Drinking water changed my life in a week


New Member
Ok, so I've been a lurker since March and officially joined & began posting last month. Since trying to gain length & health back in my hair I've been researching everything haircare related. Almost every resource I stumble across mentions this~ drink plenty of water.I've always heard the benefits of drinking plenty of water but I've always avoided drinking it:perplexed.

Jan. 1 I decided to change my opinions about water and began aiming for 2 liters per day, hoping to get up gradually to 3 or 4 liters a day. Jan. 1- 7 I drank at least 2 liters per day, even more some days. So....here is what it has done for me in these 7 remarkable days:

1. Skin is repaired! I suffer from acne and oily skin. Especially during that time of the month I breakout!! Let me just say Aunt Flo is here, and my face is glowing, clear, naturally moisturized, and smooth:yep:. I even went to work this week wearing less makeup than normal, but yet i look better. My skin everywhere else is super dry, and I got away with moisturizing less! No more ashiness....so water fixed acne and dryness:drunk:

2. Hair is finally beginning to look, feel, & act right- thicker, had more body, shinier, and the roller set I did this week came out better than normal. Hair actually had a bit of swang b/c I used less product since hair was moisturized from the inside- its like magic!

3. Slept better at night and felt healthier in general

4. I eat less naturally- may have lost a pound or two:spinning:

5. So excited about the water & how I feel that I put down the coffee, tea, and sodas I was addicted to

6. I thought it would be hard to get used to drinking so much water, but when I wake up in the morning and if I don't down a huge glass of water within an hour of waking up I feel dehydrated and start getting headaches~now I'm addicted to water!

I know yall already knew this stuff, but I am so excited about finally getting with the program! This is more like a public service announcement to not underestimate the power of good ol' fashioned WATER to help you get to your health & beauty goals. I have underestimated water for far too long. I just had to post b/c if I feel this great after a week, I can't wait to post my hair progress & general health & beauty in the next months. :grin::grin::grin:

So ladies, drink up! This post may be pointless, but if it inspires one more thirsty, dehydrated lady like me get with the program, then it was worth it!:lick:
Congradulations I am trying to incorporate my water in my life but the Coca Cola is the monkey on my back
I have to have water, my body feels crazy without it. I used to drink coke years ago but I can't drink any soda now, it's just too sweet.

I don't even really drink juice, that's way to sweet for me.

I'm glad you're reaping the benefits!
Congradulations I am trying to incorporate my water in my life but the Coca Cola is the monkey on my back

Mine is Pepsi, especially since my office provides them for us for FREE. I kinda of wish they would charge us because that would stop me from drinking them.

I need to get back to drinking water because the benefits are no joke.
Thank you for posting your life changing experience with water. Can you believe some people don't even drink water?
I agree I LOVE water. I am used to it because my mom ALWAYS drinks water. Even when I was little I remember her drinking tons of water. I mean of course she drank other things but water is like her staple. She's always had smooth soft, soft skin. Her face is blemish free. That's what motivated me. I fall off but when my skin, or face ain't looking right, or when the mid section starts to pudge I know I need to get back with the program.

Never underestimate water. It's pure and natural and does wonders for our hair, skin, and nails! Ok that last one I'm not too sure about you get the point.
I know I should be drinking water, but it's especially hard to get myself to do it in the winter (SOOO COLD).

I try to drink a lot of tea (lemon, green, etc) but usually end up adding a little sugar (by impulse I guess)
Thank you for posting your life changing experience with water. Can you believe some people don't even drink water?

I know right! This was so weird to me but living in different places I met alot of different people and ALOT of people don't drink water. They say they don't like the taste yadda yadda. It's bull. To me there is NO excuse not to drink water. Our bodies need it. Some people with good genes can get away with not drinking water and still look nice on the outside but I still wonder about their insides.

I love water. I was just thinking the other day about my high school post high school days and how I used to ALWAYS drink Cold bottled water. My skin was so smooth and milky/creamy looking. It looked like you could just dive right into my chocolate skin. Now I drink room temp water and my skin is nice, but not what it used to be. I was thinking of starting back with cold water again.
Ok, so I've been a lurker since March and officially joined & began posting last month. Since trying to gain length & health back in my hair I've been researching everything haircare related. Almost every resource I stumble across mentions this~ drink plenty of water.I've always heard the benefits of drinking plenty of water but I've always avoided drinking it:perplexed.

