dont you find it funny ?

You gotta admit- when you start a sentence with "dont you find it funny" and then continue to read your post- that you seem unsatisfied with your hair. You said things like not being able to wash our hair every day (incorrect), and that our hair grows up and not down(incorrect) it does both). And you ask people what they think.. So you hear what they think- and thoughts will not always be what you want to hear. Heck some statements that you stated sounded downright rude- but I'm going to assume that you weren't just like you should assume that noone else is . Wondering about your hair and God poses a hermeneutic question about whether its possible that our creator made a mistake. That'll kick up some feelings. Intended or not- you put our creation and its worthiness on blast. The responses are apropos to your original statement. I don't find it funny that we have the hair we have or the skin we're in. I find it to be a unique blessing Im 44 and I look 33- I have no wrinkle age spots or balding that other races do begin at 30- My GYN says I wont see menopause for at least another decade! It's all good. Yeah I hate detangling my hair- but learned how to do it quickly and effectively once a month. (Right Products, Right Technique)
I didn't respond to your initial post cause I'm so over the "woe is my hair" phase. It may just take you a little more time to learn to deal with what you got. If not do what you think is best- its your hair. I learned so well that people think I'm lying about the true nature of my hair

In defense of nappywomyn, who I admire- she wasn't specifically pointing out to you that you hated your ethnicity because you relax your hair. This board is all about choices. What you may not be receiving is that your topic has been hashed around many times and the bottom line is- unless there are ways to change the shape of your follicles- you got what you have from here till eternity.As soon as you get your products and techniques down and throw away some incorrect assumptions- you'll be fine
Written in the spirit of Love

when i made those statements i didnt say they were true.. i was just expressing some of thing i hear ppl say .... and i was mostly referring to my hair type.. ( how in the world am i gonna make generalization for everybody think about that)... seee i told u .. the reason yall geting back at me is cause u say the statements i said were rude.. I DID not mean it to hurt anyone and if i did just send me a pm and let me know.. God gave me a mind and i can wonder all i want.. if i am wrong.. then he will let me know... i am deep thinking im think way beyond the surface so maybe thats hwy my question seem odd to you... but that just how i am. Lastly my hair is fine.. my produtcs are fine.. See u not right cause u automatically assume by my post that my hair game is not on point and that im struggling... sorry sweetie ... im not... I can ask questions like that and it dont mean my hair is tore up... but once again if i did make a statement that u felt insulted u im sorry.. im not a mean person but i just dont like when ppl tell me what im thinking when they not in my mind...
I'm confused as to why you think anyone is a) mad b) getting back at you c) insulted d) offended or e) trying to do anything but have a conversation about the statements that you made and statements that others who have posted to this thread have made.

Ain't no need to make it seem more antagonistic than it really is.....

I'm confused as to why you think anyone is a) mad b) getting back at you c) insulted d) offended or e) trying to do anything but have a conversation about the statements that you made and statements that others who have posted to this thread have made.

Ain't no need to make it seem more antagonistic than it really is.....


you said what you want... im saying what i want.. case closed... now we can go on being a happy family working on continue to have healthy hair............. can we please leave it at that... im tired of the back and forth... i dont want criticizism of me and what i should do............ALL i want is ur opinion.... which means dont tell me what i need to do and what im thinking.. just tell me what you think and thats it... Thanks
I agree with the bolded! :yep:

I think what some people are trying to say is that there are a lot of Black women working against their hair excessively because of being afraid of their hair looking a certain way that's "not-so-acceptable" to other people (hope that makes sense). Some women will make sure you do not catch them with one area of frizz or nappiness in their hair. And some will do this to the point of causing serious damage or even baldness, and in extreme cases, some may begin to depend on hair weave and wigs excessively as well.

Just have fun with your hair... Don't worry about it not being completely straight or nappy-free.

I agree! IRL there are so many women that have problems with their hair trying to create something that wasn't God-given. IRL you have more AAs hating on the God-given because AA textured hair is the most delicate because it is the most curly/coily. It does require the most moisture because of its texture.
you said what you want... im saying what i want.. case closed... now we can go on being a happy family working on continue to have healthy hair............. can we please leave it at that... im tired of the back and forth... i dont want criticizism of me and what i should do............ALL i want is ur opinion.... which means dont tell me what i need to do and what im thinking.. just tell me what you think and thats it... Thanks





Amazing!!! Telling someone what they told you they think is telling them what they think - go figure!

