Do you believe in love at first sight / interaction?

I believe in awareness of soul connection at first sight. What it evolves into (friendship, romance, spiritual or all of the above) depends on the both of you and the circumstances surrounding you.

ETA: It is a wonderful experience if you can grow a relationship with the person knowing they are your soulmate or even deeper twin flame. I met my twin flame a few years ago and our relationship has changed my life.
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I believe in awareness of soul connection at first sight. What it evolves into (friendship, romance, spiritual or all of the above) depends on the both of you and the circumstances surrounding you.

ETA: It is a wonderful experience if you can grow a relationship with the person knowing they are your soulmate or even deeper twin flame. I met my twin flame a few years ago and our relationship has changed my life.

I was not until after I started to go through a transition that I realized the weirdness I felt was due to a familiarity that I could not quite explain. I was so caught off guard that it did not cross my mind at the time. To me I felt uncomfortable bc I did not understand why I was feeling the way I was. I don't call him my soul mate or twin flame...but i will never forget that guy. The day I met him I also met a very good friend who is now my soror, my her to death. If I did not meet her I would not have met him...I think they both were brought to me for a reason...although I wish he could have been around a little longer...
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I believe in awareness of soul connection at first sight. What it evolves into (friendship, romance, spiritual or all of the above) depends on the both of you and the circumstances surrounding you.

ETA: It is a wonderful experience if you can grow a relationship with the person knowing they are your soulmate or even deeper twin flame. I met my twin flame a few years ago and our relationship has changed my life.

Do you mind going into more detail? I have been reading up on this a lot and would just like some examples from actual personal experience.
I believe in awareness of soul connection at first sight. What it evolves into (friendship, romance, spiritual or all of the above) depends on the both of you and the circumstances surrounding you.

ETA: It is a wonderful experience if you can grow a relationship with the person knowing they are your soulmate or even deeper twin flame. I met my twin flame a few years ago and our relationship has changed my life.

i agree....ive been interested in the twin flame subject after meeting somebody last year...i have recognized a few soulmates and have had instant love for them at first site...grew into very significant relationships in my life...and i agree that the relationship can evolve on different levels depending on circumstances

the guy i met last year was typical to the other experiences of recognizing a soul mate in somebody i had never met before....first glance recognition and overwhelming energy and feeling of love..however it was different in a way i can't really was the first time i had the feeling of this is the guy i would marry in the sense of its a heart connection, like he's all of me that im recognizing in him...he's the "one" because he's "me" dropped all the last lingering resistence to what full unconditional love was very emotional as well....we aren't "dating" however we have this really close connection and when we see each other its like we just melt into each other....I told him i loved him and would marry him when i first met him and i express love to him very openly