Does keeping it simple work for alot of people


Well-Known Member
Well let me give you guys a history of my hair. I am a 4b very course and dry hair (medium thick). As a kid I was never the long hair type of girl maybe because my mom could have put better effort into taking care of my hair but I cant blame her she was a single parent who worked two jobs, she didnt have time to take proper care of my hair. She washed my hair maybe every three weeks and braided it up who knows what she was using. So i was stuck at neck length for the majority of my years.

At the begining of eigth grade my mom put me in braids for the whole year never relaxing it that year and wash the braids once a month. I used oil sheen back then. (lol) My hair went from neck length to 1 inch above APL in one year. At the end of my eighth grade year (about 9 months of wearing braids) I got a relaxer and like a one inch trim and my hair was full nice and healthy hovering an inch or a little more above APL. Remind you i wore braids and washed once a month and strecthed for close to a year.

I ruined my hair in HS by bleaching and perming to the ends, and I didnt wash frequently ( yeah I know) I put two nd two together C&G for retention and washing for a clean scalp will be best to grow out my hair. Here I am 10 years later realizing that KEEPING IT SIMPLE and C&G works for me.

I am now C&Ging and I am 9 weeks post realxer I plan to stretch until February (6 months)
I am not using anymore growth aids because I learned they do not work for me
I will trim half an inch every 4 months
shampoo every 2 weeks but DC twice a week
Moisturize every other day with braiding spray and castor oil added to spray

I have tried everything from Baggying to MN over the past year and I just decided keeping it simple works best for me.
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My natural hair loves the KISS method. I can't imagine having a regimen with 25 steps to it!:nono: Even when I was going from relaxed hair to natural, I kept it simple and my hair responded by growing and staying on my head.
Both I and my hair like the simple method. It saves both time and frustration. It's easy and I'm seeing results. I am not convinced that having a more complicated regimen would improve my progress. May very well hinder it...
My hair likes a simple regimen also. I tried adding things like ACV rinses, bagging, and Henna to it and it was just too much time and frustration. Plus a waste of money for products that will just end up lost under the bathroom cabinet anyway.
what do you guys consider keeping it simple?
i've read posts on here from LHCF's who say they keep it simple, but then they describe their reggie and it has 10 steps. Less than 20, but still seems alot.:grin:
I def. keep it simple....hints the name of my blog ... the anti hair slave. I wash it once a week, blow dry, flat iron, then wrap or tie it down at night (some nights). Other weeks I go and get a doobie. I've never had a big problem with breakage other than when I was a swimmer/diver in college and that was due to the cholrine. Anyway, I'm now trying to grow my hair long but I refuse to become a slave to my hair. So we shall see how it goes! :-)
I guess everyone has their own version of keeping it simple. My version is using a lesser amount of products. I have 2 shampoo's (moisturizing and a clarifier), 1 conditioner, 1 leave in, 1 hair coloring product.
The only time I may alternate is when it comes to pre-pooing and deep conditioning.
I think my regimen is pretty simple I wash and DC and moisturize every other day. I clarify once a month shampoo twice a month and DC weekly
I've also tried a lot of things, and now I'm back to basics. Every day I co wash, put in a leave in and put my hair in a wet bun. Repeat the next day. My hair and scalp love the moisture and simplicity :yep:
'Simple' has definitely helped me: Salon every Sat. for wash (and whatever else I need: protein or moisturizer/stylist decides) . . . and bun. Wrap at nite and repeat. No trims, no heat, and low manipulation for 1 year. Can't wait to see latest updates in December :grin:.
Keeping it simple has definitely worked for me... I wash every 7 -10 days, rollerset and wrap. My hair loves the simple regimen...:yep:
My current regimen is so simple that I only use one product to cleanse, condition, Deep condition, leave-in and set my hair. I love the kiss method! I just wish it hadn't taken me so long to find a simple regimen with few products.
what do you guys consider keeping it simple?
i've read posts on here from LHCF's who say they keep it simple, but then they describe their reggie and it has 10 steps. Less than 20, but still seems alot.:grin:

This is sooo true. Here's my regimen. Not having to comb or style for weeks on end has really made it simple for me.

DC 2x a week w/heat, air dry
Detangle and comb 1x every 2-3 weeks
Bun or loose braid everyday
Moisturise and seal at night ...and that's it.
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When I first started I picked ideas from everyone. But over time I learned my hair didn't need alllllll of it, just some. :grin: So I picked a few items that I felt helped my hair the most and have stuck with them for quite a while.

Now I just need to figure out how to get rid of all the extra stuff I've bought over the years that I dont use anymore. :ohwell:
Works for me. My hair doesn't like a lot of product.

I shampoo, condition, and moisturize. 3 products total.