Go in peace, and may the gods bless you & your fabulous hair!
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^^^I dunno if ur a newbie, krissynick, but on this forum, certain topics are touchy; particularly race threads and things about hair texture. I have noticed some people are very millitant (i'm a 9zzzzzzz), others in between and open minded (the normal folk) and others are delusional (i'm a 1a:rolleyes:). All in all, if ur getting ganged up on, best thing to do is just stop posting in the thread, cuz it will blow up and get out of hand. Some understood what u were trying to say, me included, others...... not so much, just know for next time, some things will blow up, no matter how innocent ur intentions are:yep:




Amazing!!! Telling someone what they told you they think is telling them what they think - go figure!

Go in peace, and may the gods bless you & your fabulous hair!
I am seriously not trying to be mean,but OP, you kind of opened your opinion up for debate.You did say "what yall think?"
I know how you explained it,but it seems like you are contradicting yourself. This is where people are confused.
^^^I dunno if ur a newbie, krissynick, but on this forum, certain topics are touchy; particularly race threads and things about hair texture. I have noticed some people are very millitant (i'm a 9zzzzzzz), others in between and open minded (the normal folk) and others are delusional (i'm a 1a:rolleyes:). All in all, if ur getting ganged up on, best thing to do is just stop posting in the thread, cuz it will blow up and get out of hand. Some understood what u were trying to say, me included, others...... not so much, just know for next time, some things will blow up, no matter how innocent ur intentions are:yep:

True True... i never expected this thats for sure.. and now its like a couple of people are really tryring to make it worst.. but its fine.. i wont post like this again unless im ready to feel the heat
I am seriously not trying to be mean,but OP, you kind of opened your opinion up for debate.You did say "what yall think?"
I know how you explained it,but it seems like you are contradicting yourself. This is where people are confused.

i guess i did but i didnt want ppl to criticize me.i just wanted to hear what they thought... isnt that possible.. dont worry i wont do this agian.

I've read this entire thread, and observing from several viewpoints I would have you look at your initial post because it can easily be misconstrued or misinterpreted due to the fact that there was an error in communication and your delivery. I don't think people are necessarily attacking you, but they are misunderstanding what you and your posts have implied for several reasons (I still haven't understood whether or not your just venting and asking if anyone feels as you do every now & then, or if it is truly a problem with your texture).

1.) When you make blanket statements, it is ALWAYS automatically interpreted as fact (which is one the reasons when writing in science, you ALWAYS state who the source from which you get your info and the source of your reasoning) Without implying that these are not necessarily your opinions but the things you hear people say or observe, it is automatically interpreted as YOUR opinion because you have failed to state otherwise.

2.) Furthermore, to some extent in your posts, you too seem to have internalized these beliefs that you state were not yours. For example, I am natural, and while I may only have 4a/b hair in a few small areas, it is NOT especially difficult for me to style. The same also seems to be true for Nappywoman. That is not to say I don't get mad at my hair when it wants to get crunk and I don't want to, but even then I WORK WITH IT and my styles usually turn out to be their best. I recognize the fact that my styling options are limitless as long as I have the patience to experiment and perfect it- rollersets, braids, twists, wash n gos, etc. You have to find what works for each specific style. Even with natural 4b hair, you can manipulate it SO MANY WAYS that it can assume another texture (within reason) by simply putting it in twists or rods. So no my hair's versatility is not limited and has even expanding tenfold now that I'm natural. Thus, I would have to respectfully disagree with this sentiment.

3.) In a brief summary, I believe most of these ladies are specifically saying that our hair is NOT inherently difficult but many attempt to style in ways that goes against its principle nature and design. There is nothing wrong with wanting to change styles, but consistently trying to manipulate your hair into something that it is the antithesis of its structure will only lead to hardship (a perfect ex. of this was when someone stated "imagining someone w/ bone straight hair trying to make it into an afro). Notice that most of the time people with naturally straight hair that is healthy almost never attempt to style it other than naturally straight (using wide tooth combs, little heat or curling irons, frequently keeping it clean). Those who attempt to go against or tame it (relaxing, heat, etc.) often have to have significant amounts cut off (4+) inches at least every 3 months.

