Don't sleep on oil-rinses!

OK, I read the whole thread and I'm going to try this tonight!!!! I have some black castor oil, coconut oil, vatika oil and olive oil. I might mix them all together!!!!:grin: I just did a henna treatment on Labor Day and my hair is still kind of dry.:sad:
Oh Lawdy - thanks for this. I think my hair (and my arms) will breath a sigh of relief if this works.

:lachen: I year ya. :yep: Bublin, use a lot of oil. You can even start with a pre-poo if you're worried. Just don't comb it until the conditioner has done it's work.
I tried it and the jury is still out. On the one hand I do believe that the OR allowed me to get at my roots better. On the flip side it didn't do too much for a few serious knots/matting I had.

We'll see how it goes next time.:yep:
Although I can't say for sure that I didn't steal this method from somebody here, I can say it reminds me a lot about what a friend to me. She's from Kenya and she said they washed their hair in oil. When she moved to the US she kept her hair in a waist length plait. She let some dingbat w/ 2 strands of hair convince her to relax it every 6 weeks (from root to tips). Her hair was about 2 inches long when I met her.

The oil bath was basically bucket that all the women in the house used. They unbraided their hair, dunked it in, scrubbed it, detangled with their hands, and rebraided. For the longest time I was stuck on the one bucket for all the women and wondering how long before they emptied, cleaned and refilled the bucket with oil. :barf: Anyway, once I got past that I thought I would do this without the bucket.

I think that's where I'm getting this. Any Kenya residents know anything about the bucket? I don't know if that was just her family or if it was a cultural thing...

ETA: Um, that should give you an idea about how much oil you can use. :)
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I tried it and the jury is still out. On the one hand I do believe that the OR allowed me to get at my roots better. On the flip side it didn't do too much for a few serious knots/matting I had.

We'll see how it goes next time.:yep:

Thanks for the report back. I hope you have better luck next time.
ETA : Alexstin, how much oil and what type did you use?
I don't oil rinse per se but I do prepoo with oil only and it does make life a lot easier. Love love love it. I can tell a difference when I don't do it.
Thanks Sareca and those that have tried this.

I did something similar last night based on what Sareca told me in the henna thread.

I saturated my hair in amla oil before I applied my henna/indigo gloss.

When I rinsed, the gloss just slid out of my hair! After DCing and adding my leave-in, heat protector, blow dry and flat iron, my hair feels like heaven! :yep:

It's moist, smooth and swingy without being oily or limp and I have thin/fine hair! Nice. Very nice.
Well Sareca! My daughters 90% natural hair thanks you tremendously!:clap::notworthy. This is DEFINITELY a staple for her 3c/4a hair.
Back to update.

I think my hair dislikes Hemp Oil no matter how I use it. I tried this method this morning and my hair is PISSED. Before I throw the baby out with the bath water though, I will try this with Palm Oil (seems to be my hairs favorite oil of late). If that doesn't work, I'll try Camellia Oil.

I'm only giving this another try (after such really unsat results) because my hair usually likes ANYTHING that Sareca suggests. :yep:

Have a great weekend ladies!
Back to update.

I think my hair dislikes Hemp Oil no matter how I use it. I tried this method this morning and my hair is PISSED. Before I throw the baby out with the bath water though, I will try this with Palm Oil (seems to be my hairs favorite oil of late). If that doesn't work, I'll try Camellia Oil.

I'm only giving this another try (after such really unsat results) because my hair usually likes ANYTHING that Sareca suggests. :yep:

Have a great weekend ladies!

:eek: I'm totally shocked! Our hair usually likes the same things. I think this is the first time my hair's loved something yours hated. That's craziness. I guess we had to have one. :ohwell:
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:eek: I'm totally shocked! Our hair usually likes the same things. I think this is the first time mine hair's loved something yours hated. That's craziness. I guess we had to have one. :ohwell:

I refuse to give up without a fight... :look:
I tried this last night. My ends like it but I really couldn't tell if my roots did (I'm transistioning); anyways, I strongly recommend this from the way my ends felt. Thanks for sharing.
Typically I ignore threads about detangling methods and products. I have for the last year or so. I thought my hair's health or my big chop had something to do with how easily it detangles. That is absolutely NOT the case. The oil-rinse method is why it detangles so easily. My hair completely detangles under just running water! :eek: Keep in mind I've recently adopted a low manipulation regimen. So the last time I detangled was at least a week (or more) ago.

If you're having problems with tangles try this...
  1. Rinse (or shampoo) your hair
  2. Coat in your favorite oil (I've used olive, meadowfoam, dabur alma, and aphogee EFA oil, red palm oil/butter)
  3. Rinse with warm/hot water
  4. Apply conditioner
  5. Rinse
  6. Apply leave-in
  7. Seal
I'm not alone other people think it a miracle too...

Don't sleep on oil-rinses! It may be your hair miracle. :yep:


I didn't even know you started this thread and it's ironic that I did an oil rinse today for the first time. I basically pre-poo'd, washed and conditioned as usual and I decide to use some oils I really don't use. So I mixed some wheat germ oil, alma gold oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil and olive oil together and heated it up in the microwave until warm. I then first bunched my hair together and soaked my ends in the oil for a minute or so, then I poured the rest of the oil over my hair from nap onward. I read that the hair shaft has to be open in order for the hair to really benefit from the oil, so I sat under my heating cap for about 5 minutes. Of course, oil was dripping all down my neck, but that was okay. I then rinsed, but because oil and water don't really mix, I lathered a little Aveda SI Shampoo in my hair with water (almost like a light shampoo) until the oil was rinsed from my hair. I then applied my Lacio Lacio and misted some Eqyss Rehydrating mist to finish off. Was my hair detangled? :yep::yep:

I was going to air dry, but I decided to blow dry. I had no problems, I even blow dried with my Denman. :yep: The brush was sliding through my hair like whoa. And the kicker was that didn't lose not two strands of hair during blow drying. I was surprised because I was expecting my hair to be limp and weighed down due to all the oils, but my hair is bouncy and full of life.

