Does a man's sexual past matter?


Well-Known Member
I was having a conversation with a few guys today, and they seem to think that even though they judge women on their sexual pasts, we as women shouldn’t judge them in the same or similar manner concerning their own sexual past. They even came to the consensus that women don’t care about men’s sexual pasts. Of course we all know that men have always held women to higher standards than they themselves are willing to uphold, but does that mean that we don’t or should not care or have any standards about what they have done sexually or how many partners they’ve had? Just curious…
I care about a man's sexual past to a certain degree, but what's I consider most important is a man's mental/emotional viewpoint/attitude towards women (those in his personal life and generally society wise).
I think its a personal choice. Personally I'd rather not know about how many partners he's had. I'm only concerned with if he has any permanent STDs and has issues with monogamy.
I care about a man's sexual past to a certain degree, but what's I consider most important is a man's mental/emotional viewpoint/attitude towards women (those in his personal life and generally society wise).

exactly. i want to know if you practice safe sex, if you are STD free, and if you have (or there is any possibility of having) children.

and you can fall all the way back with the double standard BS. please tell me if you feel that way so i can KIM.
In terms of protecting himself, YES. In terms of his number? No, I wouldn't ask him in any case.
I would prefer to know,his sex history if he has/had any stds,if his careless,meaning going raw-dog,if he likes to spread himself around..None of that is healthy so it's good to know..
I think its a personal choice. Personally I'd rather not know about how many partners he's had. I'm only concerned with if he has any permanent STDs and has issues with monogamy.

Agreed. Is he clean and is he faithful, that's all I really care about. Anything he did before he met me is not really relevant.

Do people really ask how many people you have slept with? I have never actually been asked that before.
I would prefer to know,his sex history if he has/had any stds,if his careless,meaning going raw-dog,if he likes to spread himself around..None of that is healthy so it's good to know..

When you meet a man who admits to being a careless "raw-dog" let me know.
Do people really ask how many people you have slept with? I have never actually been asked that before.

Yes, I've actually had a couple of guys ask me how many partners I've had. And it's funny how they felt entitled to know my past, but when I asked them, they acted like it was none of my business because it was in the past before I met them :rolleyes:
Yes but some of his sexual past can be deciphered via:
a) if he attempted to raw dog you instead of using a jimmy
b) how many children he has, provides for and has some form of custody of
c) how he views and treats women
d) views relationships
e) how he views intimacy/sex
f) if he gets tested and provides results w/history
I'm sure there are more that I left off.
Yes, but primarily his std past if any . I wouldn't want to know his number because it may make me judge him. I had an "ex" tell me he had 80 partners I was so disgusted by that.

As long as he is disease free and monogamous and learned from past mistakes.
ManeStreet said:
When you meet a man who admits to being a careless "raw-dog" let me know.

I know two men who have admitted this to me. One I was dating and another was just a friend. It's good to know the past, but it's more important for me to know what he has right NOW and how it's going to be with ME (that last part is more of a "telling him" than asking him, lol).
When you meet a man who admits to being a careless "raw-dog" let me know.

I had a guy admit to me that he didn't use protection at all. at that point the idea of sex went out the window and I proceeded to tell him how stupid that was to do that. all he could say was he hasn't gotten anybody pregnant & all I could do was Smh.

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