Ahhh OMG I can't believe what my mother just said

I usually wash once a week like clockwork but since it's been cold, and I try not to use heat.... forget that. I haven't had much breakage or shedding. I spray the hair with glycerine/water mix, seal with EVOO and put it into two plaits. I leave it alone and wig it.

Yes I do love the aroma of clean hair BUT I'm not trying to get sick (air drying). Especially with the way the weather's been....
I wash my hair once a week because becuase my hair gets so dirty, if I go over a week, its usually so itchy that I cant deal anymore. I used to just wait the two weeks since I have a standing appt every other thursday, but about eight months ago, I decided I couldnt take it anymore and I had to start washing every week. I guess its whatever works for you.
My hair needs to be washed a few times a week. I can't go two weeks without washing and expect to retain my length and have healthy hair. I used to wash infrequently and my hair was not very happy. :nono: But everyone is different.
Some people just find that washing their hair every two weeks or so works for them. There are some long haired people on this forum who have found they retain their length better by washing less, because it's less manipulation on the hair. The people I am thinking of, though, take great care of their hair and it shows. So, I wouldn't think their methods are dirty or nasty in any way.
I dont know... but I think that has already been beyond proven wrong.... Think about the BILLIONS of other people (of other ethnicities, curly or not), who wash their hair every day or every other day. I don't see them with hair growing problems. They keep a clean scalp. Even those that oil their scalp wash it out in a day or two.

There are ppl on this board that have proven the theory wrong. Cichelle and Chocanillaprincess(sp?), and many other ladies on this board have proven this theory wrong with co-washing more often. Look at their gorgeous hair! I mean, if you are afraid of overdrying the hair, natural shampoos are on the market. But a clean scalp (no more than 2-3 days a week) has seriously helped me out.
I guess you have to find what works for you. I co wash almost everyday. I shampoo whenever, I keep the shampoo in the shower along with the conditioner so I just decide when I want to shampoo and usually thats if I feel I have product built up. I use to once every two weeks then once a week but when I changed to co washing I saw the difference in my hair growth---finally after many years of doing the same thing. When I changed my hair took off. After three days of no washing I start to withdrawal. So I immediately get in and wash my hair. More power to those who can go every two weeks, I would never attempt it again, I been there and it wasn't pretty.

Co-signing. My hair retains length better when it is frequently washed and I have less scalp problems. This is mostly because my hair dries out fast between washes and my scalp doesn't produce a lot of sebum. This is a personal thing, and I think anyone trying to grow their hair out needs to figure it out for themselves. If you can go for two weeks without your hair getting dry enough to break and your scalp getting gunky, stick with it. As for me, 2-3 days is the most I can go and I plan to stick with that until my hair tells me differently.
I was just talking to my mother about how much my hair sheds. I washed it today and used Motions CPR. I wash once a week but lately I've been washing a few times a week (not actual washing more like wetting with no shampoo).

I just can't believe my mother just told me washing my hair once a week is too much! She told me to go a couple of weeks without washing. The horror :eek:. Of course I'm not listening to her at all. My mother has never had hair past her neck. I just was in shock. That is nasty! She told me that I'm washing all the natural oils out and that if I didn't wash it basically it would clean itself.
I'm just disgusted. Sorry I needed to vent.

If I go more than 6-7 days without washing, my hair will break and my face will break out. I don't use much product, but the environment plays a part in all of this.
I don't think I could ever wash my hair daily and retain any length. I'm trying to reach a certain goal (WL) and that will NOT happen if I'm doing a lot of manipulation to my hair daily. I wash my hair once a week, once every two weeks, it just depends on what my hair needs at the time. It's definitely not "nasty." Everyone does not need to wash their hair daily or weekly to have clean, healthy hair.
Again, on this subject you have to do YOU. I happen to live in a cold environment and washing every two weeks works for me for several reasons. I don't sweat as often and I don't use a lot of products in my hair. I am also wayyyyyy too busy right now w/work and school and taking care of a toddler to be washing my hair several times per week-not to mention I don't think my hair could handle that. With what I do to my hair on wash day I need at least three hours anyway. I also lived in Florida many years ago and the environment made in necessary to wash every week. I'd like to point out that my hair has always been in great shape no matter how long I've gone in between washings b/c I take care of it no matter what. I also use a hair deodorizer to make sure I don't have any issues in between washing.

I think if someone is stretching their washings out so much to the point their hair stinks, has noticeable dandruff and looks lank and greasy then that is the point where I can say, "That's nasty." But it's crazy how I've seen how that works for some people. One girl I know I goes months and her hair grows like crazy-but that's her!
Before I had a relaxer I got my hair done every two weeks so thats when it was washed. Now that I'm relaxed and know how to take care of my hair I wash once a week or more. I wish I could wash my hair everyday but I can't because I don't have time and the weather is really bad. I get sick easily too from the cold. I can't wait till the summer, I'm going to try to step up my washing to 2-3 times a week and learn how to do braid outs/twist outs.
When I was young, my mom washed my hair every two weeks. I had nice long, strong healthy hair at the time. Then I got a Wave Nouveau.........yeah. So as I got older I decided to wash my hair every week. It just works for me now. But every once in a while I get lazy and go two weeks. I don't feel it is nasty at all, but my scalp does get really itchy after about 10 days so it is better for me to wash it every week. However, like a few of the other posters said, you do you.