So, I did mine a bit different than your method, but all in all, the oil rinse is a keeper for me.

The icing on the cake was that Eqyss mega-tek rebuilder has got my hair looking like horse mane: full, thick, strong and everything in between. This stuff also darkend my hair a bit, which I am not complaining about it. :grin:
Although I can't say for sure that I didn't steal this method from somebody here, I can say it reminds me a lot about what a friend to me. She's from Kenya and she said they washed their hair in oil. When she moved to the US she kept her hair in a waist length plait. She let some dingbat w/ 2 strands of hair convince her to relax it every 6 weeks (from root to tips). Her hair was about 2 inches long when I met her.

The oil bath was basically bucket that all the women in the house used. They unbraided their hair, dunked it in, scrubbed it, detangled with their hands, and rebraided. For the longest time I was stuck on the one bucket for all the women and wondering how long before they emptied, cleaned and refilled the bucket with oil. :barf: Anyway, once I got past that I thought I would do this without the bucket.

I think that's where I'm getting this. Any Kenya residents know anything about the bucket? I don't know if that was just her family or if it was a cultural thing...

ETA: Um, that should give you an idea about how much oil you can use. :)

I used about 1 cup of my oil mixture and my hair loved every drop. :lick:
I do a version of this for my boys about once a month.

my dad used to do this too... only head-to-toe with olive and sesame oil, more of an oil bath i guess.:lol: mom complained like crazy about the mess & the sight. She said he was insane.:lachen:


I also remember years ago seeing a documentary about India and the women were doing oil rinses over a huge bowl.

I didn't even know you started this thread and it's ironic that I did an oil rinse today for the first time.
....I did mine a bit different than your method, but all in all, the oil rinse is a keeper for me.

:yep: Me, too. My method was shampoo, Aveda DR, rinse, Suave Humectress and safflower oil on top, heat cap for 30 min., rinse, air dry in a ponytail. I should have sealed, but didn't. But NO detangling needed at all :blush: and my hair dried much faster than usual and has lots and lots of body today. :yay:

I didn't even know you started this thread and it's ironic that I did an oil rinse today for the first time. I basically pre-poo'd, washed and conditioned as usual and I decide to use some oils I really don't use. So I mixed some wheat germ oil, alma gold oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil and olive oil together and heated it up in the microwave until warm. I then first bunched my hair together and soaked my ends in the oil for a minute or so, then I poured the rest of the oil over my hair from nap onward. I read that the hair shaft has to be open in order for the hair to really benefit from the oil, so I sat under my heating cap for about 5 minutes. Of course, oil was dripping all down my neck, but that was okay. I then rinsed, but because oil and water don't really mix, I lathered a little Aveda SI Shampoo in my hair with water (almost like a light shampoo) until the oil was rinsed from my hair. I then applied my Lacio Lacio and misted some Eqyss Rehydrating mist to finish off. Was my hair detangled? :yep::yep:

I was going to air dry, but I decided to blow dry. I had no problems, I even blow dried with my Denman. :yep: The brush was sliding through my hair like whoa. And the kicker was that didn't lose not two strands of hair during blow drying. I was surprised because I was expecting my hair to be limp and weighed down due to all the oils, but my hair is bouncy and full of life.

So, I did mine a bit different than your method, but all in all, the oil rinse is a keeper for me.

The icing on the cake was that Eqyss mega-tek rebuilder has got my hair looking like horse mane: full, thick, strong and everything in between. This stuff also darkend my hair a bit, which I am not complaining about it. :grin:

Now there's results! Congrats :dance7:

I still haven't tried the oil bath. I was afraid the it would be a little messy, but a hennalover can't really complain about that one. :look:
I tried it and I am on the fence about it. I used the monoi oil, I don't know if this was a good choice. I am going to buy some EFA oil and try that next time. I also think the conditioner I used played a factor.
:yep: Me, too. My method was shampoo, Aveda DR, rinse, Suave Humectress and safflower oil on top, heat cap for 30 min., rinse, air dry in a ponytail. I should have sealed, but didn't. But NO detangling needed at all :blush: and my hair dried much faster than usual and has lots and lots of body today. :yay:

Girl I know! I have had my hands in my hair all day today because I cannot believe how much body I have! I don't know if it's the oils, I used, but I really expected my hair to have no movement at all, but it's the opposite and I still have a little oil residue on my hair and scalp, which is good because I may be able to get through the week without moisturizing. My ends are nice and smooth. I am dancing with you on this one! :yay:
Girl I know! I have had my hands in my hair all day today because I cannot believe how much body I have! I don't know if it's the oils, I used, but I really expected my hair to have no movement at all, but it's the opposite and I still have a little oil residue on my hair and scalp, which is good because I may be able to get through the week without moisturizing. My ends are nice and smooth. I am dancing with you on this one! :yay:

wow, how do you get your hair so straight and sleek looking, i could only dream
wow, how do you get your hair so straight and sleek looking, i could only dream

Marco at Salon Avent Garde here in Italy. :grin:

I try to go when I can. But I have been able to blow dry my hair with a 1200watt dryer and still get somewhat the same effects, just not as sleek. :ohwell:
I did this last night and it was awful. :perplexed I used Kemi Oil and all of the oil didn't rinse out. I blowdried and it was a greasy mess. I was planning to press, but I knew it would turn out well so I just pulled my hair into a bun today. I will wash and blowdry again tonight, then press. :ohwell: