Does Your Husband/so Get Miserable Or Sad


Well-Known Member
if they do not get enough sex from you?

As I have admitted before, I am asexual. But I like being married so once in a while I have to hand out candy. Today my male cousin said to me that I must have given Dh some last night because he is happy as F. Cousin does not know I am asexual. So I was kinda shocked at this (correct) observation.

I am assuming cousin is this insightful because he has been with his wife for 20 years, since middle school...
I can tell when a man hasn't had sex because he is very edgy in a way that only comes from not having enough sex. There's just a certain energy a man gives off when he is sexually satisfied and when he is not.

In HS I had a teacher that ruled our classroom based on his sex life. When he was having it, Mr. C was a doll. When he wasn't he gave us 10-15 chapters to read a night. More than the usual 2-3. We grew to hate his wife.
Omg! Anytime he had an attitude, I'd have to think back at the last time I gave it up.
Like clockwork, if it goes past 1 week=gets quiet, mopes around and questions the relationship. Was horrible!
It was a struggle because I'd be happy, all relaxed that she hasn't been bothered and meanwhile this fool acting like he lost his puppy....ugh!
I had an ex who would get upset if he didn't have sex when he thought he would. A long time didn't have to go by either.

We were pretty active so imagine having sex most days out of the week but if one day was skipped or even if a second round didn't happen later in the day like he hoped, then he would have a really bad attitude. Sometimes to the point of throwing tantrums the next day but it would be over something minuscule.

That man was draining.
Most people - men and women - are sad or miserable if they don't get to have sex with the one they love. That goes for everyone with an average sex drive, of course.

Sometimes we have to ask ourselves how we can make the other person's life better today. That may or may not include sex, cooking, running errands, helping out with other things, being encouraging, having a more positive attitude etc. Just remember that this goes both one way traffic!
I know if I wanted seconds and didn't get it, I would get hhhhhhhhhhheeated! But I also realized it was because I wasn't satisfied in round 1.
I never answered the question, LOL!

It doesn't happen too often, but he will sigh dramatically and tell me how long it has been down to the hour like an abnormal. Something like, "Hey, we haven't sex in 59.30 hours."

Really dude? You just didn't want to say 2 1/2 days? :lachen::rolleyes: