowdrying, there is a noticeable difference in the softness of my hair compared to when I just wash the conditioner out and just use a standard leave in.
determined_to_grow said:
Maybe you should try Elasta QP DR11 - it's a deep conditioner you should use it overnight and your hair should be restored. It works really well and it relatively inexpensive ($5 compared). For extra moisture you can use EVOO. You should be able to comb your hair after this just fine.

I totally agree with this. I have been having the exact same problem with my hair...it felt too dry and i could feel it break whenever i passed my hands through it.
I took some Elasta DPR11 and i mixed it with Amla oil and a little coconut oil(equal parts). I saturated my hair with this mixture and went to bed. Washed in the morning and walla!!:eek: Soft hair.
I was going to relax my hair this week cos i felt my 8 week stretch was the culprit behind the dryness and breakage, now after doin
g this, i think i may try for 10wks cos my hair is like a baby's!!:lol: