Drink Your Water Challenge

I'm in. I was up to 72 and stopped, so this is perfect to get me back on track.

ETA - forgot to mention that my goal is 80 oz. (I rounded a little.) What worked before was drinking 16-20 before I leave for work, then drinking 32-64 at work and the rest at home. I have 32 oz. plastic Mason jugs at work and home.
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So I started back drinking my water on my way to work cuz it seems to help me reach my water intake faster. I'm done with my first glass bottle which is 22 oz. I wish they made bigger sizes of the glass bottles. I will have to do some googling to see if I can find a larger size.
I lost count on Wednesday. My water bottle this week holds 23oz so I either had 73 or 96 oz. Then yesterday I fell right off the rails and only had about 54oz. 87.5oz is my goal until I start losing weight. Getting back on track today.

Hey! How are you all measuring when you go to a restaurant? It's easy to measure at home when I'm drinking from my bottle or filling from my fridge which measures how much water is dispensed. But when you go to a restaurant and they're constantly filling your glass which you don't even know the size of AND they fill it at different points...hard to keep track.
I'm in! I was just thinking this earlier today; there needs to be some accountability to stay on track.

Half my body weight is 85oz, I had an app on my phone but I ignored my reminder all day so I deleted it. Starting today I'll make that my daily intake goal.

My challenge with maintainingredients my water intake has always been the bathroom breaks.

Good luck everyone!
I got mad at myself that I wasn't keeping up with my water today and I really just drank the 64 oz in like 5 minutes :badidea:. My stomach feels like there's a solid watermelon inside and I anticipate a thirty-minute bathroom visit coming up. But i finished gosh darnit! Happy water drinking ladies! And may we all reach our goals :sick2:
Think I'm going to drink some water right now! lol

Lol thats my reaction too! I was listening to the radio when I found out how important water is. When I think of all of the years I probably drank but one small little cup (the ones that are really only 8 oz :lachen:) and maybe 4 oz from salty ramen noodle juice I cringe. But its never too late to start. I already finished my 64 oz for today, plus I ate a bowl of cereal so I probably got around 70 oz of fluid today so far. Keep on drinking everybody!
Lol thats my reaction too! I was listening to the radio when I found out how important water is. When I think of all of the years I probably drank but one small little cup (the ones that are really only 8 oz :lachen:) and maybe 4 oz from salty ramen noodle juice I cringe. But its never too late to start. I already finished my 64 oz for today, plus I ate a bowl of cereal so I probably got around 70 oz of fluid today so far. Keep on drinking everybody!

Yessss @ the bolded :lachen:that's probably why I'm blind as a bat now lol
I see some people (cough cough Aggie cough cough) struggling, so I wanted to recommend a few things:

A big cup! A 10 oz cup is too small. Its kind of like how taking smaller bites makes you feel like you ate more, you know? So you feel full from those little cups. Plus the memory part, having to refill up more prolongs the responsibility. If you use a bigger cup you won't have to refill as often, and you can say in your head "just finish three of these and I'm done" as motivation. You'll be way more likely to finish, trust me.

I also recommend a pitcher (or a bottle large enough to contain all of your water for the day). Using a pitcher and just filling it up with how much you want to finish by the end of the day is an easy way to make sure you get it all down. So you'll just know that that pitcher should be empty by the time you go to sleep (or a few hours before then for my ladies who pee a lot, me included :() without having to count cups and everything. Counting cups is the fastest way to not make it... that's math and misery :lachen: If you can't keep a pitcher at work, I recommend getting serious about a 64 oz water bottle. I also like this since my pitcher is only ever halfway full, which makes me feel like its not a lot. Its abot 3.5 cups for me. I finish by like 2:00.

Drink a large cup with each meal. Don't stop till its gone. Another thing that makes it hard is feeling like you're just randomly dropping life and drinking water. You can't keep that up. That will put you in "temporary habit" mode. This isn't just for the challenge, you should think of it as for ever. If you don't find a way to make it fit your life, it won't ever become a permanent habit. So drink with meals.

Lastly, large gulps. Don't think while you drink, and open your throat as big as you can! You'll get used to it. It will become automatic. If you actually taste the water you're not going to able to finish. Because water is naaaaasty when you're not thirsty.

Hope this helps somebody. God bless :D