*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Sorry chica but the book explicitly says "Do not eat or drink anything else for two hours afer taking this mixture". His explanation is so that:

Unfortunately there are a lot of rules with this drink. I bend at least 1 of them myself b/c of the raw wheat germ but I stay true to form on the 2 hours.

Darn, ok...well I guess I'll have to wait the 2 hours. I messed that up though yesterday and today. I'm already drinking my water right now.
I've been guilty of drinking water, too. The cocktail makes me really thirsty.

How's everyone this morning? I feel great, so energetic, it's wonderful.

On the hairfront, I tried to do a two-strand twist, but my hair isn't curling...it's growing in pretty straight..?!?....I have to add product to it, to gel it together. I am pleased with my hair's moisture and "glow" and growth. I'm getting compliments 24/7 on my lil' ole' transitioning hair...more so in the last 4 months when I really began to show the texture---and i'm simply rockin a wash-n-go bun! Everyone's really supporting my decision and now none of them want me to straighten. "If my hair was like that, I wouldn't get a relaxer, either. Don't you put them chemicals back in your hair!" is the typical response.

So I'll hold off for now....I'm not looking forward to the hazy days of summer, Can we say Puff City? I'll be honest, it's pushing me to the Texlax Side. Help me resist "The Force", Ladies.

Let me say again how much I appreciate the love. You Egglettes rock!
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I emailed Bronze yesterday and told her that I have only been taking mine for 3 days MINUS the wheat germ, I only added the wheat germ oil but a rash I had on my stomach for the past 8 months has cleared completely up! THis is enough to make me stay drinking. I did some research and I did read that it can clear up rashes in skin conditions so I AM SOOOO THANKFUL...
check in: my SL hair is growing out of control. I can tell because I have to twist more and more to make my bun. Im gonna be APL in no time. Finally! I got the skin and energy benefits right away but that growth kicking in is no joke
I emailed Bronze yesterday and told her that I have only been taking mine for 3 days MINUS the wheat germ, I only added the wheat germ oil but a rash I had on my stomach for the past 8 months has cleared completely up! THis is enough to make me stay drinking. I did some research and I did read that it can clear up rashes in skin conditions so I AM SOOOO THANKFUL...

Wow that's great!!:dance7:
I need to hop back on the shake bandwagon. I stopped taking it due to being sick, and it's been hard for me to get back into the routine. Tomorrow I'm going to make the shake first thing and keep at it. I miss the shake! :)

I'm still not better, lol. Tomorrow I'll report on how it tastes with the rice milk.
I need to hop back on the shake bandwagon. I stopped taking it due to being sick, and it's been hard for me to get back into the routine. Tomorrow I'm going to make the shake first thing and keep at it. I miss the shake! :)

I'm still not better, lol. Tomorrow I'll report on how it tastes with the rice milk.

yeah me too, i been slacking
i've been drinking the shake since November. not everyday but pretty consistently. but now i'm wondering if the shake is still having any affect on me. at first my skin was clearing up and there was even a nice glow. my new growth is really thick. but lately my skin has been breaking out and i'm getting scars. :sad: i also don't feel really energized like i used to when i first started drinking it. :perplexed

i also stopped taking my bc pills in November. so maybe that has something to do with the breaking out. i've been keeping my hair in cornrows so i can't comment on my growth too much. but it is thick and my braids are growing out really quickly.

i wonder if i need to take a break from the shake for a little while then start again?
i also stopped taking my bc pills in November. so maybe that has something to do with the breaking out

My skin also revolted when I got off birth control. That's what it is...

Check-in to this long thread: This is my 5th day on the egg stuff. I don't taste the egg at all. I do feel energized when I have this shake. Everytime I drink it, I have a sudden urge to exercise within an hour. This is definitely a keeper.
^ I second that. BC pills can do a number on the body when starting or stopping...Keep trying, VDWifey, I bet your body heals itself with this cocktail...I've noticed that sometimes my energy is low, also, but I also know when I'm doing even more than usual, and that's typically the cause. Don't give up your cocktail, it'll do your body good.
Thank goodness I had my cocktail, I almost skipped it bcs I was running a little late...but I thought no, I'm gonna make time for me. Well, I'm glad I did bcs the roads were empty today and arrived to work early. Yaay! My hair is getting really large, y'all. I like that.

How's everyone else doing? Any reports on the front?
I found this book, "The Natural Way to Super Beauty," at a fleamarket, and was hooked. I had to get it, it sums me up in sooo many ways. It was all of 50 cents. As some of you may know, I am healed of alopecia and on the path to regain 7 times what the devil stole from me. Literally. Anyway, this book was written in the 70s and was way ahead of its time. The author gives information regarding natural remedies for skin, hair, weight, etc, - the benefits of sulfur, protein, ph balancing, you name it. She refers to a recipe for regrowing thick, lush hair. I have enclosed it below.

This recipe comes from the book, "How I Stopped Growing Bald and Started Growing Hair," I tried this drink for about two months 4 years ago. I happened upon an old photo and I thought, "Man my hair looked gorgeous! So long, lushfully thick, full and shiny! What was I doing then?" Then I remembered it was the time when I was drinking this shake daily. You know how sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees? Well, I think that sums up how I could not see how gorgeous my own hair was for always looking at someone else's. I'd get compliments daily and just roll my eyes, like, do you see these split endz? Lesson learned ~ to appreciate what God blessed you with...

Anyway, I thought I'd share it, because it is also helpful in those dealing with hairloss. That's what led me to find LHCF, so I give this back to you with love.

I pray that you guys find much benefit from it and it rejuvenates, replenishes and restores your follicles and blesses you from the top of your head to the very soles of your feet!

Hair Cocktail Ingredients:
3/4 glass of whole milk (I used SilkSoy Vanilla)
1 raw egg
1 tblspn raw wheat germ oil
2 tblspns raw wheat germ
for flavor, you may add a piece of fruit in season

blend at low speed for thirty to sixty seconds. drink this blended mixture promptly. this drink should serve as your complete breakfast. do not eat or drink anything else for two hours after drinking this mixture. keep all ingredients refrigerated until use. once you notice the changes in your hair you may cut down on the daily intake of the hair cocktail and take it only twice a week. ofcourse, since it is a healthful drink, you may prefer to continue taking it indefinitely.

Believe it or not, the drink was not so bad. Even the raw egg bit :sad:. It really just tasted like a protein shake. I felt energized after taking it and I think I buffed up and slimmed down. So there you have it. I will start this new regimen on Monday, October 5th.

Be Blessed, I am!

Ok I have been avoiding this thread, but tell me how does this taste?
I know what you mean Bronze~.
I was on the run yesterday morning and did not have my drink. Not a good thing :nono:
I was dragging all day. I was still yawning :yawn: well after 11am. I am sitting here now drinking it. I am not even done with it and I feel so alert and the energy is going to flow in soon.
Ok I have been avoiding this thread, but tell me how does this taste?

I testify that this drink is delicious. The first time I had it I was like :look: whatevuh. After a couple more drinks and a 1/2 scoop of soy protein (vanilla) I am in love. There are not too many people (if any) who have started the drink and found it simple repulsive.
I testify that this drink is delicious. The first time I had it I was like :look: whatevuh. After a couple more drinks and a 1/2 scoop of soy protein (vanilla) I am in love. There are not too many people (if any) who have started the drink and found it simple repulsive.

Ok do do you use the recipe at the front of this thread.

Hair Cocktail Ingredients:
3/4 glass of whole milk (I used SilkSoy Vanilla)

1 raw egg
1 tblspn raw wheat germ oil
2 tblspns raw wheat germ
for flavor, you may add a piece of fruit in season

I do not like eggs at all so I have to add something for taste.
But I need the energy I ran around the office today asking
for vitamins did not take one today felling bad now.

This is a long thread so give me quick tips if you have any!:yep::lick:

Hey where cand I get the wheat germ and wheat germ oil?
I stick to the recipe. The only diversion is the 1/2 scoop of soy protein mix. I also add a sprinkle of nutmeg. I also use powdered eggs. I don't use the frozen fruit out of pure laziness. Thats it.

Ok do do you use the recipe at the front of this thread.

