*~Drink your way to waistlength hair~* I am!

Would you drink raw eggs to get waistlength hair?

  • Definitely.

    Votes: 115 13.5%
  • Babayy, I'd eat a raw chicken to get waistlength hair!

    Votes: 38 4.5%
  • Br*nze, You've gone too far. No way!

    Votes: 372 43.8%
  • If I saw proof that it works, I'd try it.

    Votes: 324 38.2%

  • Total voters
I'm drinking a version w/o wheatgerm. I think somewhere in this thread someone said the egg is the most important part. I looked up the nutritional info of wheatgerm and it doesn't seem THAT essential.

I am this week. I used the last of my wheatgerm oil today and decided not to replace it. With all that I am doing for my hair I think I can skip it for a little bit. However, I am thinking for replacing it with flaxseed oil. Its about half the price of wheatgerm oil.

Oh, and Keen flaxseed oil is not in the ingredients for the Egg Cocktail.

Thanks ladies. I'm taking flaxseed separately, so hopefully this will replace me putting it in my drink. I'll stick with my current shake and continue w/o wheat germ oil.

Thanks. Can't wait to get my book.
Which book has all the good info, "Natural Way to Super Beauty" or the other one? I ordered Natural Way to Super Beauty.
Natural way to super beauty has all of the good info,shake recipe,etc.,The alexander book has the salad recipe and info as well.
i made my first shake yesterday. i mixed

3/4 cup of whole milk
2 tbsp raw wheat germ
1 tbsp wheat germ oil
1 raw egg
couple frozen strawberries i had in the freezer

i blended everything for about 30 seconds and tasted it.

the first 2 gulps i was like "not too bad". but that third gulp i was like :barf:

i spit the rest back in the cup then poured it down the drain! :sad:

but i was determined to like this shake so i tried again

this time i mixed

3/4 cup whole milk
2 tbsp raw wheat germ
1 tbsp wheat germ oil
1 tbsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp sugar ( bad i know)
about 10 of those little frozen strawberries
about 4 heaping spoonfuls of vanilla ice cream

then blended it all for about a minute. then added the raw egg and blended again for about 30 seconds.

i was left with a VERY large glass of this stuff. i was like "Please Lord let this drink be eatable!" :lachen:

i tasted it and....I LIKED IT!! :grin:

it wasn't just delicious, but i could drink the whole thing without gagging.

i had that for my breakfast yesterday and i was full for about 3 hours

i'm gonna make it again today but not use as much ice cream
My shake this morning was pretty good. It was just milk, one egg, and it was actually some meal replacement powder...not protein powder. I used vamilla flavor. I think I should be able to keep this up.
VDW :lachen: Some times you got to let the shake grow on you. I was using molasses as a sweetner but decided to cut the sugar out of my diet and when I had the shake w/o it the first time I was like wow! Now it taste sweet to me. I think b/c I now use soy milk instead of Almond milk.
Which book has all the good info, "Natural Way to Super Beauty" or the other one? I ordered Natural Way to Super Beauty.
Alexander's book has alot of info in it as well. His book is titled, "How I stopped going bald and started growing hair" Enuf said. He includes a 7 day diet plan, the salad, different drink mixes, etc...he also breaks down the science of hair and hair loss. Quite informative. It's also a great buy, you will not be disappointed. It is also an easy read. He's funny. Also, ahead of his time.

Natural way to super beauty has all of the good info,shake recipe,etc.,The alexander book has the salad recipe and info as well.
You are right. You would enjoy alexander's book, too. :spinning: So much info! I still haven't sat down to read it. I keep glancing through...so tweaked for time, ya know?

i made my first shake yesterday. i mixed

3/4 cup of whole milk
2 tbsp raw wheat germ
1 tbsp wheat germ oil
1 raw egg
couple frozen strawberries i had in the freezer

i blended everything for about 30 seconds and tasted it.

the first 2 gulps i was like "not too bad". but that third gulp i was like :barf:Fun-nee!

i spit the rest back in the cup then poured it down the drain! :sad:

but i was determined to like this shake so i tried again

this time i mixed

3/4 cup whole milk
2 tbsp raw wheat germ
1 tbsp wheat germ oil
1 tbsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp sugar ( bad i know)
about 10 of those little frozen strawberries
about 4 heaping spoonfuls of vanilla ice cream you are wrong for that.

then blended it all for about a minute. then added the raw egg and blended again for about 30 seconds.

i was left with a VERY large glass of this stuff. i was like "Please Lord let this drink be eatable!" :lachen:Really fun-nee. really.

I'm sure you did, with ice cream and strawberries...this is a real strawberry shake. For real!...

it wasn't just delicious, but i could drink the whole thing without gagging.

i had that for my breakfast yesterday and i was full for about 3 hours

i'm gonna make it again today but not use as much ice cream

My shake this morning was pretty good. It was just milk, one egg, and it was actually some meal replacement powder...not protein powder. I used vamilla flavor. I think I should be able to keep this up.
It's really easy, and you'll look forward to it every morning. I look for that rush of energy that follows my drink. I've been feeling a little off, turns out i have a sinus infection. I really believe this shake has built-up my immune system, because any other time, i would have felt soo much worse.
VDW :lachen: Some times you got to let the shake grow on you. I was using molasses as a sweetner but decided to cut the sugar out of my diet and when I had the shake w/o it the first time I was like wow! Now it taste sweet to me. I think b/c I now use soy milk instead of Almond milk.
Yes, the soymilk is really sweet.
It adds a pinch of sweetness to whatever you eat....or drink...
Have i told you guys that you are the best Posters ever? Well you are! And I appreciate each and every one of you! ((((*smooches-n-hugs*))))
I'm not sure if this has been ask before: What is the impact of taking this around dinner time instead of the morning? Would it keep me up all night?
I think it would be okay. If I were you however, I would do the first 10 days in the morning. This beverage gave alot of us an airy stomach (gas). If you do take a Zantac, Pepsid or something. (lactose on the stomach at night)

I'm not sure if this has been ask before: What is the impact of taking this around dinner time instead of the morning? Would it keep me up all night?
I got the book today. "they must have heard me complaining".
I hope I have time tor ead it. I am in a graduate level statistics class; I have to find time.
Which book has all the good info, "Natural Way to Super Beauty" or the other one? I ordered Natural Way to Super Beauty.

That was the first one I read too Yodie!

I just got the other book today. The first book (the one you have) is very good. Enjoy!
I'm waiting for alexanders book as well,I walk around with the other one(natural beauty) because i'm always referring to it.It is really a great book.I'm going to try the flaxseed oil tomorrow morning, that wheat germ oil is very strong,I don't want to start adding extra sugars,etc...So goodnight everyone and read that book! :orders:
Hey guys I am up again late. (this is what going to grad school does to ya. I cannot sleep and am up reading through this book. I have skimmed the book and I am going to help Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll get the ingredients posted because I know that she wants to share this information with everyone. I am a fast typist so it is no problem, just be patient with me between this, work and homework. I am not trying to hog the board so "anyone" is welcome to post these recipes if you have the book. I just figured it would be good for everyone to know about this information since we are all talking about it, so noone will be left in the dark.:yep:

I will post in another thread as I have gone on an on on this one..
From Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll 's recommended book.

The Wheat Germ Oil and Milk Mixture – A Modified Version of the Hair Cocktail


“Now there are some people who may prefer t take another blend, which is a modified but still potent version of the hair cocktail. This is a mixture of wheat germ oil and milk. For people who have he four problems listed below, this mixture is a suitable alternative:

1. They are allergic to eggs, or do not like to eat them raw.
2. They are trying to cut down on their calories
3. They have hair that is very dry, and need a mixture that will enhance its luster.
4. They have been told to limit their egg intake by their physicians.

It is also a complete breakfast to supplement with this second mixture at night half an hour before retiring.

How to Mix and Take the Oil and Milk Cocktail

1. Put six tablespoonful of whole milk into the jar or blender.
2. Add one tablespoon of virgin, cold=pressed wheat germ oil into the milk. Cover and shake or blend for ten to fifteen minutes. You will notice hundreds of tiny oil bubbles. (For even better results, put the ingredients into a blender and homogenize for ten to fifteen seconds)
3. Drink the mixture immediately
4. The optional method of taking this mixture is to drink it about thirty minutes before breakfast. If the mixture is taken at night, drink it at least four hours after the evening meal. For best results, the stomach should be empty.
5. Keep your bottle of wheat germ oil refrigerated at all times to prevent it from becoming rancid.
6. It is advisable to use a small jar when mixing the ingredients. If you use a large jar, more oil will be left clinging to the inside surfaces of the jar, and your hair will receive less. If you use a blender, which I recommend, use six ounces of milk rather than six tablespoonfuls; but the amount of wheat germ oil you mix with it remains the same.
7. Do not mix the wheat germ oil with lemon or grapefruit juice. You may use fresh, strained orange juice. Whole sweet milk is the best liquid available for mixing. Those who do not care for sweet milk ma substitute soybean milk.
8. Do not use nonfat milk
9. Do not use wheat germ oil capsules in place of bottled oil.
10. After a certain period of time, you should start to taper down on the use of the wheat germ oil mixture. When? Cut down when you se that the dryness of you hair fall has been alleviated, when you see that your hair has become glossy. But do not stop the intake of what germ oil suddenly. Keep taking the mixture every other morning, instead of daily. Continue this plan for approximately three months. Then use the oil at least twice each month
11. Take the wheat germ oil alone without milk if you wish. It has other advantages. It is a good supply of energy for the body. But for optimal hair results, consume the wheat germ oil mixed with whole sweet milk.
*Dale Alexander, How I Stopped Growing Bald and Started Growing Hair, 1969, 07)

Coming Soon
Seven Days of Hair-Nourishing menu for three kinds of hair problems.


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Alexander Hair Cocktail

½ canteloupe
1-c cottage cheese

Alexander Salad (large portion)
Steak (lean, 4oz)
Milk 8oz glass
*optional (10-11pm)
Wheat germ oil mixture


Alexander Hair Cocktail

Alexander Salad (small portion
Broiled lean hamburger on wheat roll
Milk (8oz glass)

Salmon steak, broiled (3oz.)
Alexander Salad (large portion)
Strawberries and cream (or other berries in season)
Milk (10oz glass)
*optional (10-11 pm)
Wheat germ oil mixture


Alexander Hair Cocktail

Bowl of tomato and rice soup
Rye crackers and butter
Sliced orange (large)
Milk (8oz glass)

Roast chicken (4oz)
Alexander Salad (large portion)
Ripe banana-sunflower seeds milk shake (use 8oz. milk, 1 banana, and two tablespoonsful of sunflower seeds in blender)
*optional (10-11 pm)
Wheat germ oil mixture


Alexander Hair Cocktail

Tuna fish sandwich (use whole-grain bread)
Grapefruit sections, fresh (1/2 grapefruit)
Milk (10oz glass)

Choice of soup
Whole-grain crackers
Butter (1 pat)
Choice of broiled fish or meat (3oz)
Alexander Salad (medium portion)
Milk or milk shake (no ice cream-use yogurt, choice of fruit and sunflower seeds, plus almond meal)
*optional (10 -11pm)
Wheat germ oil mixture


Alexander Hair Cocktail

Hotdogs and beans
Pineapple wedges
Plain yogurt and sliced banana
Milk (10oz glass)

Broiled liver with onions (6oz)
Alexander Salad (medium portion)
Melon in season
Milk (10 oz glass)
*optional (10-11pm)
Wheat germ oil mixture


Alexander Hair Cocktail

Broiled lean hamburger on wheat roll
Cole slaw
Choice of fruit
Milk shake (use plain yogurt, orange juice, and sunflower seeds in blender.

Large steak, broiled (4oz)
Alexander Salad (medium portion)
Choice of soup
Choice of fruit
Milk (10oz glass)
*optional (10-11pm)
Wheat germ oil mixture

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I got the book today. "they must have heard me complaining".
I hope I have time tor ead it. I am in a graduate level statistics class; I have to find time.
i know I received my book on Saturday almost 3 weeks later when I ordered it I now have lost the desire to read it maybe this weekend
Hey guys I am up again late. (this is what going to grad school does to ya. I cannot sleep and am up reading through this book. I have skimmed the book and I am going to help Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll get the ingredients posted because I know that she wants to share this information with everyone. I am a fast typist so it is no problem, just be patient with me between this, work and homework. I am not trying to hog the board so "anyone" is welcome to post these recipes if you have the book. I just figured it would be good for everyone to know about this information since we are all talking about it, so noone will be left in the dark.:yep:

I will post in another thread as I have gone on an on on this one..
From Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll 's recommended book.

The Wheat Germ Oil and Milk Mixture – A Modified Version of the Hair Cocktail


“Now there are some people who may prefer t take another blend, which is a modified but still potent version of the hair cocktail. This is a mixture of wheat germ oil and milk. For people who have he four problems listed below, this mixture is a suitable alternative:

1. They are allergic to eggs, or do not like to eat them raw.
2. They are trying to cut down on their calories
3. They have hair that is very dry, and need a mixture that will enhance its luster.
4. They have been told to limit their egg intake by their physicians.

It is also a complete breakfast to supplement with this second mixture at night half an hour before retiring.

How to Mix and Take the Oil and Milk Cocktail

1. Put six tablespoonful of whole milk into the jar or blender.
2. Add one tablespoon of virgin, cold=pressed wheat germ oil into the milk. Cover and shake or blend for ten to fifteen minutes. You will notice hundreds of tiny oil bubbles. (For even better results, put the ingredients into a blender and homogenize for ten to fifteen seconds)
3. Drink the mixture immediately
4. The optional method of taking this mixture is to drink it about thirty minutes before breakfast. If the mixture is taken at night, dirk it at least four hours after the evening meal. For best results, the stomach should be empty.
5. Keep your bottle of wheat germ oil refrigerated at all times to prevent it from becoming rancid.
6. It is advisable to use a small jar when mixing the ingredients. If you use a large jar, more oil will be left clinging to the inside surfaces of the jar, and your hair will receive less. If you use a blender, which I recommend, use six ounces of milk rather than six tablespoonfuls; but the amount of wheat germ oil you mix with it remains the same.
7. Do not mix the wheat germ oil with lemon or grapefruit juice. You may use fresh, strained orange juice. Whole sweet milk is the best liquid available for mixing. Those who do not care for sweet milk ma substitute soybean milk.
8. Do not use nonfat milk
9. Do not use wheat germ oil capsules in place of bottled oil.
10. After a certain period of time, you should start to taper down on the use of the wheat germ oil mixture. When? Cut down when you se that the dryness of you hair fall has been alleviated, when you see that your hair has become glossy. But do not stop the intake of what germ oil suddenly. Keep taking the mixture every other morning, instead of daily. Continue this plan for approximately three months. Then use the oil at least twice each month
11. Take the wheat germ oil alone without milk if you wish. It has other advantages. It is a good supply of energy for the body. But for optimal hair results, consume the wheat germ oil mixed with whole sweet milk.
*Dale Alexander, How I Stopped Growing Bald and Started Growing Hair, 1969, 07)

Coming Soon
Seven Days of Hair-Nourishing menues for three kinds of hair problems.



Thanks for this post. I dont understand how many tablespoons of milk is needed.......what does xix mean??

Please advise,

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Made my shake this morning using flaxseed oil and some frozen peaches i had,I have to say it was very good:lick:.Is it just me? or does anyone else find the wheatgerm oil a little strong?:scratchch
Made my shake this morning using flaxseed oil and some frozen peaches i had,I have to say it was very good:lick:.Is it just me? or does anyone else find the wheatgerm oil a little strong?:scratchch

You're using both flaxeed and weatgerm oil?
I use both flaxseed and wheat germ oil and in my shake, they aren't too noticeable. I can deal with it, and I still think my shake is yummy.
So I forgot to get more eggs yesterday and decided to get some today and drink my cocktail tonight. Well its no 8:45 PM and I'm just gonna skip the cocktail tonight. This is the first time I will miss my cocktail and wanted to doc it. I just don't feel for anything heavy right now.
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