Does your perception of long change?

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When my hair broke off so bad after a color disaster, I thought if I get back to shoulder length, I'll be happy. Okay, I got to shoulder length and it's like, if I get to mid-back, I'll be happy, waist length is too much hair but I bet if I had mid-back, I would be like "if I could get to waist length, I'll be happy, butt-length is too much hair"

We are never satisfied!!!
Currently my hair is a little past my shoulders. At first bra-strap was very long to me. But now if I can get to waist length I would very happy. i would be able to seing my hair all over and I do have styles in my mind.
Currently my hair is a little past my shoulders. At first bra-strap was very long to me. But now if I can get to waist length I would very happy. i would be able to seing my hair all over and I do have styles in my mind.
I never wear my hair bone-straight, never wrap, never have those evil styles that people around here have, so when I wear my hair down, the front about 1 1/2 inches past my collarbone. All the people in my neighborhood say thats long but I don't think I have long hair at all! Now that I have joined this board, sometimes i feel like i have the shortest hair in this club. I feel like the ladies on this board: Bra clasp length is starting to sound average.
my goal of 4 inches past brastrap seems like the perfect length to me
not too short and not too long. but i do agree that your perspective of long hair does change. i used to think one length, thick and a couple inches past shoulder length was perfect. now i think the same thing but about 8 inches longer. --jainygirl
Regardless of how we feel about our hair, there is ALWAYS someone who's going to think our hair is "long" compared to theirs. It's ALL relative..
My perception of long has absolutely changed. I used to think shoulder length was long. Now that Im there, Im amazed but I think waist length is REALLY long. Hopefully Ill get there and be able to say wow, its not that long.
If I can get to waist length I believe I will be happy but I can definitely see myself wanting to get it longer because waist length is a goal achieved. Sheesh will I ever be happy????
Waist length to me is really long, bra strap is just long.
my mom is a weird one, she has long hair a lil past bra strap, an one day she tells me i NEED to come to church to see this lady with her hair sooo long an how all the ladies were gawking that her hair was sooo long. since i like gossip lol i decided to suspend my beliefs for a day an head to church, the lady with the soo long hair , only had collar bone length hair!!! i was like hun?!?!? mother you drag me to church to show me that? my hair is longer than that , then she said. well its long.. for a black women :|
funny, cuz i actually think my perceptions have changed the OTHER way. i used to cherish length so much, and now when i see long hair all i see/think is "but it's not thick" and it looks totally unattractive to me.


my hair is beteen my shoulders and my bra clasp, and i only want it just a little longer, and definitely not to my bra clasp.

strange. i guess i'm the only one thinking this since i've joined this board. so strange.
I feel you girl! I thought I was the only one. My hair is now slightly pass my bra-clasp and it doesn't seem long to me. However, if I see someone else with the same length of hair, it seems long to me. How weird is that?! LOL!

Faith said:
I though it was just me being me. When I was relaxed I always wanted bra strap hair because to me it was soooooo long...never got it to that length. Then I chopped it all off and went natural and now bra strap length seemed realllly long to me and I faithfully tried to achieve it. But, funny thing is we human beings can be greedy
well, this time greedy in a a good way
So, after I got to brastrap my eyes started telling my brain..."told you it wasn't so long". You're right Caramela it seems average now and kinda short. So, I'm off to waist length but now I'm thinking will that be good enough for "my eyes"

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