*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
I am. Its good for weight loss along with B-comples, B-6, ACV & kelp. In the book she called it less-is-thin



Alexander Hair Cocktail (enriched with 1-tbs. chia seeds-taken blended as described at the end of this recipe).

½-cup raw wheat germ (served as a regular cold cereal)
Sliced banana
Milk (10oz glass)

Lentil soup (1 cup)
Roast beef, medium rare (4oz.)
Alfalfa sprouts-grated carrot salad
*Fortified milk shake of germinating seeds

Evening Snack
+Chia seed pudding


Alexander Hair Cocktail (enriched with 1-tbs. chia seeds)

Liver Steak, medium rare (1/2 lb)
Raw, red onion (2-3 slices)
Baked potato
Butter (2pats)
Green drink (use parsley, watercress, and celery blended with fresh pineapple and apple juice)

Fresh salmon steak, broiled (4oz)
Alexander Salad (large portion)
Plain yogurt with fresh fruit
Fortified milk shake of germinating seeds

Evening Snack
Chia seed pudding


Alexander Hair Cocktail (enriched with 1-tbs. chia seeds)

Bean soup (1-bowl)
Dark grain bread (1-slice- use sprouted whole wheat if available)
Butter (1 pat)
Minute steak, broiled
Sliced tomato
Milk (8oz)

Lamb chops (lean), broiled (4oz)
Baked potato
Butter (2 pats)
Alexander Salad (medium portion)
Watermelon or choice of melon
Fortified milk shake of germinating seeds

Evening snack
Chia seed pudding
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Alexander Hair Cocktail (enriched with 1 tbsp chia seeds)


Tuna fish and alfalfa sprouts sandwich (use sprouted whole wheat bread if available)

Sliced orange and plain yogurt (8 oz glass)

T-bone steak, broiled (4oz)
Alexander Salad (large portion)
Cheese wedges
Fortified milk shake of germinating seeds

Evening Snack

*Mixed nuts and raisins (small portion)

*Mix equal parts of cashews, filberts, almonds, and macadamia nuts with raisins. Use only unsalted, unroasted varieties of nuts generally available at health food stores.


Alexander Hair Cocktail (enriched with 1 tbsp. chia seeds)

Bean and barley soup (1 bowl)
Whole-wheat crackers
Grapefruit sections
Plain yogurt and orange juice milk shake

Fish, meat, or fowl (4 oz)
Choice of vegetable or fruit salad
Whole-wheat cookie
Fortified milk shake of germinating seeds

Evening snack
Chia seed pudding


Alexander Hair Cocktail (enriched with 1 tbsp. chia seeds)

Hamburger and alfalfa sprouts sandwich
Green drink (use parsley, watercress, and celery bLended with fresh pineapple or papaya and apple juice)

Filet mignon or choice of steak, broiled (4oz)
Alexander Salad (large portion)
Sliced orange and grapefruit sections
Fortified milk shake of germinating seeds

Evening Snack
Cheese and choice of fruit


Alexander Hair Cocktail (enriched with 1 tbsp. chia seeds)

½ raw wheat germ (serve as regular cold cereal)
Sliced banana
Mixed nuts (unsalted) and raisins (add to cereal or eat as a dessert – small portion)
Milk (10 oz glass)

Roast beef, medium rare (4oz)
Alexander Salad (large portion)
½ cantaloupe
Fortified milk shake of germinating seeds

Evening snack
Chia seed pudding

for the blend posted throughout this recipe
*Blend: 1-tbsp each of chia, sunflower, millet, pumpkin, and sesame seeds with 8 oz glass of milk

+Blend: raw milk, raw egg, and 1 tbs. chia seeds. Refrigerate for two hours, which allows gelatin from chia seeds to firm. A small piece of papaya, or your favorite fruit, adds additional flavor.

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* food for thought.

I was actually thinking as I typed these recipes. This book was written with men in mind. I find these servings to be alot for the waistline.
I will be modifying my servings significantly. I know that I cannot consume this many calories in one day.
I get what he is saying and will be changing it up.
For example, I rarely (no pun intended) eat red meat. It makes my stomach hurt...not a fan at all.
I use one TBSP,same thing if i add lecithin granules add a TBSP as well.I'm also reading another book Dale Alexander wrote called Arthritis and common sense,He loves a menu! I just love these books,they have been a great help!
my mom has this book... haven't seen it years, i'm gonna see if she still has it... i remember it had some good stuff in it
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The older book just right down to it. NO sugar coding just facts. I was thinking of getting Dale's Arthritis and Common Sense book but I'm in now ruch for that one.
* food for thought.

I was actually thinking as I typed these recipes. This book was written with men in mind. I find these servings to be alot for the waistline.
I will be modifying my servings significantly. I know that I cannot consume this many calories in one day.Puffy~ Do you really think those are alot of calories? A 4 oz steak, isn't that enough to fit in the palm of your hand? I remember reading to reduce calories, meat portions should be no more than that...It doesn't seem like that much to me, I think I would lose weight if I ate those foods...there's not alot of sugar or processed foods, so it seems like the typical protein-rich diet. Only difference are the cocktails...It is a lot to eat, but I'm thinking that because it's so balanced, it may work for most if they are consuming a typical diet of burgers, fries, and soda...(like me..hee hee)The addition of the Waistlength Hair Salad and fruit on a daily basis are awesome....I'll keep your comments in mind, though...it is written for men, but he mentions women can definitely benefit from recipes/ suggestions.

I get what he is saying and will be changing it up.
For example, I rarely (no pun intended) eat red meat. It makes my stomach hurt...not a fan at all.
I know some people get arthritic type symptoms from too much red meat, and what is that, gout? Adding lean protein would probably be better, but I'm gonna look into the benefits of the red meat. Does he say anything about it, specifically in the book? I'll look it up tonight.
I know some people get arthritic type symptoms from too much red meat, and what is that, gout? Adding lean protein would probably be better, but I'm gonna look into the benefits of the red meat. Does he say anything about it, specifically in the book? I'll look it up tonight.

So far nothing specific on red meat. His emphasis is more in line with a "protein-rich" diet. We have to keep in mind as well, that the copywright of this book was 1969 and there was no such thing a a protein shake:lick:
Everyone "thought" that the only source of protein was from meat, nuts and beans. But, as we have learned over time, that is not true and that there are other resources, some better than meat. I will probally get a calorie scale to find out the total calorie weight of the diet, day for day. It "looks" like a lot.
Greetings from Honeyville Farms:

SUMMARY: Act now! Get 10% off our Powdered Whole Eggs in the can and in the case* from Friday, November 14, 2008 thru Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 6:00PM PST. No coupon code required. Stock up and save!


We're always looking for ways to pass our saving along to our valued newsletter subscribers. The cost of eggs seems to be trending down at the moment and we've overstocked our shelves to take advantage. That's why we're offering huge savings on our most popular Powdered Whole Eggs for a limited time only. From Friday, November 14th, 2008 thru Tuesday, November 18th we're offering 10% off our Powdered Whole Egg Cans and Cases*. Simply add Powdered Eggs cans to your cart to receive your instant savings. This is a great time to stock up on one of our most popular food storage items.

Visit us at http://store.honeyvillegrain.com/discount.aspx. Powdered Eggs in the can are listed On Sale for a limited time. Act now as this discount will end promptly on Tuesday November 18, 2008 at 6:00PM PST. If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to place an order over the phone call us, toll-free, at (888) 810-3212 and ask to speak with Internet Sales. We're happy to help.

Powdered Dried Whole Eggs - Freeze Dried Fruit - Blanched Almond Flour - Steel C - Discount
Thanks for posting, Jakibro~ You are always hooking ya sistas up!

Greetings from Honeyville Farms:

SUMMARY: Act now! Get 10% off our Powdered Whole Eggs in the can and in the case* from Friday, November 14, 2008 thru Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 6:00PM PST. No coupon code required. Stock up and save!


We're always looking for ways to pass our saving along to our valued newsletter subscribers. The cost of eggs seems to be trending down at the moment and we've overstocked our shelves to take advantage. That's why we're offering huge savings on our most popular Powdered Whole Eggs for a limited time only. From Friday, November 14th, 2008 thru Tuesday, November 18th we're offering 10% off our Powdered Whole Egg Cans and Cases*. Simply add Powdered Eggs cans to your cart to receive your instant savings. This is a great time to stock up on one of our most popular food storage items.

Visit us at http://store.honeyvillegrain.com/discount.aspx. Powdered Eggs in the can are listed On Sale for a limited time. Act now as this discount will end promptly on Tuesday November 18, 2008 at 6:00PM PST. If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to place an order over the phone call us, toll-free, at (888) 810-3212 and ask to speak with Internet Sales. We're happy to help.

Powdered Dried Whole Eggs - Freeze Dried Fruit - Blanched Almond Flour - Steel C - Discount
I try! Girl,I'm the queen of finding a discount or freebie,especially in these times,If you look in the off topic section i posted a link to get ebony mag for free~! I get a lot of my mags from this company....it's out there,just have to know where to look! LOL

I was reading that also,about the book being geared for men and men usually need more of a calorie intake than we do.Here are a few online calorie counters.

The Calorie Counter
Calorie Counter - Free Online Diet Journal
My Food Diary :: Online Calorie Counter w/ Diet Journal & Exercise Log

a Calorie Counter - Count Calories & Food Nutrition Facts FREE

Calorie Counter (CalorieLab)

Online Diet Plans at SparkPeople
Ladies that aren't using the wheat germ oil... how are your results?
I love the shake w/o wgo and I'm not sure if I want to add it now. Juswt wondering if wgo will make a huge difference.

Feedback please.
My book came today. Yay!!
Ladies that aren't using the wheat germ oil... how are your results?
I love the shake w/o wgo and I'm not sure if I want to add it now. Juswt wondering if wgo will make a huge difference.

Feedback please.
My book came today. Yay!!
The book will give you the major benefits of wheat germ and wgo, it nourishes the hair follicle, causing the hair root to germinate and grow...there's more information, but suffice to say, i will continue to use it, and just *Suck Up* the aftertaste, literally..:lachen:. If you just can't tolerate it, try the Spectrum brand, I found it was really taste-less. I think you'll benefit without it, if your hair is not thinning, you may not miss much. If you had a challenge with hair loss, i'd definitely stick with wgo.:yep:
Hey Ladies,
I did not forget you on that other recipe.
I've been getting caught up on my homework.
(too busy on this cite).
I will get it out soon. If there is anyone pressing to see
it right now, just let me know, ok?

Summary; On that chapter designated for dandruff; he basically
says it is a warning signal and heed should be taken to that warning. (Alexander, 1969, p.81)
In addition to that he states that people with severe dandruff, suborrheah, and hair loss that vitamin B complex and B12.
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I'm drinking egg nog now :lick:, along with the breakfast drinks with the protein of two eggs
You beat me to the egg nog, i almost picked up some last week, but I wanted Southern Comfort brand, so I held out:lick::lick:

I'm gonna get the wheat germ oil soon:yep:

Hey Ladies,
I did not forget you on that other recipe.
I've been getting caught up on my homework.
(too busy on this cite).
I will get it out soon. If there is anyone pressing to see
it right now, just let me know, ok?

Summary; On that chapter designated for dandruff; he basically
says it is a warning signal and heed should be taken to that warning. (Alexander, 1969, p.81)
In addition to that he states that people with severe dandruff, suborrheah, and hair loss that vitamin B complex and B12.
Great as always, Puffy. I know how it is to be strapped for time, so I thank you for posting as much info from the books as you have. I usually can only pop in and out, because this site is addic-tive! Your time will be sucked in like a black hole, but it truly is worth it, because of the knowledge and expertise, here.

Thanks again ladies for posting and helping everything move along. You guys are the icing on the cake. (which is my favorite) Luv Ya!
Yesterday I tried to be brave and added a bit of MSM to the mix ... :barf:

I'll have to find some other way & time to get my MSM.
Yesterday I tried to be brave and added a bit of MSM to the mix ... :barf:

I'll have to find some other way & time to get my MSM.
i tried that too, and i literally had to hold the v*&%t in my throat...well almost, but you get the picture, that was NOT a good mix.:nono::ohwell::sad::perplexed:blush:

i'm just stirrin' it up in water and hoping to remember to take it every night....
Yesterday I tried to be brave and added a bit of MSM to the mix ... :barf:

I'll have to find some other way & time to get my MSM.

i tried that too, and i literally had to hold the v*&%t in my throat...well almost, but you get the picture, that was NOT a good mix.:nono::ohwell::sad::perplexed:blush:

i'm just stirrin' it up in water and hoping to remember to take it every night....

Both of you guys have me CRACKING up!:lachen::lachen: