Does your man think you are obsessed with Hair?

I've been hiding my new obssession... or trying to anyway. I just got back from visiting him in ATL last week. And when he saw how many vitamins I was taking (I would actually WAKE UP out of my sleep in the mornings so I wouldn't miss them) He was like, "Damn baby... MORE vitamins?"
I also noticed him checking me out every night when I applied stuff to my scalp and then different stuff to my hair. He may be kind of happy because I never paid much attention to my hair before and I know he really likes long hair. I'm still too shy to really let him know the EXTENT of the attention I'm giving my hair now.
I'm JUST starting to let my sister in on my obssession. Mostly because I really want to help her with her own hair. She's been going to the same stylist for almost 7 years EVERY WEEK FAITHFULLY! And yet her hair is still dryed out and the ends broken off and my sister is always complaining about how scissor happy she is.

So last night I told her that I'd like to wash and condition her hair for her and do a protective ponytail the night before she goes to the salon. And that way if she really doesn't like it she will have it done the regular way the following day. She was really excited that I wanted to help her with her hair and it made me really happy. /images/graemlins/grin.gif I feel like such a wealth of info since coming to this board! (Thanks so much guys.)

I'm really hoping that after a few weeks she will stop feeling the need to go to the salon so often. I've already gotten her to try and space out her relaxers a little more because I KNOW her stylist overlaps and burns her scalp. (Cuz I've gone there.) I just know that if I can break her out of this cycle with her stylist her hair will start to improve. Wish me luck!
You are a good sister. Cuz that's good bonding time.
Well my b/f knows about my obsession. He thought I had an internet boyfriend and kind of wigged so I let him read a few of the posts. Now his mind is at ease. He thinks it's funny, but mostly he doesn't care. As long as I look good and am in a good mood he couldn't care less...
Thanks Henrilou! Now if only I could convince her of that the next time I say I don't wanna babysit! /images/graemlins/crazy.gif
She did seem really excited though. She doesn't talk about it much but I know she's really unhappy with her hair and I think it's affecting her self esteem.

He thought you had an online luv huh?! That's hilarious.
My boyfriend whos white, he dosent have a problem with my obssession, hes always asking me what i need him to bring me from sallys. Everytime i mention a new product he will run to the store and get it, she says he wants me being his baby and all to look nice when we go out.
pressed/hair in cornrolls/using the crown and glory method/
Here is another great post that I'm resurrecting!!!

My fiance laughed when I told him about this website, but he always comments on how long my hair is getting, and he loves the different styles I've been doing with my hair - especially the twist-out!
Yes my Hubby thinks that I am hair obsessed, but he doesn't care. He loves my hair. Actually he even uses my scalp massage oil!
Unfortunately his hair is way longer than mine. In fact, everyone in his family has gorgeous hair and has had it all there lives. Actually I started using S-curl activator spray because of him and it has worked wonders for my daughter and me. He doesn't think I am crazy and supports my quest for long healthy hair. He also doesn't mind all the products I buy because he winds up using them also. I guess I am lucky that he is so interested, becuz when I am ready to cut it all off (you know when you "can't do anything with it" and wind up doing some damage!!!?) he gently reminds me of my committment. Besides how does it look when the love of your life's hair is past his shoulders and your's is up near your ear??????
My whole my man (who is now my ex) thinks i'm obsessed. Everytime I come home from school once a month i run into my mom's room like 'look how long my hair grew!'. And I could be anywhere with them and burst out with 'I CAN FEEL MY HAIR GROWING!'..and theyre looking at me like 'omg you are psycho!' and everytime i come home my best friend (who is semi obsessed) always go to the beauty supply store for fun! we're like, 'which location do you want to go to today?'
my man is just as obsessed with my hair! he's always trying to get me to try some new hair stuff so my hair can grow. he's mixed with italian and black so his whole family got nice hair.
actually his mom and sister are just as hair obsessive as me! that's all we talk about is hair products. as for my family they don't care but they have been taking some of my hair advice. they also think i'm a beautician in the making.
Definately. He thinks I am gone bonkers. But the nice thing is that he is very supportive and he is very adamant that I take care of my hair and he never ever complains about me buying hair products. He just laughs and rolls his eyes. The only thing that he complains about are the 500+ bottles of hair oil, leave in conditioners and other "necessary" hair care products that are all over the bathroom counter.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
BlkMane said:
I made the mistake of tellling my b.f. about this forum and I've lived to regret it. Now, every time I so much as dust my ends, he says, "Did you report that to the board?"

[/ QUOTE ]
My husband does think all I've gone a little crazy, but he doesn't really knock it. He really has a problem with a woman with a "tear up head" as he calls it. So he'd much rather me be obsessed. The problem is all of my products that took up all of the space in the bathroom vanity. So, he took it upon himself to clean out a shelf in the hall closet for all of my products. This is sooo much better. I can now group things together and have lots of room left for more purchases. He really thinks he gets a kick out of me doing my own hair. A couple of years ago I was a weekly salon visitor.
At first he made fun of me going on a hair forum but later he saw this was more than just about hair. I was getting help with my health, finances, etc. So now he thinks its just a hang out place I chill with my internet buddies.

Oh yeah, my DH knows I'm hair obsessed. On another (nonhair related) board, I have 'mildly hair obsessed' in my siggy, that links to my journal, and he was reading over my shoulder and saw it, and now he teasing me on a regular...

Me: Ump, I need to go and do XYZ hairrelated.
Him: *raised eyebrow* Mildly, huh?
Me: Oh, Hush! You know you like it.


So yeah, he calls me out sometimes. But I keep my products in check, so he doesn't mind - TOO much.
I try to keep my hair obessession under wraps, but my SO (whos now my ex) would always notice that I had new products. Before really started coming to this site I would chew his ear off talking about products and what I wanted to do with my hair. He said he liked it because it would lull him to sleep:mad:. Then I stopped and he was like so what're you doing with your hair, it looks nice yada, so I started telling him again. Oh memories...:ohwell:
Now my roommate thinks I'm completely obsessed, but also notices my hair looks cute and is growing. I'm trying to convince her to come aboard:cool:
my hubby, future hubby, hates short hair. he doesn't mind what I do with my hair or what kind of wigs I wear as long as my hair is not short. The main reason that I am wigging now is because my hair is transitioning and this gives me a nice out look witout having to worry about damaging my hair. But yeah if you asked him, i've always been obsessed with my hair LOL I just love it but its not to the point of least I dont think so...