Does your hair act like a spoiled brat?


New Member
Okay ladies...I can't go even one day without wetting my hair.
I tried to wear my hair in a protective style for a couple days without taking it down or manipulating it in anyway. When I did take it down it was not happy with me at all. It was tangled
(how the heck did that happen when I smoothed it into a nice bun and slept in a head wrap and bonnet). It felt very dry and not its usual self. I washed it and it came back to (my hair) was happy and felt silky again.
It was full and bouncy and I realized that I cannot go a day without washing (co wash). I guess my hair has gotten used to the daily co wash.
To think a couple years ago I used to go weeks without washing.
What a brat. Are there any parts of your routines that you can't miss or else your hair will act like a spoiled brat?
My hair cannot live without Pantene Hydrating Curls Frizz-Control Treatment. My hair will get mad at me if I leave this out of my routine. LOL!
my hair throws tantrums if i don't use UltraSheen Anti-Itch Hairdress with Tea Tree oil. It aint a pretty sight when it gets into one of it's moods either
My hair acts like a brat when I can't wait it every 3's getting to where it would really like to be washed every other day. (By wash, I mean at least a co) If I wear my hair straight, it doesn't act that way.
My hair needs to be washed every 3 days or it will be hard and dry.I think it used to be like that before when I used to wash once every 2 weeks but now that I am more hair-conscious I am noticing it more.