People with naturally kinky 4b hair who don't go against its nature also don't have these problems either w/ excessive breakage, or styling versality once they become familiar with their hair's behavior (sonce, nappywomyn, nappyme, catface, md-ocr, crazycoil, jazzijenni,and a host of numerous others-there's actually an entire thread devoted to long thick natural hair floating around somewhere)

Some people in general (black, white, indian, etc) may have much more resilient hair that can take such abuse. Resiliency is NOT necessarily an intrinsic property of just naturally straight hair.

*****Important Note******

Most of the white, asian, and indian girls I know who many people think that they wash and go their hair into silky straightness often wake up at 6:30 am, wash, condition, blow dry, and flat iron (@ 450 degress) EVERY morning to look "presentable" :spinning:. Quite frankly I'm thrilled to be able to style my hair once a week or every 2 weeks and still look fabulous every morning without all of that work:lachen:. I just couldn't imagine :nono:

4.) Also, I would have to ask (for clarification), have you thought about the reasoning why you feel your hair is not as versatile as you think. What types of styles are you trying to adopt? Do you have to perform SIGNIFICANT OR EXTREME manipulation for it assume the manner that you wish (as this can lead to serious frustration)? If you could just wash n go every day, would you? You stated that you hair is now relaxed (so why can't you wash n go like many of the ladies on this forum do? There is a wealth of information about how to do this, even with 4b hair.

What was wrong with wearing your "huge" natural hair? What did you honestly expect it to do or look like-maybe you were not necessarily realistic about your hair's expectations.

Good luck on your hair journey and I'm happy to know that you are currently satisfied with your hair :grin:

* sorry this post is so long....I'm obviously quite long winded :rolleyes:
You gotta admit- when you start a sentence with "dont you find it funny" and then continue to read your post- that you seem unsatisfied with your hair. You said things like not being able to wash our hair every day (incorrect), and that our hair grows up and not down(incorrect) it does both). And you ask people what they think.. So you hear what they think- and thoughts will not always be what you want to hear. Heck some statements that you stated sounded downright rude- but I'm going to assume that you weren't just like you should assume that noone else is . Wondering about your hair and God poses a hermeneutic question about whether its possible that our creator made a mistake. That'll kick up some feelings. Intended or not- you put our creation and its worthiness on blast. The responses are apropos to your original statement. I don't find it funny that we have the hair we have or the skin we're in. I find it to be a unique blessing Im 44 and I look 33- I have no wrinkle age spots or balding that other races do begin at 30- My GYN says I wont see menopause for at least another decade! It's all good. Yeah I hate detangling my hair- but learned how to do it quickly and effectively once a month. (Right Products, Right Technique)
I didn't respond to your initial post cause I'm so over the "woe is my hair" phase. It may just take you a little more time to learn to deal with what you got. If not do what you think is best- its your hair. I learned so well that people think I'm lying about the true nature of my hair

In defense of nappywomyn, who I admire- she wasn't specifically pointing out to you that you hated your ethnicity because you relax your hair. This board is all about choices. What you may not be receiving is that your topic has been hashed around many times and the bottom line is- unless there are ways to change the shape of your follicles- you got what you have from here till eternity.As soon as you get your products and techniques down and throw away some incorrect assumptions- you'll be fine
Written in the spirit of Love

Well said!
OP, I can understand where you're coming from, however, I can understand why some who have answered you seem to get a bit defensive. In your starting post to this thread, your opinions seemed like you were stating FACTS about how we as black people view our hair. Like when you stated "we are not supposed to wash our hair everyday" or "whatever we do to our hair, there is always a con to it". Those statements are not facts and in my opinion, many who have replied to your post are reacting to those statements (whether positively or negatively in your eyes) as a misrepresentation of their beliefs. Just as if someone was spreading rumors or lies on your character, you would want to correct them, and I believe that's what caused you to see their posts as attacks on your opinions. Difficulty of one's hair is subjective.

And to answer your original post, yes my hair can get on my nerves at times, but I will do everything in my power to keep it growing healthy, long and strong whether it be 3, 4 alphabet street, fine, thick, frizzy, etc.

:yep::yep::yep: That's how I took the OP as well. I also agree with you.