I airdry and clip it up somehow. At night, I wear a satin cap or scarf.
I'm finding, after about one month of bandwagon-ing...since I joined LHCF, every little thing I see, I try. But now I realize that simplicity is what my hair likes best, weekly washes, regular DC-ing, a light moisturizer, etc. It's what's best.:yawn:
My regimine is very simple, I don't do challenges or anything really special. I think my hair should be about tailbone length right now, but I am not the type to fuss over anything. I got enough in my life to stress doesn't fit in that category. :nono:

If I feel like using heat, I use it. I rarely sleep with a scarf on (just put it in a bun), I just enjoy my hair and for me that means keep it simple as possible and don't stress about it. I don't think that's for everyone because I have not maintained any amazing growth over the years but I also don't feel a rush to get super long hair.
Yeah, I had to jump of many a bandwagons as well. I would read pages and pages of praises about a product, run to the store, and it would turn out that the product is crap to my hair. I have learned, however, to pay attention to what certain ingredients in products do to my hair, and have a better ability to determine what my hair needs. I'll probaly keep changing my products, but the basic 3-step reggie is what I'm sticking with.

I'm finding, after about one month of bandwagon-ing...since I joined LHCF, every little thing I see, I try. But now I realize that simplicity is what my hair likes best, weekly washes, regular DC-ing, a light moisturizer, etc. It's what's best.:yawn:
I feel you, I'm not about to make my hair a part-time job.

My regimine is very simple, I don't do challenges or anything really special. I think my hair should be about tailbone length right now, but I am not the type to fuss over anything. I got enough in my life to stress doesn't fit in that category. :nono:

If I feel like using heat, I use it. I rarely sleep with a scarf on (just put it in a bun), I just enjoy my hair and for me that means keep it simple as possible and don't stress about it. I don't think that's for everyone because I have not maintained any amazing growth over the years but I also don't feel a rush to get super long hair.
Yes, I would say that it does. I'm fine/thin haired and I've been doing the Sylver technique from April until now. Low manipulation, wearing my hair down, washing bi-weekly. I told her I thanked her for being my braidout inspiration. :hug2: I know that this also works for my other hair idols Mochamadness & Babygurl.

With the weather getting a bit funky now, will still keep it simple but will start rocking my wig through the cold months - it will be even more simple until the warm months return.
Man, I have just grown TIRED of my hair obsessions. It is wearing me out. I just told someone the other day that I am adopting a K.I.S.S routine. When I left my hair alone I had more growth and less breakage. Now, I've had to deal with breakage and I know it is from all of the manipulation and unnatural STRESS that I am inflicting on it. I plan on continuing my no direct heat challenge and will continue rollersetting and pincurling my hair nightly, wearing my fake buns and stuff-but all of the extra stuff is just overload and overKILL for my hair. I will wash and DC once or twice per week, rollerset and pincurl-that's it. I will use protein as I see fit. I'm DONE!:nono:

Now I am understanding how low manipulation is KEY. That's why these braided folk get all of that excellent growth!
Well let me give you guys a history of my hair. I am a 4b very course and dry hair (medium thick). As a kid I was never the long hair type of girl maybe because my mom could have put better effort into taking care of my hair but I cant blame her she was a single parent who worked two jobs, she didnt have time to take proper care of my hair. She washed my hair maybe every three weeks and braided it up who knows what she was using. So i was stuck at neck length for the majority of my years.

At the begining of eigth grade my mom put me in braids for the whole year never relaxing it that year and wash the braids once a month. I used oil sheen back then. (lol) My hair went from neck length to 1 inch above APL in one year. At the end of my eighth grade year (about 9 months of wearing braids) I got a relaxer and like a one inch trim and my hair was full nice and healthy hovering an inch or a little more above APL. Remind you i wore braids and washed once a month and strecthed for close to a year.

I ruined my hair in HS by bleaching and perming to the ends, and I didnt wash frequently ( yeah I know) I put two nd two together C&G for retention and washing for a clean scalp will be best to grow out my hair. Here I am 10 years later realizing that KEEPING IT SIMPLE and C&G works for me.

I am now C&Ging and I am 9 weeks post realxer I plan to stretch until February (6 months)
I am not using anymore growth aids because I learned they do not work for me
I will trim half an inch every 4 months
shampoo every 2 weeks but DC twice a week
Moisturize every other day with braiding spray and castor oil added to spray

I have tried everything from Baggying to MN over the past year and I just decided keeping it simple works best for me.

I say skip out on the trimming/dusting. If your ends are not splitting just wait for your hair to catch up, your ends will fill out.
Keeping it Simple works for me and my hair. My hair loves the KISS method:yep:.
I think being consistent with a simple routine is all one needs to acquire and retain healthy hair.
My routine:
Pre-poo with coconut milk and honey once per week.
Shampoo and DC 2x's per week
Rollerset/Saran Wrap treatment
Moisturize as needed (which is only maybe once between washes).
Pincurl at night (wear up or down next day)
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