Does Your SO/DH like to Kiss?

Does Your Man Like to Kiss?

  • Yes- My man loves locking lips with me!

    Votes: 50 86.2%
  • No- Kissing is not my man's thing.

    Votes: 8 13.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
So after 4 dates, last night I finally got a kiss.........on the cheek.:rolleyes:

Dude told me he's not really into kissing and I'm starting to believe him.

Anyone have a SO/DH that doesn't like to kiss? Does it bother you at all?

Just wondering.
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No my boy loves to kiss. He's always complaining about how we need to kiss more. I tease him and say he's such a girl. :rolleyes: I'm gonna start kissing him more though.

Maybe your guy will wanna kiss you more as you get to know each other, you know? :yep:
No my boy loves to kiss. He's always complaining about how we need to kiss more. I tease him and say he's such a girl. :rolleyes: I'm gonna start kissing him more though.

Maybe your guy will wanna kiss you more as you get to know each other, you know? :yep:

Awww, that's cute!

I'm not really trippin on it too much- I know it's still early. I just haven't started a thread in a while and this was the first thing that came to mind! :lachen:
I find that I'm usually REALLY into kissing when I first meet someone, but then after we've known each other for a while... not so much any more... Sad but true. :blush:

I might be a lil bit worried that if he isn't into kissing, maybe he's not into certain "other things" either (??) :look:
Ooohhh girl, things are heating up. You went from the 'Sexy Single Thread' to a 'Kissing Thread' :grinwink: Not mad at you! :lol:

My SO likes to kiss ;)
Kissing... yea we both love it. I guess you can say we are both into the whole cuddling and caressing deal. We love to comfort each other.
He likes it. But he's mostly all kissy in public. I mean, we'll literally be in the grocery line or bank or something. But when we get home, he's not as into it. I think he's just a little exhibitionist to be honest LOL. But for me kissing is a must. Couldn't be with a guy that didn't like it AT ALL:nono: maybe not every day, but I need a good session a few times a week. It's where all the passion is... Inhaling that persons scent, breath, and little bit of thier soal at the same time...::sigh::
I think we both like certain types of kisses at different times. Mornings = kiss on the forehead or face (morning breath ain't no joke):nono:

When I get home from work = lip kiss, sometimes a little more than that:yep:

Evenings while watching a movie, cuddling = anytype of kisses:yep:

bedtime = :blush: The best kisses
See, I feel like I'm always with the guy who LOVES kissing, and I'm just not into it:ohwell:. Honestly, for me, not being into kissing doesn't reflect how I feel about the guy...because I'm more into cuddling and cheek/forehead/neck kisses. But I guess if I found the right guy, I might could get into kissing...but I dunno.:nono:
I like kisses. A good makeout session every now and then is wonderful! I don't like being all kissy kissy in public though. Or him trying to kiss on me all the time.

I dated this guy who LOVED kissing and wanted to be all up on me 24/7 and kissing and stuff. It was just too much for me. :perplexed
Ooohhh girl, things are heating up. You went from the 'Sexy Single Thread' to a 'Kissing Thread' :grinwink: Not mad at you! :lol:

My SO likes to kiss ;)


Yeah, things are going good. Still wish I had a back up in case he decides to act a fool later, but what can you do? :lachen:
Kissing is very intimate. Some folks aren't real comfortable with it. I know I went years without kissing anyone (or very little kissing). I'd do other things :perplexed, but not kiss...weird, huh? Things are different now. I want to want to kiss my mate and I need him to share that intimacy with me too. Maybe your SO will kiss more when he knows you better and feels he can trust you...also, you two will need to kiss well together. Folks who aren't naturally kissy-facey, like me, can be snobs when it comes to kissing technique. Find out how he likes to be kissed.
Kissing is very intimate. Some folks aren't real comfortable with it. I know I went years without kissing anyone (or very little kissing). I'd do other things :perplexed, but not kiss...weird, huh? Things are different now. I want to want to kiss my mate and I need him to share that intimacy with me too. Maybe your SO will kiss more when he knows you better and feels he can trust you...also, you two will need to kiss well together. Folks who aren't naturally kissy-facey, like me, can be snobs when it comes to kissing technique. Find out how he likes to be kissed.

I totally see where you're coming from. Kind of reminds me of Pretty Woman, lol.
FH LOVES to kiss and I love kissing him back!!! (Helps that he has perfect, kissable lips!!! :lick: )
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I asked the guy what he thought when he wanted to kiss and i just tell him im tired or i ignore him and he says he's like "wtf?!! kiss me baby" LOL
My potential SO loves to kiss, which is fine with me b/c it's him. I'm not always into kissing depending on the guy, and where we're at in the relationship. Early on I like to ration the kisses, and later I increase the ration depending on behavior :look:. Maybe your new guy is rationing them Mzlady...? Some guys just aren't into it, but I have never gotten why.
I [loosely] dated a guy that say he didn't really like kissing too much.

There was this clear dude that was checking for me reaaaaal hard back in the day. He dates mostly black women. Once he asked me if I like kissing and I told him I looooove to kiss....his reply, "oh wow that's cool since most black women don't like kissing" I was like :huh: But apparently out of all the women he's dated, he noticed that the black women he was with preferred not to kiss. *shrugs*