*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
Have you tried throwing the MSM in the blender? I now throw all my vitamins in the blender with my Egg Cocktail. I don't taste a thing. Here what I add:

  • MSM
  • Vit. C
  • B-Complex
  • B-6
  • MultiVitamin
  • Zinc
  • L-Lysine

I gets it all in there! I realize that I was forgetting to take my vitamins so I thought all at one time couldn't hurt!
i tried that too, and i literally had to hold the v*&%t in my throat...well almost, but you get the picture, that was NOT a good mix.:nono::ohwell::sad::perplexed:blush:

i'm just stirrin' it up in water and hoping to remember to take it every night....

Girlll, I tried to take it like a man. You should have seen me. I had mixed my concoction after church since I was breaking my 24hr fast. I was sipping , holding the counter, closing my eyes, swallowing, and then going back for another gulp. UgH :lol:

Alexander hair cocktail(taken and blended as described in Chapter 8)

Vegetable soup(1 bowl)
Broiled Hamburger on whole wheat bun
Sliced red onion
8 oz.glass of milk

Shrimp cocktail
steak or chops broiled
Baked potato with chives and sour cream
med.portion of alexander salad
8oz.glass of milk

* vitamin B milk shake

*Blend 8oz milk with 1 tbsp each of brewers yeast, desicated liver,lecithin,raw wheat germ,and sunflower seeds.Choice of fruit(small piece) may be added for fruit flavor.Pineapple,apple, or banana recommended.Also add 1 tbsp of either soybean oil or sunflower seed oil.

Alexander hair cocktail

Sunflower seed meal and raw wheat germ mixed(1/2c-serve as a regular cold cereal)
sliced banana
10 oz glass of milk

Calf's or beef liver,broiled 6 oz
red onion and red tomato salad
choice of melon in season
10 oz glass of milk

10-11 pm
Vitamin B milk shake

Alexander Hair cocktail

Crabmeat,lobster and shrimp salad
tomato and romaine lettuce salad
choice of raw fruit
8 oz plain yogurt

medium portion alexander salad
4 oz medium rare roast beef
sliced orange
8 oz glass of milk

10-11 pm
vitamin b milk shake

ALexander Hair cocktail

Sunflower seed meal and raw wheat germ(1/2c-serve as a regular cold cereal)
choice of fruit
8 oz of glass of milk

4 oz of roasted chicken or turkey
baked potato with sour cream and chives
raw fruit
8 oz plain yogurt
8 oz glass of milk

10-11 pm
vitamin b milk shake

Alexander hair cocktail

Raw fruit salad plate
cheese wedges
8oz glass of milk

6 oz glass of carrot juice
4 oz broiled swordfish or halibut steak
medium portion of alexander salad
cottage cheese and plain yogurt
8 oz glass of milk

10-11 pm
Vitamin B milk shake

ALexander hair cocktail

Sunflower seed meal and raw wheat germ mixed(1/2c)
sliced banana
8 oz glass of milk

4 oz broiled sirloin steak
baked potato with chives and sour cream
raw grapefruit sections
cheese wedges
8 oz glass of milk

10-11 pm
Vitamin B milk shake

Alexander hair cocktail

1 cup of lentil soup
hot dogs and beans or cold cut meat plate and beans
plain yogurt and orange juice milk shake

4 oz medium rare roast beef
large portion of alexander salad
choice of fresh fruit
small prtion of nuts and raisins
8 0z glass of milk

10-11 pm
Vitamin B milk shake

Special points:

Drink all the water you wish, but try to drink it at least ten minutes before a meal or several hours after it.

The same applies to coffee

Use only saccharin or other sugar substitues or brown sugar in all instances where a sweet taste is desired.

use salt sparingly

if you suffer from colitis or ulcers, to secure even greater assurance that no irritation will occur ise larger amounts of oil when preparing the salad than i have recommended.The oil will coat the vegetables.

Avoid refined foods, sweets and jellies unless made from natural products

remove fats from meat before broiling

take vitamins and food supplements at the end of your meal

use whole milk only,stay away from nonfat or skim milk

If you travel a lot and find teh hair cocktail hard to manage,take along a bottle of raw wheat germ,every morning have 1/2 c of wheat germ and milk as your breakfast.Eat big protions of raw green salads at other meals.

To replace nutrients lost in cooking add a tbsp of sunflower or soybean oil to your to your breakfast hair cocktail.I have also added brewers yeast,kelp powder,sunflower seed meal,calcium powder,and desicated lover.In addition I take multiple vitamin-mineral supplements,supplements not mandatory,but they will enrich teh diet i have recommended and speed up the process of growing healthy hair.

when yogurt is mentioned in the menus plain yogurt only is meant.
Thank you! We all have to chip in when we can,we all have the same hair goals,healthy,beautiful heads of hair!Good luck to everyone on their hair mission!:grouphug3:
Y'all are cutting-up! This is so so great, now everyone gets the benefits of the books without the hastle. How thoughtful of you all. it helps me too, now i can just print, don't even have to copy my book...thanks long haired ladies!

on another note,
what is good for thickening hair, i believe biotin is also breaking me out....i henna and cassia, too....
mona, i don't know how you do it! i put my vitamins in my shake and they don't blend well and i taste 'em. I've tried, but i just can't, i can't..do you have a heavy duty kitchen aid or something? My mixer is black and decker, $40 on sale at target...and it's loud...

girl, that msm in that shake was like a rumble in the jungle for days...girl, had to go prim and proper, with good ole h20....

and puffybrown, i'm glad you had a good laugh at our expense, but girl, don't try that at home, no no no, you'll want to choke us for not stressing how hor-rib-ble that mix is. maybe i added too much msm? but i'm not gonna risk it and try it again, uh uh, no way.

Where is that social group you started? I can find it. How would I get to it?

Chile I had a time looking for it myself. If you look at the very top of the page just under the Long Hair Care Forum title (where the 4 women are)you will see Groups. Click it and you should see our group there.
I will chip in too. Jakibro got me in "help a sista out" spirit. I will do the Seven Day of Menus For Those With Very Little Hair
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Alexander hair cocktail (enriched with 1 tsp chia seeds – taken and blended)

½ cup raw Wheat Germ (served as a regular cold cereal)
Slice Banana
Milk (10 oz)

Lentil soup (1 cup)
Roast beef, medium rare (4 oz)
Alfalfa sprouts – grated carrots salad
Fortified milk shake of germinating seeds

Evening Snack
Chia seed pudding


Alexander hair cocktail (enriched with 1 tsp chia seeds – taken and blended)

Liver steak, medium rare (1/2 lb)
Raw, red onions (2-3 slices)
Baked potato
Butter (2 pats)
Green drink (use parsley, watercress, and celery blended with fresh pineapple and apple juice)

Fresh Salmon steak broiled (4 oz)
Alexander Salad (large portion)
Plain yogurt with fresh fruit
Fortified milk shake of germinating seeds

Evening Snack
Chia seed pudding


Alexander hair cocktail (enriched with 1 tsp chia seeds – taken and blended)

Bean soup (1 bowl)
Dark grain bread (1 slices use sprouted whole wheat if available)
Butter (1 pat)
Minute (that what’s listed in the book) steak, broiled
Sliced Tomato
Mile (8 oz)

Lamb chops (lean) broiled 4 oz
Baked potato
Butter (2 pats)
Alexander Salad (medium portion)
Watermelon or choice of melon
Fortified milk shake of germination seeds

Evening Snack
Chia seed pudding


Alexander hair cocktail (enriched with 1 tsp chia seeds – taken and blended)

Tuna Fish and alfalfa sprouts sandwich (use sprouted whole wheat bread if available)
Slice orange and plan yogurt
Milk (8 oz)

T-bone steak, broiled (4 oz)
Alexander Salad (large portion)
Cheese wedges
Fortified milk shake of germinating seeds

Evening Snack
Chia seed pudding


Alexander hair cocktail (enriched with 1 tsp chia seeds – taken and blended)

Bean and barley soup (1 bowl)
Whole wheat crackers
Grapefruit sections
Plain yogurt and orange juice milk shake

Fish, meat or fowl (4 oz)
Choice of vegetables or fruit salad
Whole wheat cookie
Fortified milk shake of germinating seeds

Evening Snack
Chia seed pudding


Alexander hair cocktail (enriched with 1 tsp chia seeds – taken and blended)

Hamburger and alfalfa sprouts sandwich
Green drink (use parsley, watercress, and celery blended with fresh pineapple or papaya and apple juice)
Slice banana
Mixed nuts (unsalted) and raisins (add to cereal or eat as a dessert – small portion)
Milk (10 oz)

Filet Mignon or choice of steak, broiled (4 oz)
Alexander Salad (large portion)
Sliced orange and grapefruit sections
Fortified milk shake of germinating seeds

Evening Snack
Chia seed pudding

Alexander hair cocktail (enriched with 1 tsp chia seeds – taken and blended)

1 cup of lentil soup
Hot dogs and beans or cold cut meat plate and beans
Plain yogurt and orange juice milk shake

Roast beef, medium rare (4 oz)
Alexander Salad (large portion)
½ Cantaloupe
Fortified milk shake of germinating seeds

Evening Snack
Chia seed pudding
I found this in the market yesterday. I snatched it up with the quickness! It went into today's shake and it tastes pretty good. I only put a teaspoon full.


Is the Chia Seed Pudding made from the Saba seeds? I can't find those in any of the local stores.

Ladies, I must say that I have not witnessed any mind boggling growth yet, but my energy has consistently been through the roof. I used to have days when my body felt tired for no reason - even after a full night's sleep. My body use to feel tired all over (it's hard to describe the feeling) . The feeling is 110% gone! I have no reason to ever intentionally stop taking this mixture. :heart:
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No. Here the recipe:

Blend raw milk, raw egg and 1 tsp chia seeds. Refrigerate for two hours, which allows gelatin from chia seeds to firm. A small piece of papaya or your favorite fruit adds additional flavor.

You should be able to find Chia seeds in your local health food store.

Also, I read a lot of good things about Nopalina! Its good for weight loss.
Sweetnic,that looked like a nice item girl! LOL...I would've snatched that up too! Go mona! Those fingers typing away girl! That's right ,we must all help a sistah out from time to time! LOL...

I have to say my nails are growing,which i have always equated with hair growth,I do have new growth and my old acne scars are disappearing...Bronze you know you started a revolution girl! This is healthy and good for us and the results will show,not everything is always immediate,honey we are always in a rush,lol...but I'm sure we will all see something soon! Keep the faith my egglets!
God has been so good to me. I am sooooo glad I found this website.

I have been losing weight. I look smaller, the protein has kicked in and my muscles are happy and they are getting rid of that fat they were holding on to since they have better nourishment!

Thank Goodness!
I am finally using my treadmill! It took me a minute to get going:look:

Thank you! We all have to chip in when we can,we all have the same hair goals,healthy,beautiful heads of hair!Good luck to everyone on their hair mission!:grouphug3:
Anybody adding lecithin to their shake? Forgive me if this has already been asked.

I've been using lecithin. It doesn't change the taste, or anything, I can't attest to any extra benefits yet, but I'm going to continue using it.
i just had my 5th drink last night. the taste is actually growing on me. i like it! :lick: and i'm using just one small scoop of ice cream instead of 4 and 1 tbsp of sugar. i tried it without the sugar but it wasn't as good. i am going to slowly ween myself off the sugar eventually.

and i think my skin is looking better already! i had a big pimple on my cheek last week and this week it's gone! and the scar is fading.
Oh I forgot to mention when I posted this that in the first book that we read together; Super Beauty..., Crenshaw mentions in the chapter on shape that you should supplement your diet with B6 to help with weight loss. I can't quote it right now because I left the book in the car. Itz cold out there and I just finished cowashing my hair. Just though yall might wanna know. I believe that is helping too. So a combo of protein, lecithin, vitamin b6, flaxseed, wheatgerm, and vitamin C = balanced diet which = weight balance.

God has been so good to me. I am sooooo glad I found this website.

I have been losing weight. I look smaller, the protein has kicked in and my muscles are happy and they are getting rid of that fat they were holding on to since they have better nourishment!

Thank Goodness!
I am finally using my treadmill! It took me a minute to get going:look:
Good work, Ladies!
Love the results. Love them. My skin is looking sooo much better, my adult acne scars are fading, too.
I'm gonna use soymilk from now on, i think whole milk is causing me to gain a few, which is a no-no...
I use liquid lecithin, and it's great. Prob not as effective as granules, but i'll roll with it for now. I saw that flaxseed in HEB, Chica, are you in Houston, by the way? I started to get it from me and my dd. It was a little more than the other flaxseed so i decided to do a price comparison...
Allright ladies, my husband is up for a promotion, so I'm helping him fill out the paperwork, be in agreement with us for this increase. I know you all will, so thanks in advance... gotta go~
i have not done this in about 2 weeks...gonna get back on track though....not used to drinking whole milk(think its giving me gas) so i am gonna go back to my 2percent. ...and i have the book and haven't sat down to read it yet...gonna have to get on that real soon too, cuz i'm noticing yall are adding lecitin(did i spell that right) so i gotta read up on that
i have not done this in about 2 weeks...gonna get back on track though....not used to drinking whole milk(think its giving me gas) so i am gonna go back to my 2percent. ...and i have the book and haven't sat down to read it yet...gonna have to get on that real soon too, cuz i'm noticing yall are adding lecitin(did i spell that right) so i gotta read up on that
Thanks for getting back on the wagon...lecithin helps with weight loss and hair growth....