Does it offend you when people touch your hair?


Well-Known Member
How do you feel when complete strangers touch your hair without your permission? I do not like it when people touch my hair, especially without my permission. It's like an invasion of privacy.
Funny that you ask. One of my co workers here has beautiful hair and we were talking about hair I asked her may I touch her hair...and she said yes...and she thanked me for asking her first.

however, I do not like folks touching my hair without asking me.
Complete stranger?? HELL NO!
But i also have a problem with co-workers. they can touch my real hair if they are a person i am friends/comfortable with as long as they don't exaggerate and make me lose hairs :grin: but when they go to grab my FAKE hair, i freak out and get paranoid cuz they'll know its fake and possibly take it out of place or lead to some other type of embarrassment. I wear buns mostly with my real hair. Recently someone at work decided to grab my bun like it was a doorknob - WTH? I guess pple will always be curious about our type of hair. you just gotta put them in their place!
Absolutely! People sneeze, cough, pick their nose and go to the bathroom...all without washing their hands, I don't want anybody putting their hands on me or my hair.
I don't think I've ever had a complete stranger touch my hair but people I know do sometimes and it dosen't bother me but what does bother me is when people pull my ponytail. I've had people pull it pretty hard and I'm thinking why did they do that. In the back of my mind I think they thought they were gonna pull something off.:sad:
Strangers ?? It has never happened to me ...

same here.

I have had people I know touch it. That does not bother me.

I am not into people really putting their hand in there, like down to the roots. My mom had a lady do that to her. :ohwell: But just touching it lightly - I don't mind.
I don't like random people touching me, period. As far as those who are close to took some time for me to get used to this, but I'm ok with them touching my hair now. They are usually just curious or complimenting me. I have a couple of friends who do it regularly because they can't fathom that I use hair gel as a styler every time I wet my hair. "How can you use gel and still have soft hair" is the question. It's possible, tons of women do it every day. My hair is like a mini product lesson.
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I keep my hair up all the time plus I don't have the kind of hair people want to touch! :lachen: I wish I did though... :look:

There was one time, my hair stylist's sister in law came to town and was visiting him the same day I was getting my hair done. I had met her once or twice a few years back, but she didn't know me like that. In the middle of him blowdrying my hair, she just reached over and stuck her hand in my hair. WTF!!!!

I stiffened up like someone had stabbed me. My hair stylist cracks up everytime we remember that day.

To answer the OP question... No, it does not offend me, but ask me first.
It used to really, really bother me. Especially when it was from people that didn't know me well or didn't know me at all.

I'm not as uptight about it as I used to be but I still don't like it..
I have never had a complete stranger touch my hair. I can't even imagine a stranger coming up to me and touching my hair, that's serious invasion of personal space.
The question is, would you ever feel comfortable going up to a stranger and touching their head? Why do people think it's acceptable to touch our heads?

I mean, I'm curious about straight haired girls too, but I don't go around touching people's hair!

BTW, I'm okay with it if it's a friend complimenting me or someone curious in a nice way. But I wouldn't wanna be walking down the street and find someone all in my space. For some reason, I'm pretty sure an old lady would be most likely to do that, though.
I think strangers should keep their hands to themselves.

I have had one touch my hair , but i have had them touch arms and pat me on the back. I am also bothered by the touch your neighbor comments at church and the hug hour they have.
I hate people touching me at all, but this white guy touched my hair on the train about 2 years ago. He was like "Awwwwwwwwwwww, your hair is sooo niicccccccccceeeeeeeeee," and then he took one big whiff of it. I was just so shocked I couldn't say anything, I just said "thanks" and got up and moved. Usually I say something but I dunno, I was in a state of shock. Needless to say, I immediately washed my hair when I got home.
What's the point? Maybe they think it'll rub off on them :perplexed About a month ago, I did have one of my customers grab (more like yank, 'cause I teetered a bit) a hand full of my curly fro and go, "Now that's good hair" :ohwell:

She's a cosmetologist (she called herself that) and constantly comes in our shop to explain the benefits of using petroleum jelly on our hair. I nod in silent understanding while sporting a fake grin and thinking, "Is that how your hairline got to be so far back on your head?"

Ok, that was mean, but I thought it - I didn't say it :look:
I don't think I've ever had a complete stranger touch my hair but people I know do sometimes and it dosen't bother me but what does bother me is when people pull my ponytail. I've had people pull it pretty hard and I'm thinking why did they do that. In the back of my mind I think they thought they were gonna pull something off.:sad:
yeah...they wanted to see if it was fake or something.i dont like people touhing my hair!!THEY CAN IF I KNOW THEM.......AND THEY HAVE MAINTAINED GOOD LOCKS....SHORT OR LONG....AS LONG AS IT WAS HEALTHY AND I KNOW THEM....REALLY REALLY KNOW THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:nono: Only my mama and SO can touch without asking...anyone else, you get your hand slapped.

I feel like I'm being weave checked when they reach out and touch it...WTF
:nono: Only my mama and SO can touch without asking...anyone else, you get your hand slapped.

I feel like I'm being weave checked when they reach out and touch it...WTF
:rolleyes: thats that my hair has gotten super long....they really want to touch it.thats why im begining to wear more up dos and like dam?:wallbash:
I'm kind of funny about strangers touching my hair after some of the horror stories I've heard.

It just depends on who it is, and if they just touch it and not pull on it.
i have never had a stranger try to touch my hair. never! but........ everybody likes to grab/hit/wiggle/pull/poke/stick their finger in the middle of/hang things off of my bun :ohwell:...........:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

it dosent really bother me but they always catch me off guard with it.
How do you feel when complete strangers touch your hair without your permission? I do not like it when people touch my hair, especially without my permission. It's like an invasion of privacy.
I agree. If you are a stranger touching my hair, its almost like you coming up and grabbing my boob. Nah ah. :nono:

Now if I know you I dont mind so much. My MIL touches my hair a lot whenever I see her but its ok for her.
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Nah, I don't like it. Sometimes people do it when they think I'm wearing a wig and I tell them that I'm they have to feel it to believe me.

That's just like when people touched my big pregnant belly...I hated that too.
I hate people touching me at all, but this white guy touched my hair on the train about 2 years ago. He was like "Awwwwwwwwwwww, your hair is sooo niicccccccccceeeeeeeeee," and then he took one big whiff of it. I was just so shocked I couldn't say anything, I just said "thanks" and got up and moved. Usually I say something but I dunno, I was in a state of shock. Needless to say, I immediately washed my hair when I got home.

Um, sorry but... lmao!
That's disturbing though!
What's the point? Maybe they think it'll rub off on them :perplexed About a month ago, I did have one of my customers grab (more like yank, 'cause I teetered a bit) a hand full of my curly fro and go, "Now that's good hair" :ohwell:

She's a cosmetologist (she called herself that) and constantly comes in our shop to explain the benefits of using petroleum jelly on our hair. I nod in silent understanding while sporting a fake grin and thinking, "Is that how your hairline got to be so far back on your head?"

Ok, that was mean, but I thought it - I didn't say it :look:

You have to be kidding me!
Strangers don't touch my hair at all. It's not usually loose. They do comment on its thickness but no touching. Only people I know touch it like my mum or my bf and I don't mind that.