Does height matter?

Does height matter?

  • He has to be taller than 6' or taller

    Votes: 42 45.2%
  • It's all about how the man treats me... Height does not matter

    Votes: 31 33.3%
  • I would never date/marry a man my height

    Votes: 23 24.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies,

I'm currently dating a great guy and we're talking marriage, but he is shorter (5'9") than all the men (6'3"+) I've dated in the past. I keep telling myself that it doesn't matter, but I do wish at times he was taller. I'm wondering if I'm being shallow, so I thought I would reach out to the LHCF ladies and get your opinion.

Does height matter to you?
You are being shallow. Has any of the taller men shown interest in marriage? It wouldn't bother me unless he had the dwarfism gene that I wouldn't want to pass along.
I'm 5'5"...I like for a man to be within my height range (5'5" to 6'0"). Anything under 5'4" or over 6'2" is too extreme for me.
I avoid this problem by not dating men who don't meet my height requirement. I would be upset for the rest of my life about not being able to wear certain shoes or (God forbid) being taller than him in photos.
Yes! Height does matter! At least to me.....

I will not date a man who is shorter than me--- no let me rephrase that--- who is my height or shorter with heels on.
Height matters to me. My husband is 6'-1". Anything under 6' is to short for me. Coming from a family where the men are 6'-5"+, 6'-1" is considered short.

You have a great man who is willing to marry you, and you are worried about his height? Really?
Urm, yeah, that sounds kinda shallow in my book. Mind, I married the man (5'8) who was significantly shorter (by 6 inches) than the shortest dude I ever dated. He's also significantly lighter.
On a daily basis, I'm thrilled I didn't brush him off for being too short/too light in favor of some tall dark man that I had yet to meet who would love me, honor me, and uplight me the same way he has.
Do I wish he was taller, sometimes? *thinks* Honestly, not really. He's about 3 inches taller than me, and in the right shoes I'm taller than him by a 1/2 inch or so.... :look: and he likes it. ;) :lol:
I used to hate being tall, but once I got comfortable with my own height, the men's height really didn't matter to me. Though I have a preference for tall men, I have dated shorter men as long as THEY were secure with themselves. Interestingly enough, both the men I married were tall ( 6'4"), but I never said, my husband has to be tall. It just happened.
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Hey Ladies,

I'm currently dating a great guy and we're talking marriage, but he is shorter (5'9") than all the men (6'3"+) I've dated in the past. I keep telling myself that it doesn't matter, but I do wish at times he was taller. I'm wondering if I'm being shallow, so I thought I would reach out to the LHCF ladies and get your opinion.

Does height matter to you?

Honestly it is a bit shallow but hey you are entitled to have a preferance. I am the same way, I am 5'8 and love men who are 5'10 and up. I have dated men my height with flats on and it annoyed me when I wore heels and I just towered over them. I am comfortable in my height but when you are with a man who is shorter it just feels like you are the man in the relationship, like the protector. If God sends me a short guy that has every other quality I am looking for in a man, I will definately give him a chance and suck it up but I won't like it. So what I am saying is if he is a great guy in every other area then marry him cause you don't know when a good guy like that will come along again. Just wear flats on your wedding day.
I tend to prefer tall, muscular guys. I currently dating someone short and slender. I think it is a little too late to worry about the height now. You should of made that decision before dating him.
It matters to me....I could not date a man shorter than me or my height because I am already so short (5'2). I've tried did not work (he was 5'1 with a Serious Napoleon Complex). I wear heels all the time and I would have to look down at him. It felt so awkward when we went out to a lounge and I had to bend down to dance with him! Maybe if I was a tall woman I would let it slide, but I'm not.
Fyi, when we met he was sitting down, when he stood up, I felt bamboozled!!!

**If you know ur not into short guys...don't date them**
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Hey Ladies,

Thank you all for your opinions. Some I agree with :yep: and some I don't :nono:, but I appreciated everyone’s honesty :).

Let me start out by saying that I'm 5'6", so he is taller than I am :grin:.

Once we started dating, I traded in my stilettos for flats and the timing was perfect because flats have made a huge style statement and I don't think I would have as many pairs if it wasn't for my issue with the height. Don't get me wrong, I still wear my heels... and ladies, he loves me in heels *wink-wink* (when we met I was wearing 4” heels), so the height thing is truly my own issue and I know this. To be frank, the only thing that "height" has gotten me in the past is a heart ache and debt.

I have been able to "check-off" every item on my "The Things That I'm Looking For In a Future Husband"... for example; he has an MBA, he makes well over 6 figures, he is financially stable, he has a great relationship with God, his mother, his daughter, siblings and even the ex-wife.

This will be marriage #2 for both of us and he is open to having more children (as my 1st marriage did not produce kids)... so I could not ask for a more perfect guy for me. I have to stop being shallow and recognize that God has truly sent me a gift. :heart2:
I tend to like taller men at least 5'11'' or taller.

But... I was thinking the other day about all my "requirements" age, height, complexion and otherwise. I don't necessarily think its shallow but I've finally realized that I could be missing out on a really good man based on all this superficial stuff.
Height matters.
Size matters.
Hands matter.
Feet matter.
Face matters.
Body (definitely) matters.

Shallow or not. I like what I like.
But thats me.

If you'll talking marriege, height should be the least of your concern. If you love him, it shouldnt matter at this point.
At 5'0..height isn't an issue for me; except I don't like them TOO tall(6'3 or greater)..makes it awkward for kissing and etc. If he has all those things going for him and it wasn't an initial deal breaker; then yeah it is kinda shallow.
I told myself I wouldn't date someone more than 2-3" taller than me because it gets awkward and causes neck pain, but I am and he makes me happy so it doesn't matter
I'm so happy the title of this thread is grammatically correct!

I'm 5'10" so for me it does. You have to at least be the same height as me, or a few inches taller.

Of course I'm talking initial dating stuff, a man would need a whole lot of other qualifiers besides his height.
Yes. But I'm 5'1 so it's not really a no-brainer. I would like for a guy to at least be taller than my dad, however. It just seems weird if he's not.
Height matters to me. My husband is 6'-1". Anything under 6' is to short for me. Coming from a family where the men are 6'-5"+, 6'-1" is considered short.

exactly....we have NO SHORT MEN in my family BOTH sides.

i cannot do it.

I did it before and it was one of the reasons i ended it.:wallbash:
I think it's an adjustment if you've never dated someone shorter. I'm 5'9 and my SO is 5'7... he's the first guy I've ever dated who wasn't taller than me. I have to be honest and say that I don't wear heels as much as I use to or I'd like.... esp since the majority of what are out are stilettos. Despite all that though it's not a problem. I'd marry him in a heartbeat.
I voted that he can't be my height, but that's just because I'm 5'1". So he just needs to be taller than me, which isn't hard. And I have to admit I do get intimidated by guys who are really tall, 6' and above.
Im 5'9 and my SO is 5'5 ( BIG DIFFERENCE). Initially i resisted dating him because of the height difference, i LOVE tall men and stilettos but after being friends for so long it grew into more and honestly aside from the height he is absolutely perfect for me. I still wish he was taller and i cant say it doesn't bother me but ill take a sweet, honest educated short guy who loves me to death than a tall pain in the a** who treats me like crap...not to say i wouldnt find a tall man thats just as sweet but why risk it. ...just my 2 cents
Just so he's at least 2 inches taller than me, but not over 6'0- that's too tall. I'm only 5'3 or 5'4 though. I love men from 5'7-5'10, yes I do. :lick: If he was shorter than me, honestly I probably wouldn't even be attracted in the first place.
Hey Ladies,

Thank you all for your opinions. Some I agree with :yep: and some I don't :nono:, but I appreciated everyone’s honesty :).

Let me start out by saying that I'm 5'6", so he is taller than I am :grin:.

Once we started dating, I traded in my stilettos for flats and the timing was perfect because flats have made a huge style statement and I don't think I would have as many pairs if it wasn't for my issue with the height. Don't get me wrong, I still wear my heels... and ladies, he loves me in heels *wink-wink* (when we met I was wearing 4” heels), so the height thing is truly my own issue and I know this. To be frank, the only thing that "height" has gotten me in the past is a heart ache and debt.

I have been able to "check-off" every item on my "The Things That I'm Looking For In a Future Husband"... for example; he has an MBA, he makes well over 6 figures, he is financially stable, he has a great relationship with God, his mother, his daughter, siblings and even the ex-wife.

This will be marriage #2 for both of us and he is open to having more children (as my 1st marriage did not produce kids)... so I could not ask for a more perfect guy for me. I have to stop being shallow and recognize that God has truly sent me a gift. :heart2:

OP: Please re-read the bolded in your post....looks to me like you answered your own question. Praise the Lord and keep it movin' He seems to be the total package.

Maybe the real question is do you love him. I didn't see that anywhere in your post.

Just my two cents.
He maybe shorter than the other men you have dated but at least he is taller than you.
And he sounds like a great guy :)

I hate to admit that I have never been able to take any men that were shorter than me seriously when it came to dating. I just dont date them.
But I have no problem with a man being my height or taller. I am yet to meet a man who had a problem with me wearing heals even when it resulted in me being a couple of inches taller than him.
His height is your ONLY hesitation?

...having been here with my girl friends, I'm not buying it.

To answer the question: I used to say I had a 6'0" minimum, considering my dad is 6'5". And I do prefer tall men, but I won't take a 5'10" brother out the running, who otherwise has it together, simply on account of him being 2 inches shy. As long as he doesn't mind me wearing my heels, we can carry on...
This will be marriage #2 for both of us and he is open to having more children (as my 1st marriage did not produce kids)... so I could not ask for a more perfect guy for me. I have to stop being shallow and recognize that God has truly sent me a gift. :heart2:

That's wonderful! But just think of it this way, when you want to wear those stilettos and he's feeling a wee bit short, you'll be the center of attention and you can bet he's going to show you off as though you are. I think shorter guys love long, tall beauties on their arms.

Besides, there's a tallness where it counts most...ahem. You can have Mr. Giant but he's rather Mr. Peabody in the boudoir department. Mr. Shorty could turn out to be Mr. Mountain with much earthquake to go along with it :blush:.
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