Don't sleep on oil-rinses!

Hello Sareca, I was wondering if one cold just do an oil rinse on it's own? Without the shampoo and conditioner. Just for a little hair pick-me-up?
Hello Sareca, I was wondering if one cold just do an oil rinse on it's own? Without the shampoo and conditioner. Just for a little hair pick-me-up?

You can definitely to it without the poo. I only poo my hair once every
4 weeks (usually after a henna treatment). I did it once without the
condish and I wasn't crazy about it. I think if you don't rinse the oil out with
conditioner it's an oil "wash." Basically it's using oil as a cleanse. It's
popular in many cultures.
You can definitely to it without the poo. I only poo my hair once every
4 weeks (usually after a henna treatment). I did it once without the
condish and I wasn't crazy about it. I think if you don't rinse the oil out with
conditioner it's an oil "wash." Basically it's using oil as a cleanse. It's
popular in many cultures.

Thank you for such a quick answer! I'm going to oil rinse after the gym tonight...with conditioner. Thanks for the awesome information.:grin:
oh geez no wonder it was making my hair feel stiff!!! that's what happens when you don't read the directions closely!!! i was doing the oil rinse after the conditioner!!! no wonder my hair felt all stiff!!!
oh geez no wonder it was making my hair feel stiff!!! that's what happens when you don't read the directions closely!!! i was doing the oil rinse after the conditioner!!! no wonder my hair felt all stiff!!!

Oh Lawd...:dead: :lachen:

Also, make sure you rinse the oil with hot water (not uncomfortably hot) and the conditioner with cold (not unbearably cold) water .



Hey girlie! :wave: You started a thread. The search isn't working for me but I think it has "oil wash" in the title. :yep:
Thanks for sharing the knowledge. :hug2: You're definitely an oil pioneer!
do you think it's too much to overnight with oil before shampoo and then oil rinse after shampoo, before DC?

Nope, I've done that too. To be honest I didn't notice much difference between the times I prepoo'd overnight and the times I just did the oil rinse (sans the prepoo).

ETA: Your strawset rocks!
Sareca your hair is simply gorgeous!!!!!!! Look at all that growth. You have the healthiest head of hair :woot:!

I've been oil rinsing and I love it. I'm trying to get my hands on some coconut oil, but I like this and I've been trying to follow your reggie (wash-n-gos, no heat). We'll see what happens!
Thanks, :blush: but you don't need to follow my reggie. Whatever you're doing is obviously working. :yep: I'm trying to get where you are.
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do you think it's too much to overnight with oil before shampoo and then oil rinse after shampoo, before DC?

I just did this last night. I put tons of olive oil and a bit of jojoba in my hair. I'm wearing cornrows with extensions so I had A LOT of oil so much so that my sheets and pillowcase have oil stains on them now. :ohwell: i was wearing a plastic cap too, so I guess i just had a lot dripping out when I was asleep. anyways, this morning i put a deep conditoner in and added more oil to my hair and sat under my dryer for 15 minutes. got in the shower, washed, added lots more olive oil and jojoba to my hair and scalp then rinsed with hot water, added conditoner and rinsed. even in my braids i can tell that my hair is soft. it looks super rich, moisturized and smooth. i LOVE this. i really can't wait to try it on my actual hair, but i think i'll be wearing braids for awhile but once i take them out, i'm expecting some amazingly healthy hair.
I just did this last night. I put tons of olive oil and a bit of jojoba in my hair. I'm wearing cornrows with extensions so I had A LOT of oil so much so that my sheets and pillowcase have oil stains on them now. :ohwell: i was wearing a plastic cap too, so I guess i just had a lot dripping out when I was asleep. anyways, this morning i put a deep conditoner in and added more oil to my hair and sat under my dryer for 15 minutes. got in the shower, washed, added lots more olive oil and jojoba to my hair and scalp then rinsed with hot water, added conditoner and rinsed. even in my braids i can tell that my hair is soft. it looks super rich, moisturized and smooth. i LOVE this. i really can't wait to try it on my actual hair, but i think i'll be wearing braids for awhile but once i take them out, i'm expecting some amazingly healthy hair.

I used to drench my braids in oil too. :yep: It's pretty much the only thing that kept them from drying out. :(
I did the oil rinse yesterday, and I think I did it wrong. I put the oil on after the conditner and it made my relaxered hair too greasy, and when I flat ironed I was pissed because I DO NOT like oil on my hair when ironing. Next time I will do it AFTER I shampoo like OP suggested!!!
Okay.. so I re-washed my hair today, because I didn't like how it turned out yesterday, and this time I used coconut oil after poo'ing, and then I'm letting it air dry a little before I but the DC in. I'll edit with an update in a while!!

ETA: Okay I finshed as yes it is much better this time!! detangling was a breeze and my hair feels so soft, moisturized and healthy
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OK.... You will be proud... I finally found an oil that My hair likes and Yes, I am loving it too... I use Claudie's oil and add some EVOO to it... so far so good... I will keep you posted...

I love OIL RINSES NOW:yay::band2: :trampolin :dance7: :bdance: :bouncy: :band: :lots: :thewave: :superbanana:
Can you tell I am happy...

Here's to you Sareca
:superman: :sunshine: :woohoo: :worship2: :urock: :waytogo: :rocker: :luv2: :love4: :infatuated: :kneel: :kneel: :master: :circle: :fairy: :clap:

I know... I just got carried away
OK.... You will be proud... I finally found an oil that My hair likes and Yes, I am loving it too... I use Claudie's oil and add some EVOO to it... so far so good... I will keep you posted...


:woohoo2: I'm very happy for you! It's really easy to give up. I'm so had you didn't!

Now, I'm off to look up Claudie's oil...
try this on dry hair

minus shampoo or rinsing

works great too, especially if you wanna work that scalp with some good old scritchin :grin:

i will never shampoo again

except on relaxer months.
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:woohoo2: I'm very happy for you! It's really easy to give up. I'm so had you didn't!

Now, I'm off to look up Claudie's oil...


I love her hair lotion... Its s so light and silky on the hair...I will never use anything else again... Her oil is FABULOUS... I also have her edge balm, and growth Exlir... I love her products and as soon as I get some extra cash I am sending a big order to her... I want the Poo, Conditioner, and more oil and more hair lotion...

Thanks for the hair oil rinse tip... I have been having some serious hair issues, and since I have been using her products (only my 2nd time using) my hair has decreased in the breakage and my excessive shedding is gone... I know these oil rinses should get it to a minimum in another week or so(I hope)...

Thanks again

I LOVE OIL RINSES:yep::spinning::drunk::grin:
Also, i wud like to know what benefits you ladies are experiencing. I know that i am:

  • experiencing zero dryness
  • no breakage
  • hair growth (yes growth!)
  • overall - more sheen and elasticity
I absolutely must try this because the longer my hair gets the more tangled it is. I mostly wear braids and when I take them out to wash my hair, it is especially tangled. Thanks for the tip.:grin:
This is one bandwagon I had to quickly jump hair no likey oil rinses :nono:
It was good for slip while in the shower, but afterwards my hair seemed drier over time. I'll just stick to mixing oil with conditioner for pre-pooing.
Glad it's working for you all though!
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Just did my 2nd oil rinse with coconut oil (1st time was with evoo) I have to say that my hair is sooo soft! I'm having serious hand in hair disease right now! :lachen:
I did my first oil rinse last weekend and have to say I am a convert.

All week my hair has been much softer and I haven't had to use as much product.

I ordered some Dabur Vatika/Coconut oil that I am really excited to try.

Now I have an even better reason to stock up on oils.