Drink Your Water Challenge


After chilling in the supplements/vitamins thread I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread to keep up on our water intake.

The rules are simple:
Check in daily whenever you finish your desired amount of water, making sure you write how much you drank.

A good rule of thumb is half of your body weight in ounces. For example, I'm drinking 64 oz a day.

We check in daily as a reminder, because let's be honest that's why I haven't been doing it... I figure it's good to have annoying updates to keep us on track.

Also, try to update us on any positive or negative side effects on your journey.

This challenge begins tomorrow! But you can join up until January 1st of 2017. And if you're a little late I'll let you in, but not past hmm... ah whatever! You can join anytime.

Challenger list will be updated on January 1st, 2017. The challenge ends on January 1st, 2018. Let's shoot for 365 days (or more if you're starting tomorrow) of health!

And may God bless us all. :dance7:
Just purchased this 67 oz water bottle for the challenge:



I had one of their smaller bottles and the "drink schedule" on the back made it so much easier to get my water in. The company is black owned too and all their bottles are currently on sale.
I'm in. I just got a yeti mug because I realize I'll drink plenty if it's ice cold but almost none otherwise! My goal is to consistently get to a gallon a day.
It seems everyone gets a gallon in. Can I ask why so much? I heard half your body weight in oz?? I'm starting to feel insecure about my little 64 oz. But you know what? I'm not gonna try to do more. I know if I do I'll start feeling stressed and give up. Plus I'm already waking up each night needing to use the bathroom lol.

Some side effects so far:

Skin changes. I woke up with two bump-like pimples (I never get pimples) and I think it's because my body is detoxifying. But on the bright side my skin was literally glowing and my legs didn't need lotion. What in the world?

Needing to pee all the time. This is a not so good side effect. My sleep was horrible last night. So today I'm trying to get my bladder empty by finishing my water at least 3 hours before bed. It doesn't help that I have an extremely weak bladder from holding it too much... sigh.

Lastly, I think my body was dehydrated before so I didn't crave water at all, but now that I'm getting enough I need it. I drank more than 64 oz yesterday and I'm almost done with my amount for today. it's like it's in use-up-water-mode whereas before it wasn't.
I just ordered one of those water bottles and I will start on December 1st.
I just received notification that my water bottle has shipped, so it should be here next week.

In the meantime, I will take out 4 bottles of 16.9 fl. oz of water each day (67.6 fl. oz total) and chug-a-lug until all bottles are gone. So far, I am half way done with bottle #3.