Jan. 1 I decided to change my opinions about water and began aiming for 2 liters per day, hoping to get up gradually to 3 or 4 liters a day. Jan. 1- 7 I drank at least 2 liters per day, even more some days. So....here is what it has done for me in these 7 remarkable days:

1. Skin is repaired! I suffer from acne and oily skin. Especially during that time of the month I breakout!! Let me just say Aunt Flo is here, and my face is glowing, clear, naturally moisturized, and smooth:yep:. I even went to work this week wearing less makeup than normal, but yet i look better. My skin everywhere else is super dry, and I got away with moisturizing less! No more ashiness....so water fixed acne and dryness:drunk:

2. Hair is finally beginning to look, feel, & act right- thicker, had more body, shinier, and the roller set I did this week came out better than normal. Hair actually had a bit of swang b/c I used less product since hair was moisturized from the inside- its like magic!

3. Slept better at night and felt healthier in general

4. I eat less naturally- may have lost a pound or two:spinning:

5. So excited about the water & how I feel that I put down the coffee, tea, and sodas I was addicted to

6. I thought it would be hard to get used to drinking so much water, but when I wake up in the morning and if I don't down a huge glass of water within an hour of waking up I feel dehydrated and start getting headaches~now I'm addicted to water!

I know yall already knew this stuff, but I am so excited about finally getting with the program! This is more like a public service announcement to not underestimate the power of good ol' fashioned WATER to help you get to your health & beauty goals. I have underestimated water for far too long. I just had to post b/c if I feel this great after a week, I can't wait to post my hair progress & general health & beauty in the next months. :grin::grin::grin:

So ladies, drink up! This post may be pointless, but if it inspires one more thirsty, dehydrated lady like me get with the program, then it was worth it!:lick:

Girl, I thought it was just me. I also started drinking liters of water (daily) about a month ago and I noticed this as well. I was just telling a few people about this the other day. Isn't it wonderful?

Congrats to ya!
I know I should be drinking water, but it's especially hard to get myself to do it in the winter (SOOO COLD).

I try to drink a lot of tea (lemon, green, etc) but usually end up adding a little sugar (by impulse I guess)

Why don't you try a little honey in your tea instead of sugar. It sweetens and it's natural!
Thank you for posting your life changing experience with water. Can you believe some people don't even drink water?

I can, because that was me. :lachen:

I hated water...HATED.It didn't matter what kind (filtered, tap), I just hated it. Then when I tried to drink it, I always ended up sick (or hungry). I FINALLY figured out what I needed to do in order to drink it.
Congradulations I am trying to incorporate my water in my life but the Coca Cola is the monkey on my back

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: That was the monkey on my back until the beginning of december of 2009. I could literally down 2 liters of soda and drink absolutely no water in the beginning of the year, by the end I trickled down to one can every few days to once a week, I am trying to lose some poundage :)

I also since December 2009 been drinking LOTS of water, atleast 8 cups and for me that is LOTS and my skin is alot better :)
Mine is Pepsi, especially since my office provides them for us for FREE. I kinda of wish they would charge us because that would stop me from drinking them.

I need to get back to drinking water because the benefits are no joke.
mine is ginger ale.:look:
Good post OP, once I upped my water intake I definately saw immediate results, in my face and after Honeycomb's water challenge for 30days I end up losing 6lbs. I've been trying to drink 1 gallon a day but it's hard, so as long as I stay around 80oz a day I'm good.
Thank you for posting your life changing experience with water. Can you believe some people don't even drink water?

Yes:yep:. My mother has a friend who never drink water and she is unbelieveably skinny 5'7" 95lbs and her skin looks like leather. One day she passed out at work and the paramedics could not even give her an IV:sad:, The doctors told her she should be dead. You think that scared her into drinking water, nope:nono:. She drinks pepsi by the cases...
I learned to appreciate the benefits of water when I ended up in L&D twice for dehydration. :look: I think I'm up to about a gallon a day and now I feel GRRRRREAT!!!! :yep:
I don't really like the consistency of honey, but I guess once I find the right brand (not too thick)

Aww man! I can't even taste it. I think it thins out when you add it to the tea. Plus if you drink your tea warm/hot it's going to melt and thin out anyways. Oh well you gotta do what works for you. I think mushrooms don't taste bad but that texture they have is just something I don't want in my mouth.
I love water it's just that I forget to get enough. I think I need to put myself on a schedule so I can keep up
its weird cause 3 days ago i experienced a CRAZY allergic reaction from using Neutrogena. and my face swelled up, dried out then broke out sooo bad, and i never get pimples (ok not never but very rarely).
and its got to the point that im even embarassed cause im so used to having clear skin.
althought water is like DUHH ofcourse its good for you, maybe this can help me get back to my normal self. I treat my body soo bad, i feel guilty.
I dont eat right and dont drink enough water.

Im going on a personal challenge as of... now!

thanks OP!
It changed mine too. Eventhough i don't drink the 8 glasses recommended i drink like 3 lol but i don't get the headaches i used to so i am glad for you