Does anyone ever REGRET going natural?

How do you really feel about your decision to go natural?

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I don't regret it but I'm not as eagar to advise it to other people either, I used to be but not anymore, it is some hard work!
I'm so happy I went natural but if I could do it all over again I would have transitioned until the last piece of relaxed hair fell off instead of cutting after 8 months.

After I chopped I was stuck going through all the weird hair phases as my hair grew.
the only thing i would say is i wish i had transitioned, not b/c of length, but b/c it would have saved me from walking around looking like no one loved me during the time leading up to me cutting it lol. i also wish i had done it back in my junior year of HS when i first wanted to instead of waiting till i graduated.

if anything i regret badgering my mom to let me get a relaxer lol... she couldve given me a wayyyyy better 8th grade graduation gift lol.
I regretted it once. Mind you I transitioned for about a year before I cut the relaxer off. It was still a shock to me. The two natural girls I knew were heat trained for the most part. I cut in May and when I tried to straighten it, it would puff right back up. So I figured I had to wear it curly and I had no idea what to do with it since I mostly wore my hair straight.

I didn't know about this site or any sites at the time so I struggled for a while. I used to cry before going places. I can laugh at myself now but at the time oy vey. I got it together after a while and I'm glad I didn't run back and relax it. I figured I had already cut all my length off so there was no point. I just closed my eyes, moved forward and threw a weave in when it really frustrated me.
I did last week. But after taking out these braids, I'm finally at a length where I get what all the ladies are talking about when they say theey are in love with their coils. The BC, I regret.
I don't regret going natural....

....But I do regret BCing before I was ready. I knew I wasn't a fan a short hair, but I got so overzealous watching all those natural YT vids and reading blogs, that I impromptu BC'd thinking my natural hair would look like how it looks when it's wet, all the time.

I love my density and texture (4a), but I think I'll love it more when I get back to my old length.... naturally
I did for about the first 2-3 weeks. In fact, I cried after my friend left from doing my BC. I love it now of course and very happy I hung in there.
i don't regret it at all. wish i didn't cut my hair so much! natural hair is a breeze for me! i wasn't much of a product junkie when i was relaxed on my HHJ, since i went to the salon twice a week. now i can be a product junkie again!
At the end of the day, relaxers were not for me; but I sometimes wonder how Imy hair would have faired had I just concentrated on healthy hair at any state. At the time I was relaxed, I did not have the knowledge I now have (from being apart of this board) and sometimes I wonder...usually on days when my hair just can't get right.

While I won't ever say never...I wouldn't go back to relaxers. All of that is a wrap for me...but--- I.Just.Wonder. (Neyo sing-song voice)

I picked the last option. I BC'd twice and re-relaxed both times. I hate my hair short so the BC did not work for me. This time I am trying to transition for two years. I think I would have been happy being natural if I had more hair. We'll see what my answer to this is in 1 year and 10 months.
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My natural hair is the no regrets..I only wish I would have stuck to it the first 2 times I went natural....besides I take so much better care of my natural hair than I ever did my relaxed hair...

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going natural was the best thing for me. i cant even imagine regretting it. no i dont regret it.
I do not regret going natural. I never want another relaxer to touch my head.

I have a fear that I am going to go in for a trim and the stylist accidentally puts a relaxer in my hair! Eeeek!
I don't understand this sentiment. While I have experimented with a few products the same stuff that works for my relaxed hair works for my transitioning and natural part of my hair. I think applying caustic chemicals to your scalp and hair is more dangerous than trying a new conditioner.

I will have to disagree for my head. Relaxers have never burned nor irritated my scalp while I have had to discontinue the usage of certain shampoos and conditioners. One shampoo had bumps popping up on my skin not even five minutes after washing. I dont know what it is but I am pretty sure if a relaxer was going to irritate me it would have done so by now.
I had healthy, mbl hair when I chopped to a twa. I regret not transitioning longer. The two textures were killing me though.

I can't say that I'll never relax again but I damn sure won't EVER go this short again. :nono:

I can't WAIT til my long locks flow once more...:grin:
Sometimes I just want a smooth sleek bun and with my relaxed hair I could do that. not so much with the natural, but I look my natural hair...just want it be much longer so that I could do those beautiful wwestndnbeautyy styles!!!
I regret giving up on natural hair the 1st time around. If I'd stuck with it, I would be 7 years natural. :blush::blush: But I really didn't know what to do with my hair back then. I soaked it in Sta-So-Fro and looked a HAM. Glad I'm doing it the right way this time.
I only regret not doing it sooner. I had been wanting to do it for the last 10 years, but could not build up the nerve. I work in a corporate environment and was afraid to do it because of what management might have to say.

One of the VP's cut off all of her hair to begin her natural hair journey 2 years ago and for some reason I was still afraid. :sad: I have been stalking her hair growth for the last 2 years. It's so dang pretty and thick. I decided if she could do it I could too. I transitioned for 9 months and did my bc in December of last year.

Management has had nothing but praise for my hair.:woot: No going back for me, I love my natural hair and my twa. Had I not been a chicken sh^t, my hair could be down to my feet...:lol:
I've never regretted going natural. I actually think it was inevitable for me. :grin:

As far as your hubby is concerned, some will tell you to "just do you" but it definitely presented some... "discussions" in my marriage. :lol: I personally respect my husband's honesty as it relates to my hair because there were times when I thought I was looking cute, only to look back at photos now and understand why the Hubs was looking at me like :nuts:. Now, he doesn't hesitate to tell me when my natural hair is banging. After 7 years, he just recently told me that he prefers it natural and after not seeing it straightened in almost 2 years, says he doesn't care if I never straighten it again.

I THINK I'm natural for life but IF I were to ever become regretful, I'd get another relaxer. Shame on me? Not! My decision to go natural really wasn't that deep.
I absolutely love going natural. I mini-chopped and have been very happy with my hair journey. My natural hair is so liberating; I remember when my hair was relaxed I loathed getting my hair rained on or even swimming (which I love to do). My natural curls love the water.and its easier for me to care for my natural hair than relaxed hair.
I'm transitioning now and cant wait until im fully natural!!

I tried what seems like every method and bandwagon to retain length with my relaxed hair and nothing seemed to work long term. The chemicals were too harsh for my hair and scalp. With the encouragement of my sister, i decided to transition.

She has never had hair longer than the base of her neck and is now full CL after 15 months. She doesnt even put much effort into her hair either. i mean she does the absolute minimum and her hair is thicker and longer than ever, she says she wouldve done it years ago.