Hair Cocktail Ingredients:
3/4 glass of whole milk (I used SilkSoy Vanilla)
1 raw egg
1 tblspn raw wheat germ oil
2 tblspns raw wheat germ
for flavor, you may add a piece of fruit in season

I do not like eggs at all so I have to add something for taste.
But I need the energy I ran around the office today asking
for vitamins did not take one today felling bad now.

This is a long thread so give me quick tips if you have any!:yep::lick:

Hey where cand I get the wheat germ and wheat germ oil?
Wow, Puffy! Powered eggs never crossed my mind. *Files in mental rolodex*

Okay, cosign time.... The skin has definitely been clearly up slowly but surely--even with the double menses. And as previously suspected, the skin on the soles of my feet is regenerating. Almost self-exfoliating if you will...
Hair is GROWING LIKE A WEED!:drunk::drunk::drunk: (full disclosure: I'm also caffeine rinsing, and using amla oil on scalp daily). I thought I was imagining this until I saw a headshot I took back in November on my mom's computer. I will try to upload pics later for comparison.

Haven't had the energy boosts others have spoken of, but I suspect that is anemia related.:wallbash: I lost 3 lbs the first week (gained them back with the 2nd menses so we'll see what the scale says when this is over.) :ohwell:

I AM however seeing some TONING going on in my muscles (mostly arms legs and stomach area)--and this is with nearly no excercise. While I've been intending to get going with excercise, the low iron has been kickin' my rump--so delayed but not denied...

Recent shake additives:
Cinnamon (thanks, Br*nze)
COCONUT OIL! (Is this stuff the nectar of the gods, or what? It has so many uses and benefits. Besides food, skin and nails we've recently begun using it to flat iron....as Br*nze would say...A-MAZ-ING!)
I started takin this shake last week but i don't feel energised from it. Does it take a while to notice a difference in energy levels? am i doin something wrong?
Wow, Puffy! Powered eggs never crossed my mind. *Files in mental rolodex*

Okay, cosign time.... The skin has definitely been clearly up slowly but surely--even with the double menses. And as previously suspected, the skin on the soles of my feet is regenerating. Almost self-exfoliating if you will...
Hair is GROWING LIKE A WEED!:drunk::drunk::drunk: (full disclosure: I'm also caffeine rinsing, and using amla oil on scalp daily). I thought I was imagining this until I saw a headshot I took back in November on my mom's computer. I will try to upload pics later for comparison.

Haven't had the energy boosts others have spoken of, but I suspect that is anemia related.:wallbash: I lost 3 lbs the first week (gained them back with the 2nd menses so we'll see what the scale says when this is over.) :ohwell:

I AM however seeing some TONING going on in my muscles (mostly arms legs and stomach area)--and this is with nearly no excercise. While I've been intending to get going with excercise, the low iron has been kickin' my rump--so delayed but not denied...

Recent shake additives:
Cinnamon (thanks, Br*nze)
COCONUT OIL! (Is this stuff the nectar of the gods, or what? It has so many uses and benefits. Besides food, skin and nails we've recently begun using it to flat iron....as Br*nze would say...A-MAZ-ING!)

I started with raw egg. Getting organic eggs is a lot for me to drive. I drive sixty miles to work and whole foods is on the other side of town about 20 miles. Okay for the weekend but I need eggs ever week or so. I opted for powdered eggs. I use this brand http://store.honeyvillegrain.com/.
Equals about the same price as a couple months of whole organic eggs. It last about two months as well.

I started takin this shake last week but i don't feel energised from it. Does it take a while to notice a difference in energy levels? am i doin something wrong?

Are you already energetic and in good fit. I haven't been exercising a lot lately and this drink helps me with energy. I am not sure that it has the same effect on everybody. If my memory serves me right, when I first started taking it my body took a couple of weeks to change.
Oh sweetie, I hope you feel better soon. Don't let the small stuff get to ya. I have had similar feelings, don't let it get to ya. Time changes everything and this too will pass.

I'm really stressed at the moment so that's probably what's been makin me tired. I'm hoping that this helps coz nothing else has...
Wow, Puffy! Powered eggs never crossed my mind. *Files in mental rolodex*

Okay, cosign time.... The skin has definitely been clearly up slowly but surely--even with the double menses. And as previously suspected, the skin on the soles of my feet is regenerating. Almost self-exfoliating if you will...
Hair is GROWING LIKE A WEED!:drunk::drunk::drunk: (full disclosure: I'm also caffeine rinsing, and using amla oil on scalp daily). I thought I was imagining this until I saw a headshot I took back in November on my mom's computer. I will try to upload pics later for comparison.

