*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
I'm herrrrrrrrrrrrrre:look::grin:...what's crackin' people...what else i gotta do to get to WL,i already got my hair growth oil poppin',why not add something else:drunk:
I've been following this thread and trying to keep up with all the posts. I am not too fond of all the ingredients included in mixing some of the cocktails, so I decided to just keep it simple. All of this seems so interesting, so about 2 weeks ago, I started experimenting with raw eggs. I did lots of research on it before attempting to try eating them raw, and at first, I was really scared to try it. But after doing research behind it, I thought that it really couldn't be that bad. So, I found some free range hen eggs and made sure that they were fresh. I ate my first raw egg about 2 weeks ago. I ate the egg yolk, not the white. The whites can actually cause a biotin deficiency. I started out small, eating only a teaspoon of the yolk. I gradually increased it up to 2 teaspoons, and last Tuesday, I ate my first whole raw egg yolk. And it wasn't that bad. Will I continue to do this? Absolutely. It has amazing health benefits from what I've read, not to mention the source of raw, uncut protein. And I just started ingesting coconut oil daily. I've gotten several compliments already about my skin having an amazing glow, not to mention that my nails are starting to sprout out faster. I am really starting to like this. I'll keep you guys updated on my progress.
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i have not done this in about 2 weeks...gonna get back on track though....not used to drinking whole milk(think its giving me gas) so i am gonna go back to my 2percent. ...and i have the book and haven't sat down to read it yet...gonna have to get on that real soon too, cuz i'm noticing yall are adding lecitin(did i spell that right) so i gotta read up on that

Dale Alexander explain in his book not to use low fat milk and said a good substitute would be soybean milk. You need the fat.
Hey :wave: I'm here. I missed another day (Saturday) my biggest mistake is not taking it first thing in the morning. I had a taste for some pancakes and did not feel like waiting 2 whole hours to eat them.
Also ladies I have been digesting Dale's book and found a few tips to share with you all.

  • Onion, oinion and more onion are key to great hair
  • Carrots are very good for the hair (but we already knew that one!)
  • Iced drinks are a no go for the hair. The interfere with the circulation. A large meal may do the same.
  • Other no goes are coffee, alcohol and tea.
  • Chew your food thoroughly. Food should be well mixed with saliva.

All points above can be found in chapter 8 of Dale Alexander's book.

Hola! I have another recruit. I suggested the drink to one of my co-workers and she was very excited. She probably drove to Whole Foods on her lunch break :)
I've been following this thread and trying to keep up with all the posts. I am not too fond of all the ingredients included in mixing some of the cocktails, so I decided to just keep it simple. All of this seems so interesting, so about 2 weeks ago, I started experimenting with raw eggs. I did lots of research on it before attempting to try eating them raw, and at first, I was really scared to try it. But after doing research behind it, I thought that it really couldn't be that bad. So, I found some free range hen eggs and made sure that they were fresh. I ate my first raw egg about 2 weeks ago. I ate the egg yolk, not the white. The whites can actually cause a biotin deficiency. I started out small, eating only a teaspoon of the yolk. I gradually increased it up to 2 teaspoons, and last Tuesday, I ate my first whole raw egg yolk.Good for you! And it wasn't that bad. Will I continue to do this? Absolutely. Great for you!! It has amazing health benefits from what I've read, not to mention the source of raw, uncut protein. And I just started ingesting coconut oil daily. I've gotten several compliments already about my skin having an amazing glowCan you believe, how quick?!? That's better than any topical i've ever tried or heard of, not to mention that my nails are starting to sprout out faster.Dang, my manicures are getting costly...and my pedis, too! I am really starting to like this. You'll love, love, love it after a few weeks!!! I'll keep you guys updated on my progress.
We'll be here waiting and cheering you on!

Hey :wave: I'm here. I missed another day I missed Sunday and Today, too...I felt soo deprived. And ravenously hungry! (Saturday) my biggest mistake is not taking it first thing in the morning. Yep, I woke up soo late, i ran out the door. I had a taste for some pancakes and did not feel like waiting 2 whole hours to eat them.
Pancakes have done me in soo many times...:lachen:

Also ladies I have been digesting Dale's book and found a few tips to share with you all.

  • Onion, oinion and more onion are key to great hairGarlic, too, both are high in guess what, SULFUR!
  • Carrots are very good for the hair (but we already knew that one!)
  • Iced drinks are a no go for the hair. The interfere with the circulation. A large meal may do the same.
  • Other no goes are coffee, alcohol and tea.
  • Chew your food thoroughly. Food should be well mixed with saliva.
All points above can be found in chapter 8 of Dale Alexander's book.

This helps alot....*off to take garlic caps* "burp!" *Do you smell anything?*(I have to take these at night, i'm too embarassed during the day...i feel sorry for my hubby..garlic breath ain't no joke :lachen:)
can i add some hotsauce:look::lachen:...please girl,as much sushi as i digest..i would have beeeeeeen sick...i have an iron stomach bring it on...what do u recommend?:grin:

I recommend this...
Hair Cocktail Ingredients:
3/4 glass of whole milk (I used SilkSoy Vanilla)

1 raw egg
1 tblspn raw wheat germ oil
2 tblspns raw wheat germ
for flavor, you may add a piece of fruit in season

Can you hang? :spinning:
Hello there I've been on this thread like white on rice since the first day it started but I haven't bought any of the books yet. Shoutout to all those ladies who posted the recipes may God bless your fingers. It was a real big help to a former lurker. So I tried the recipe minus the wheatgerm stuff, just egg and milk, and it was NOT a good experience I was getting chills right after drinking it and my tummy was telling me that I did a bad thing. I did this for about 4 days then went online to research side effects of drinking raw egg and found a site that mentioned the chills and salmonella. I was shocked that I get the damn chills that were being mentioned. Now I know in my heart that this is a nutritious recipe but I didn't like the chills and the fear of salmonella drove me away from it too because I have no health insurance and I'm a broke college student. I ain't trying to have any bills. I've read the research that ladies in this challenge have done about salmonella but I am not risking it.

Fastforward to today. I normally drink whey protein powder and soymilk everyday. I discovered that I have Viobin wheatgerm oil from along time ago in my bathroom so I threw in a tablespoon and drank it with my vitamins first thing in the morning. Now the only thing different I did was the wheatgerm oil and lemme tell you I threw up something fierce. :nono::barf: I WILL NOT EVER TRY THAT PARTICULAR MIX AGAIN. Or maybe it was cuz I had it a long time. :ohwell:

So with that being said thankyou Bronze for your recipe. I'm glad I learned something new. I know it is very healthy but my body says it's a no no for me. However goodluck to you and the ladies benefitting from it. :yep:
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it also says add fruit,your wg oil may have been rancid and made you sick, too bad we aren't neighbors i'd make you a proper shake!! I hope u are feeling better.Ms.Patience you should if you can go back to page 1 pf this thread and read the posts,that will be so much more helpful for you,then if you have any other questions the ladies can jump in and clear anything up.Also i have read that we should be drinking warm water,chinese do when taking vitamins etc, they say it messes with the yin and yang in your body drinking cold water....
OK I just did the egg and milk with half a banana cause I haven't made it to the health food store quite yet! It wasn't bad at all! But I am having bad breakage so I will keep you posted!
I bet if you start using this shake regularly that breakage will clear up!The wg and wgo will also make a huge difference!:yep:
Hello there I've been on this thread like white on rice since the first day it started but I haven't bought any of the books yet. Shoutout to all those ladies who posted the recipes may God bless your fingers. It was a real big help to a former lurker. So I tried the recipe minus the wheatgerm stuff, just egg and milk, and it was NOT a good experience I was getting chills right after drinking it and my tummy was telling me that I did a bad thing. I did this for about 4 days then went online to research side effects of drinking raw egg and found a site that mentioned the chills and salmonella. I was shocked that I get the damn chills that were being mentioned. Now I know in my heart that this is a nutritious recipe but I didn't like the chills and the fear of salmonella drove me away from it too because I have no health insurance and I'm a broke college student. I ain't trying to have any bills. I've read the research that ladies in this challenge have done about salmonella but I am not risking it.

Fastforward to today. I normally drink whey protein powder and soymilk everyday. I discovered that I have Viobin wheatgerm oil from along time ago in my bathroom so I threw in a tablespoon and drank it with my vitamins first thing in the morning. Now the only thing different I did was the wheatgerm oil and lemme tell you I threw up something fierce. :nono::barf: I WILL NOT EVER TRY THAT PARTICULAR MIX AGAIN. Or maybe it was cuz I had it a long time. :ohwell:

So with that being said thankyou Bronze for your recipe. I'm glad I learned something new. I know it is very healthy but my body says it's a no no for me. However goodluck to you and the ladies benefitting from it. :yep:
I must be careful reading this thread :lachen:, the mention of hot sauce, OMG gag gag gag!

guyanesesista, I'm glad you posted your experience, I'm going to be getting the WGO and already know to start slow, I know many people ingest Coconut oil with no problems , but it did the same thing to me as WGO did to you, for no good reason, other than my body said NO, I really wanted to take it too, so I know to start slow with this WGO
I agree, it certainly isn't the greatest tasting oil,but someone said spectrum is better tasting than viobin and this shake certainly may not agree with everyone,but I hope the best and maybe those of you who can't tolerate the original recipe can find another mix that will work for you!:drink:
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Guyanesesista so sorry to read about your reaction to the shake. You may want to try the milk and wheat germ oil mixture. And since you said you found an bottle of wheat germ oil in the house it could be that it was rancid like Jaribro said.
I tried the shake this morning, minus the oil (I couldn't find it in Whole Foods and I was ready to get out of that store:look:). My mix included: 3/4 Vanilla Soy, one raw egg, half a banana, two tablespoons of wheat germ, and a half scoop of Kashi Go Lean Vanilla Protein Shake. It tasted really good..I love wheat germ:lick:

I will try to pick up the wheat germ oil this weekend.
Your WGO must be refrigerated!! We don't want to make ourselves ill in the name of hair growth! So let's be careful,ladies....
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Your WGO must be refrigerated!! We don't want to make ourselves ill in the name of hair growth! So let's be careful,ladies....

Ohhhhhhhh. I didn't know that. I'm tempted to try it again but I'm afraid.
Thankyou ladies for the advice and comments. I'll be switching to soy protein and soymilk for this mix, no egg.
O.K., my hair & nails are growing, the weight is dropping and I'm luvin this drink.
But, my eyelashes are still thin.

How do I get these little critters to grow long, lush and thick?

Also, family and I are flying into D.C. for Thanksgiving. I can't take my drink products with me. How do I improvise for the 3 days that I'll be gone away from home?

I don't want to get into trouble for trying to sneak raw eggs onto the plane. And if security tells me that I can't bring my WGO and all that other hair stuff with me, they're gonna have to hand-cuff me, beat me down, arrest me and drag me by my silky, curly pony-tail as I scream out for Br*nzeBombshell to come to my rescue!
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