Does Photos Like This Ever Make You Maddd?!


New Member
Or, does it just give you that, "Extra Kick" and motivation to try harder.

You know ladies, it's because I've seen so many people with all this super long hair, most of my life, that has driven me to grow my hair very long. I didn't see any photos of sisters, otherwise I would have included them as well.

Just curious to see how you feel about this....My question is, "How did they grow it like that?, what are their regimes, etc.?"
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Um, the only thing that would motivate me about this, is the fact that it's probably a challenge. Other than that, i do not even want hair that long. I don't even think DH would want my hair that long.
Hmmm although I could probably grow my hair that long if I REALLY wanted to, I can't imagine what it would be like on the upkeep. I'd probably break a few brushes LOL They have beautiful hair, but how the heck do they walk? Their hair must be in the biggest bun ever!

The sad thing is I would grow it this long, but it would still shrink up to my ears!
Nope. I don't have a desire and never had a desire to want hair that long. Thats just me. No offense to women who have hair that long or who want hair that long.
if i was forced to have hair like those women....and SL....i would choose thats how i feel about that
Yeah, they make me mad...That they didn't have the sense to cut their hair. I think (me, myself , personally!!! I don't want to be tared and feathered) their hair look ridiculous and most of the hair in the pics don't look healthy.
Aint nothing they can do with all tht hair. Its worthless to me, hell I am just asking for WL or even MBL
Yeah, they make me mad...That they didn't have the sense to cut their hair. I think (me, myself , personally!!! I don't want to be tared and feathered) their hair look ridiculous and most of the hair in the pics don't look healthy.
I am trying to hold my laugh in husband asleep I am across the bed with laptop holding my laugh in the comments are too much.
I would love waist length hair and even maybe a bit longer than that ... but obscene lengths like that seems like far too much maintenance. Imagine the shedding in showers... yeesh.
just the thought of my hair dragging on the ground.......MAKES ME SHUDDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other than that some of them have beautiful looking hair.
There are many inspirations here at lhcf who all make me feel motivated (or a lil jealous sometimes lol.)

As for the women in the photos-- I can appreciate when hair that long is so beautiful and healthy from roots to ends, but I can't truly say that I feel inspired looking at that particular length.
If they can grow to that length than more power to them. Me personally if I was able to I would'nt!!! There is absolutly nothing you can do with hair that long. How do they go to the bathroom. Hygenically it's not sanitary!!! But that's just my opinion. I like versitility in hair styles.....which I know hair as long as their's is'nt feasible. Black hair is so beautiful, and for so many years we always thought we had the worst hair. But actually we have the best hair because we can relax it, braid it, fro it, and press it. No other race but ours can do this. So my answer to this question is absoutly not. This does not inspire me at all. What inspires me is to see black women with healthy hair from neck length to mid back, even to waist length.
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UMMM with the exception of the woman in the shorts standing next to the horse; everyone looks a lil weird i think. long hair is one of the most beautiful things on a woman, but toooo long hair starts to look a lil cousin it-ish to me. everyone's perception of too long will differ, but dragging hair behind you is a darn good clue that its too long!
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UMMM with the exception of the woman in the shorts standing next to the horse; everyone looks a lil wierd i think. long hair is one of the most beautiful things on a woman, but toooo long hair starts to look a lil cousin it-ish to me. everyone's perception of too long will differ, but dragging hair behind you is a darn good clue that its too long!
My thoughts exactly!