dont you find it funny ?


New Member
dont you find it funny that

in order for black hair to stay moisturize we must use products that moisturize yet we are not suppose to wash our hair everyday?

i always thougth that was kinda interesting about our hair?

I also realized that regardless of what we do with our hair natural, relaxed, texlaxed there is always a con to it... ... do you think we are ever gonna find a way to do our hair without any negative affects...

I always wondered there must be a reason why god made our hair specifically so different from everyone else... i mean we all can wear our hair natural but if we were to wear afros and let them grow.... and not cut them.... boy would that be interesting.... cause our hair grows up and out and not down....

Its funny how with our hair in order to get one look we loose something.... like to be natural means we can do as many styles like straightening and loose curls and if we use relaxer we get more styling options but are more prone to damage if we dont take special care of it...

I love my hair but sometimes i wonder... i think that its kinda unfair but hey u gotta work what with god gave us right...

what you guys think
dont you find it funny that

in order for black hair to stay moisturize we must use products that moisturize yet we are not suppose to wash our hair everyday?

i always thougth that was kinda interesting about our hair?

I also realized that regardless of what we do with our hair natural, relaxed, texlaxed there is always a con to it... ... do you think we are ever gonna find a way to do our hair without any negative affects...

I always wondered there must be a reason why god made our hair specifically so different from everyone else... i mean we all can wear our hair natural but if we were to wear afros and let them grow.... and not cut them.... boy would that be interesting.... cause our hair grows up and out and not down....

Its funny how with our hair in order to get one look we loose something.... like to be natural means we can do as many styles like straightening and loose curls and if we use relaxer we get more styling options but are more prone to damage if we dont take special care of it...

I love my hair but sometimes i wonder... i think that its kinda unfair but hey u gotta work what with god gave us right...

what you guys think

I love my afro, I can't wait for it to blot out the sun. I'll be in the theater and no one will want to sit behind me:drunk:

I see this thread getting interesting:popcorn:

i never look at black hair as being difficult or hard to work with. i think our hair is very unique and capable of a lot of styles. i personally believe that the number one mistake black women make with their hair is working against it ALL THE TIME. this goes for relaxed, natural, and all in between.
My hair grows down :yep:

I dont think "black" hair is hard to deal with at all. infact SOME people dont have to do anything, and it grows very fast and healthy.. everyone is diffrent.. I think that its just that black people are using the more poor treatment on their hair, and dont know how to deal with it properly, thats why it seems like every black person must have hair problems wich is not true. infact white people have their shares of problems too, yes our texture is diffrent, but so is theres.. who says that white peoples hair is the normal?? maybe god made them special.. I dont think you should see it as unfair at all.. and if so feel it for yourself, because I feel very blessed with my hair, and wouldnt want it any other way :D
geeze saida... i was just expressing my opinion... i didint say that you had to feel the same way i do... gosh..... i love my hair too ...i just saying i feel thats its kinda unfair sometimes.... so what i said it.... you dont have to agree..i wasnt asking no one tooo just expressing MY opinion and mines alone... this is a blog where we are suppose to exprees our opiinions let me do that
geeze saida... i was just expressing my opinion... i didint say that you had to feel the same way i do... gosh..... i love my hair too ...i just saying i feel thats its kinda unfair sometimes.... so what i said it.... you dont have to agree..i wasnt asking no one tooo just expressing MY opinion and mines alone... this is a blog where we are suppose to exprees our opiinions let me do that

im just expressing my opinion as well :D
i guess your right but you told me to feel the way i feel about my hair for myself as if i wass trying to make u think the way i think and iw as not... didnt you say feel it for urself... thats why i said that.. its no biggie i just wanted to clarify
dont you find it funny that

in order for black hair to stay moisturize we must use products that moisturize yet we are not suppose to wash our hair everyday?

i always thougth that was kinda interesting about our hair?

I don't agree with the idea that African-American hair cannot be washed everyday. I don't think that's the case with all hair textures. For my hair, which is mostly 4b, the harm doesn't come from (co) washing my hair everyday, but rather from detangling my hair everyday. So when I'm in protective styles, I could wash my hair everyday if I wanted to since I'm not combing it, but I just choose not to. Shampoo is a different story, but my hair does not need to be shampooed everyday to get clean.

I always wondered there must be a reason why god made our hair specifically so different from everyone else... i mean we all can wear our hair natural but if we were to wear afros and let them grow.... and not cut them.... boy would that be interesting.... cause our hair grows up and out and not down....

Not all people. I always thought that at this stage in my natural journey, my hair would be a huge and large fro, and it can be with quite a bit of manipulation, but it certainly isn't that way naturally. My hair grew out to a certain point and then began to fall/flop. I still love my fros, but I have learned that as my hair gets longer/heavier, it begins to fall down and not out.

Its funny how with our hair in order to get one look we loose something.... like to be natural means we can do as many styles like straightening and loose curls and if we use relaxer we get more styling options but are more prone to damage if we dont take special care of it...

Since I have been natural, I don't feel as though I have lost anything. I have a very wide variety of styles to choose from, none of which damage my hair if I do them correctly.

I love my hair but sometimes i wonder... i think that its kinda unfair but hey u gotta work what with god gave us right...

what you guys think

I love my hair, and now that I know how to take care of it, it's easy as pie to keep it healthy! I wash/condition, spritz and seal when it's dry, and braid it up. It doesn't get any easier for me than this. I don't think it's unfair at all, and thank God for the hair that he gave me. :yep:
i guess your right but you told me to feel the way i feel about my hair for myself as if i wass trying to make u think the way i think and iw as not... didnt you say feel it for urself... thats why i said that.. its no biggie i just wanted to clarify

you know krussynick, as human beings we are very rarely satisfied.. I just want you to see that, maybe if you did have the hair that you feel is more fair to have, you would find something else wrong.. I know because white people always try to tan to get out color right?? they say its unfair too.. nobody is really ever going to be satifsied with EVERYTHING about themselves.. im not trying to say that you have to feel a sertain way.. its only normal that we wish we could change somethings about ourselves.. but I just hope that you dont go into thinking that GOD made only us have something hard.. because we need to be gratefull for what we have, like you said yourself.. whenever you feel bad about something just look at someone who has something worse than you.. im sure someone out there have some messed up hair that you wouldnt want to have.. that helps me to appreciate what I have more..

if I offended you im sorry, I just dont want you to feel like you have some kind of defect because you have "black hair"

thanks sushine for ur polite response... your expressd your opinion without making me feel bad abour my opinions.... I just want those type of responses... when i post a thread.. ...
I see what you are saying but I feel that there are no cons to me being natural... In fact I can do way more styles than I could when I was relaxed! I can wear my hair straight, curly, twists, braids, etc... and now that it is natural it is soOo much stronger and grows faster... plus people of other races and ethnicities tell me they wish they had hair like mine... I guess it depends on how you look at it... before I began this journey I felt like I got the short end of the stick when it came to my hair but now that I have gotten to know my hair better I feel like I'm very lucky
no im fine.. i just wanted to clarify that one statement you made... and as i said i love my hair.. sometimes it just get annoying.. im a thinking i analyze so i always come up with these questions cause ... im interesting in what others think... i was just speaking for me not for anyone else... i just dont want ppl on the boards getting mad at ppl caues they say something they disageree with... but its cool.. no beef.. thats for sure
no im fine.. i just wanted to clarify that one statement you made... and as i said i love my hair.. sometimes it just get annoying.. im a thinking i analyze so i always come up with these questions cause ... im interesting in what others think... i was just speaking for me not for anyone else... i just dont want ppl on the boards getting mad at ppl caues they say something they disageree with... but its cool.. no beef.. thats for sure

im sure noone will get mad at you, and I wasnt mad at you either. we are all in entitled to my opinion... ops I mean our own opinion :D
yea cocoh i feel you... you right but i just wanted to make it clear that we have so many textures and i guess i was saying some are easier to manage than others( iduno if thats an ignorant old school comment ) but i truly feel that way... like i think 3c is easier to do than a 4b but thats just me..
Hmm interesting you say ur hair grows down after a certain point... thats why i was scared to go natural cause....i felt that i wold just annoy ppll... when was younger my fro was huge... i mean huge... so i was like i dont want ppl not being able to see lol....
I understand what you're saying, but I think it is human nature to be disatisfied with some aspect of our person - straight hair wants curly; thick hair wants to lie flat; thin hair wants to be poofy;I know asian women and indian women who want their hair to curl; white women who perm and dye and fry and then complain about breakage - hair problems are not limited to black women. And the disatisfation is not limited to hair white skin tries to tan, dark skin, lighten - talls to be shorts, shorts to be tall - we are contrary creatures.

Who says you can't wash your hair everyday? If water is the ultimate moisturizer, why not?

I love my hair. It's healthy and growing, and I'm happy with it.
Yea thats true... other hair types and races do have issues tooo ... i guess i just always felt ours wars the harderst... i dunno why.. maybe im just gotta get use to this whole tihing.... i think u know that maybe being surrounded by so many negative folk in regards to black hair makes me upset even more...
excuxe my ranting i just want to explain myself.. like i see girls with weaves and stuff say oh they cant wash their hair cause their weave will slep out and its too expesive to get done every couple of weeks..( which is true i cant lie) and even with extensions... i had them and i wash them they would slip out and i get mad cause it cost me ove 100 dollars to put in.. and thats why i get angry... like i remember how girls use to make fun of other girls who weave was bad and wat not and im just thiking it was just cause they didnt have th emoney to get it done over fresh so many times and that why i said i wonder why its so difficult sometimes for some... i think when it comes to our hair care espeically ... it comes down alot to money... thank goodness im learning how to do this stuff myself .. maybe im the only one but i save alot doing my own rollerset now...
thanks sushine for ur polite response... your expressd your opinion without making me feel bad abour my opinions.... I just want those type of responses... when i post a thread.. ...

good luck with that kiddo. starting a thread especially one with this topic opens your opinion up to judgement be it good or bad. You gotta have thick skin to be on this or any other forum. I can tell you first hand..things are not always polite:nono: Although i wish they were. So dont get bent outta shape if people don't agree. (LHCF lesson 1)