Haven't had the energy boosts others have spoken of, but I suspect that is anemia related.:wallbash: I lost 3 lbs the first week (gained them back with the 2nd menses so we'll see what the scale says when this is over.) :ohwell:

I AM however seeing some TONING going on in my muscles (mostly arms legs and stomach area)--and this is with nearly no excercise. While I've been intending to get going with excercise, the low iron has been kickin' my rump--so delayed but not denied...

Recent shake additives:
Cinnamon (thanks, Br*nze)
COCONUT OIL! (Is this stuff the nectar of the gods, or what? It has so many uses and benefits. Besides food, skin and nails we've recently begun using it to flat iron....as Br*nze would say...A-MAZ-ING!)

how much coconut oil are you putting in your shake? i use coconut oil externally but i really don't know the benefits of taking it internally. anybody have any idea? tia
Ok I have been avoiding this thread, but tell me how does this taste?
:lick:It's quite good, especially with fruit. If you've had a protein shake, it's very similar to that. It doesn't have a bad taste, at all. So you should be okay with drinking it.

I started takin this shake last week but i don't feel energised from it. Does it take a while to notice a difference in energy levels? am i doin something wrong?
Well, Ma'am, you are probably already in good shape, as Puffy stated. I suffered from low energy levels, so this was a big boost for me. It helps get me going in the am, which is a near miracle, to say the least.

I'm really stressed at the moment so that's probably what's been makin me tired. I'm hoping that this helps coz nothing else has...
I know the feeling, Austro-Afrikana, that's why this helps me. We've got to learn to put things in the proper perspective and to quote Puffy again, "this too shall pass." Things will get better, even though it doesn't look like it. Keep your head up. :yep:
Oh, yeah, Hot40, you just could not resist the pull of the Waistlength Cocktail, it's just too easy and too enticing to pass up. Talk about doing something good for you? This is it.:yep:

Thanks I am going to try
Just not sure where to find the wheat products.
Please know this I am not a healthy eater :sad:
I turn 40 in a few months and I am attempting to do better.
So you ladies are going to have to help me.
I have never heard of any of these items that area good for me.
Wheat ??? Oil??? and the Oils you all use on your hair ???
Ok sorry if they do not sell it at Sally's I am lost :lachen::lachen::lachen:

So I take all advice :yep:
The recipe for this drink looks okay but there are a couple of ways it make it even better.

I would use raw pastured milk instead of factory farmed which is the milk you get from the super market which has been so processed there is really no nutrition in it except for the synthetic vitamins they add back in.

Nothing is wrong with consuming raw eggs as long as you get them from a good source such as from a farm where he chickens are allowed to roam and forage for bugs and other little goodies. The eggs you get from the supermarket are okay if they are organic/free range. The regular eggs should be avoided both raw and cookin IMHO.

I would skip the actual wheat germ but I would include the wheat germ oil and probably some coconut oil which is actually really good for you and your intestinal health. I would also add some probiotic powder to the mix as well for intestinal support.

You may be wondering why I get talking about intestines but I think they are really important to hair growth. If your intestines are not in good shape then it doesn't really matter how many vitamins you pop cause you won't be digesting and absorbing the nutrients that your taking in anyway.

After taking the shake I would pop some cod liver oil pills along with some supplemental vitamin D and couple of fish oil tablets. The omega 3's are important for hair growth and cod liver oil is a natural source of vitamin A&D. I suggest taking more vitamin D because he ratio of vitamin A to D is important and most cod liver oil out there does not contain enough vitamin d. We as black women should be taking vitamin d anyways because we generally have lower levels than what is reccomended.
Hey :look: can I do a proten powder if I dont have wheat germ oil and wheat germ?
I need hair, skin and energy.

Go with the original ingredients, if you choose to add to it, then usually that's okay. But since this is your first stab at it, go with the original. Here's where you can pick up those ingredients... get them both ^^ at www.Iherb.com

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$2.33 for a 1 lb bag


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$14.55 for 32 oz