Does love at first sight really exist?


Well-Known Member
My best friend met a guy a few weeks ago and insists she is in love with him!

Can people really fall in love the first time they lay eyes on someone?:drunk:
No. She can't love him because she doesn't know him. I still don't "know" my husband like THAT, there are still things I learn about him daily. It's been 4 yrs on top of this!

I believe in LUST at first sight, I think she is trippin and doesn't know the meaning of the word LOVE.
I think so and here's why...we love our children at first sight so we know that it exists. Now the degree of love felt for a stranger would be different, but I still think it's possible.
I used to but I've since changed my tune. I do believe that men are better than women at doing the love at first sight. I've heard several men talk about how they knew they were going to marry their wives when they first laid eyes on her. Even the ex-Dateline anchor Stone Phillips said the same thing. And even a few posters here have stated that a man knows when your the one, you just don't.
No I do not believe in love at first sight. I do think that you can feel a connection after the first conversation, but that isn't love it is more of a camaraderie.'s infatuation and physical attraction at first sight. You like how the person is behaving/attributes in the environment he's first viewed.....but total true love.
I think so and here's why...we love our children at first sight so we know that it exists. Now the degree of love felt for a stranger would be different, but I still think it's possible.
Well that is different. Our children are a part of us. We carry them for nine month and feel them, talk to them, rub them, and for them. So a child is totally different from a partnership with a total strange.
Well that is different. Our children are a part of us. We carry them for nine month and feel them, talk to them, rub them, and for them. So a child is totally different from a partnership with a total strange.

We are also EXPECTED to love them's a requirement of motherhood. However, we can grow to not like I children and their behavior.
No! Lust, like, infatuation, attraction all can happen at first sight. But not love. People confuse those feelings with love all the time. Love goes much deeper and requires much more work than those feelings one can have when they first see someone.
No, you can have ATTRACTION at first sight.

I wish people would make the distinction. How do you love some grown body and you know nothing about them, not even if their drawls are dirty? :nono:
I fell in love almost at first sight. Still in love with him but I had to let him go....wasn't the right time.
Personally, I say no. You can't KNOW a person just by looking at them. Unless they happened to be doing something REALLY great at the time, like saving the world or something.
That is clearly infatuation and will go away once she gets to know the real person. What she saw was just a representative of that person.
To be honest, I don't know. I thought I fell for a couple guys at first sight but it wasn't meant to be. It was just lust and I knew that when the guy comes along it would be right and apart of God's plan.