I personally do think our hair is more difficult than most and I am not a pessimist. I've broke many combs and struggled on many occassions trying to deal with my hair. But in the end i love my hair and i have found a great way to take care of it so thats all that matters;)
i gues ur right i just felt that we can all express our feelings with out making others feel bad thats alll but i see what your saying... i just thought we can all be nice to one another... mayb thats too much to ask ..
I wash my hair everyday no prob. I told that to this black girl at Sally's today and I was shocked by her reaction. She goes, "Really? I bet your hair must be really healthy huh?" LOL. I was like "YEP!" I guess I was under the misconception that most black women thought it was wrong to wash your hair everyday, boy was I wrong.
I also realized that regardless of what we do with our hair natural, relaxed, texlaxed there is always a con to it...

not necessarily! i relax my hair, but i always mess up, so i'm texlaxed... some people might view that as a con (i know i did not too long ago), but now i'm starting to see that my texlaxed hair is much healthier and stronger than my relaxed-all-the-way hair. sure, i can't air dry my hair and have it 100% straight, but the goal for me isn't super straight hair, it's health.

i suppose it all depends on how you look at things.

but all in all, i feel ya. as a kid, i used to be SO JEALOUS of all the asian girls at school (the area i lived in had a very high asian population at the time), because their hair grew in super straight, while they were all jealous that i was able to hold my hairstyles in place without the aid of hairspray. it's a classic case of "the grass is always greener on the other side".

I used to be very frustrated with my hair and sometimes I still am. Wouldn't it be nice to just have hair that is long and strong and stays that way easily without all the special handling and conditioning and moisturizing and such? Sometimes you just have to say out loud how you really feel, then it's easier to move on and think positively. You have every right to share your feelings. Thank you for your honesty.
My hair texture has always frustrated me, mainly because I'm a wash n go person and always have to do something extra to my hair. I liked it most when I was relaxed and could comb/brush it in the morning and go, but even then I knew it would all break off eventually if I didn't take extra steps. I don't like sitting for hours at a beauty shop for braids, weaves, etc, but at the same time I like my hair to hang down to my waist. I get frustrated because I just want to wear my natural hair out without any alterations, but if I do that it just kind of sticks up.

What I'd really like is having 3-something hair (I am 4A); it hangs down so you can wear it out without relaxing, braids, etc, but it's also still afro-centric. A girl I work with has hair like this and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

That's just my two cents anyway.
i never look at black hair as being difficult or hard to work with. i think our hair is very unique and capable of a lot of styles. i personally believe that the number one mistake black women make with their hair is working against it ALL THE TIME. this goes for relaxed, natural, and all in between.

Cosigning to this!

excuxe my ranting i just want to explain myself.. like i see girls with weaves and stuff say oh they cant wash their hair cause their weave will slep out and its too expesive to get done every couple of weeks..( which is true i cant lie) and even with extensions... i had them and i wash them they would slip out and i get mad cause it cost me ove 100 dollars to put in.. and thats why i get angry... like i remember how girls use to make fun of other girls who weave was bad and wat not and im just thiking it was just cause they didnt have th emoney to get it done over fresh so many times and that why i said i wonder why its so difficult sometimes for some... i think when it comes to our hair care espeically ... it comes down alot to money... thank goodness im learning how to do this stuff myself .. maybe im the only one but i save alot doing my own rollerset now...

I've participated in a thread that discussed your viewpoint before. Some people would agree with you, but as I noted above, I have a different opinion. Your quote above actually notes a complaint about weaves, not about kinky hair. Yes, it tends to be more delicate than other hair types. Having been natural for maybe 10 years now, I'd have to say that I haven't experience cons regarding my hair. The people who used to do my hair when I was young complained about it, but once I started doing it myself and got used to it, it's truly the easiest part of my personal care regimen. If you feel that you hair is "the hardest", and that people with other types have it easier, the fact may be right, and you may be wrong. It's very difficult to judge that having known only one side.

But just like riding a bike or tying your shoes was an ordeal when you were just learning, hair care seems tough at first but will soon become second nature. Then you'll wonder what all your cryin' was about, I know I did. HHG!
i was talking about weaves but i was referring to kinky hair cause we are the ones who where them the most..

I understand that weaves are predominantly worn by kinkis. My point is that, it is due to not accepting or finding a fault with the hair. Wearing weaves is not, of itself, a problem with kinky hair. For example, you could say smaller busted women have more problems because they have to find more expensive push-up bras, or deal with the embarrasment of stuffing.

The problem isn't with their bust. The problem is their perception of their busts, and what that perception leads them to do. Hope that clarifies.

My thought is that, at the end of the day, hair is hair. In all the forums I've gone to and all the research I've done, that is one of the few common truths I've found. Straight hair strips, breaks, tangles, knots, dries out, and falls out. So does wavy hair. So does kinky hair. So will pubic hair if treated badly enough. The advice on the straight hair boards isn't any different than that found here because...<shrugs> hair is hair. You'll feel better about anything you treat well, even an old sweater. And the better you treat it, the longer it will last and the better it will look.