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Hey Aggie! This challenge sounds like a lot of fun, and I could use a fun challenge for 09'. I guess you can sign me up :yep:. I'll DC twice a week and alternate between a protein and a moisturizing (Aubrey Organics GPB for protein and either the Island Naturals, White Camellia, or Rosa Mosqueta for DC'ing). See you in January with my starting pic :grin:.
I'll try it again. I fell off the wagon with the last challenge. I hope I can keep up this time.
I'm definitely in. I'll have a starting pic up soon (it'll be my progress pic from the current challenge).
Hey Aggie! This challenge sounds like a lot of fun, and I could use a fun challenge for 09'. I guess you can sign me up :yep:. I'll DC twice a week and alternate between a protein and a moisturizing (Aubrey Organics GPB for protein and either the Island Naturals, White Camellia, or Rosa Mosqueta for DC'ing). See you in January with my starting pic :grin:.

Good to see you Muffin. It is a lot of fun when you begin to see the big improvements in your hair with dc'ing:yep:.

I'll try it again. I fell off the wagon with the last challenge. I hope I can keep up this time.
drasgrl, that's why we call it a challenge. We are here to encourage and cheer each other on so make sure you try to check in as often as you can, okay?
By the way ladies, the challenge has been updated from last night to right now. Keep the requests coming.
i just bought a bottle of aubrey organics gpb so i cant wait to deep condition on dry hair with that.
Awww u remembered to put me on the list! I'm so glad I can join this one. I will be deep conditioning twice per week with my concoction of ORS Replenishing Conditioner /Suave Humectant mixed with castor oil. Thanx Aggie!

ETA: under a hood dryer for 20 mins on dry hair.
I plan to continue in this challenge.

My staple DCs are Joico Moisture Recovery Balm, ORS Replenishing Conditioner and Banana Brulee by Shescentit. I also use Joico Kpak 1-2 times per month.
i just bought a bottle of aubrey organics gpb so i cant wait to deep condition on dry hair with that.
I want to try this so bad but I have to order it online for next year I guess:ohwell:.

sign me up please. last year's challenge was the best thing i ever did for my hair

This is so good to hear malachi74 and it shows. It has been wonderful for mine as well. I will add you right now.

Awww u remembered to put me on the list! I'm so glad I can join this one. I will be deep conditioning twice per week with my concoction of ORS Replenishing Conditioner /Suave Humectant mixed with castor oil. Thanx Aggie!

ETA: under a hood dryer for 20 mins on dry hair.

Girl you know I pay close attention to my girls:grin:. Have fun honey.
Me Me!! I'm in! and for my DC I will be using HairVeda's SitriNillah Deep Conditioning Masque, and or Ayurvedic Mix of Amla/Shikakai and Brahmi powders :)
I forgot to mention how I will be DC'ing. Most of the time I DC with heat for around 30 minutes to an hour (30 minutes with heat and sometimes 30 without). Sometimes when I use a protein DC I do it without heat and I leave it on overnight and wash it out the next morning and condition. I think this challenge will be good for me because I've been getting lazy with my DC'ing. I'll do it but I won't feel like doing it. This challenge will help me remember how important it is to remember to DC.
Ok I will be mainly wearing my LF until I reach APL this year. So I will be DC 1x/wk on wet hair using either ORS, LeKair, Patene Mask, or SE MegaSilk. These will be in rotation until I use them all up to buy new ones...I refuse to be a PJer. My money aint long like alot of you ladies. Before I DC I apply 2 min Aphogee to my hair for like 5 mins.
Whenever I am not under my LF which will only be for like 2 weeks at the most every 4 months, I will DC 2x/wk going back and fourth with moisture and protein.
****I forgot to mention this stuff earlier.
Well i just shampooed and deep conditioned under the hooded dryer for 20 minutes with Keracare Humecto. My detangling process was a breeze.:grin: I punked out on the rollerset and just slapped on some NTM leave in and wet bun. I just don't have the energy, setting my hair for i dunno how long, sitting under the dryer for another hour, blah, blah...
Me and my hair- Bunning

Sunday- Shampoo, D/C, Moisturize and seal. BUN IT UP!
Tuesday- Co-wash- D/C moisturize and seal. Bun it up

In weave
Sunday- Shampoo and D/C
Wednesday D/C on dry hair and rinse

I texlaxed 2day so here is my 09 starting pic!


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I'm in...I DC tonight with mizani moisture fuse...I kept a plastic cap on for over an hour..I'm transitioning...the 11th will be seven months post...I haven't found a fav conditioner yet so I know I'll be using different brands over the year.....:)
I washed yesterday and wasnt able to DC b/c I had to run out and finish christmas shopping after has put my 2 min Aphogee on. So I just washed it out and wet bunned it until today. I cornroll my hair and put my LF on...
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