Does a guy's 'number' matter to you?


New Member
Just wondering how much a guys number of sexual partners matters to you if he has a clean bill of health? For instance would you date a guy who was 22 who had slept with 22 women? Would love to hear all the different perspectives.:yep:
ya it would matter. i'd prefer having a lesser chance of contracting some kind of std from him. i had issues with my dh for messing with one b/c she had been around the block a few times and was a drug addict...

edit: I didn't read it right. A clean bill of health. Hmmm ya, I still feel sleeping with anyone/everyone you meet is nasty. Anything greater than 3 would be a no-go.
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Yes it does. Just like men who may not be feeling a woman because she has had a lot of sexual partners I feel the same way. I have my own number and if you are above that I am saying goodbye.
Yeah it does matter. Men don't like women who've slept with every Tom, Dick and Harry and I'm the same way. Even with a clean bill of health there's something kinda sleazy about sleeping with a guy who's been with a bunch of people and I question if this guy is capable of being in a serious relationship.
yes, it does. I don't want him to have more sexual partners than serious relationships. Maybe 4-5 max
and how would you know he's telling the truth???? he could lie to you couldn't he, you don't think he would know that sleeping around is unattractive?
Not necessarily. A guy who was trying to court me told me he could not count how many women he had slept with and another told me he had slept with 22 women. So not every guy seems to know that sleeping around is unattractive.
People always say women should respect their bodies and honestly men should too. You dont deserve a special pass because your a guy. I guy I dated awhile back confided he had been exposed to herpes by a former girlfriend. He never contracted herpes but there was no way I was going to sleep with him after that news.
It would matter to me because it show that he either sleeps around with women to easily and doesn't take sex and relationships seriously, or he could never quite get it right with any woman and was always being dumped and quickly moving on to the next.

Neither of those things are appealing to me.
Only if it was in his past and not his present, sometimes people make mistakes when they are young, I would not hold it against him as long as he is clean.
Yeah I'm on one and ur on 22 ...seems like u don't care which makes me wonder....

however of course there's an exception to this such as the dude who told me he was a "womanizer" and did it cuz he could...I didn't ask for this info though it was freely given. I guess the difference is this current one stopped way before I met him...

versus the one that is still going on to 23 and 24...and looking for 25

eta: okay I'm not gonna like the guy I just described still makes me wonder I guess I'm swallowing it easier
At this stage in my life, I'd laugh at any man who asked me about my number. Asking at 22 is one thing; asking over 30 is another IMO.

You want to know if he's healthy, go get tested together.
Really??? Hmm...nope, we're both disease free and honestly, how many dudes (and women) are gonna be honest? I'm from the "don't ask, don't tell" school of thought
Yes, it does matter. As other ladies have said it definitely says something about the guy if he has slept with two dozen women, but only had 1 real relationship, etc. That would NOT make me take a guy seriously. I understand that men see it as a score to hit it and quit it/one night stand it/etc. all that, but to me it's just kind of sleazy past a point. It just shows me how that guy views sex and women, and I would probably feel he has limited potential to be a real quality boyfriend/husband/whatever. I would totally understand if a guy felt the same about a female (and many of them do).

Of course, the older you get the bigger your number will likely get (if you're single) so I take that into consideration too.
I have no business asking him. He better not ask me either.
If we're clean then i don't see what the problem is. People talk numbers after high school?????
Yes and no. It doesn't matter regarding diseases because there are test to assess that state. It also doesn't matter because I'm not gonna hold your past against you.

It does matter if you have a high number and you don't appear to be slowing down anytime soon. If you had a period in college where you went a little crazy and gave free love to all that were willing, I can understand that.

Sending BeautifulFlowers from my iPhone
It doesn't matter regarding diseases because there are test to assess that state. It also doesn't matter because I'm not gonna hold your past against you.

I agree with this. I haven't been perfect in my past and I surely wouldn't want it held against me. As long as we both have a clean bill of health, I'd actually prefer to never discuss actual numbers cause that leads to insecurities, especially if one person seems more experienced.
Yeah it does matter. Men don't like women who've slept with every Tom, Dick and Harry and I'm the same way. Even with a clean bill of health there's something kinda sleazy about sleeping with a guy who's been with a bunch of people and I question if this guy is capable of being in a serious relationship.

Yes and no. It doesn't matter regarding diseases because there are test to assess that state. It also doesn't matter because I'm not gonna hold your past against you.

It does matter if you have a high number and you don't appear to be slowing down anytime soon. If you had a period in college where you went a little crazy and gave free love to all that were willing, I can understand that.

Sending BeautifulFlowers from my iPhone
ITA^^^ sometimes that can indicate a man who has problems exercising self control. Sometimes that can extend into other areas of life (finances, fathering, etc). I would have more of a problem with a man who was supposed to be 'grown' that was displaying self control issues masquerading as promiscuity.
I never ask because I really don't want to know, and I expect him to lie no matter what it is. So no, it doesn't matter to me at all.
I have no business asking him. He better not ask me either.
If we're clean then i don't see what the problem is. People talk numbers after high school?????

right!! my number is low, but i still will dare someone to ask me... and i won't dare ask either. somethings are just better taken to the grave..
Ill be upfront with the guy and I hope he would be upfront with me as well. Honestly anything over 5 is like a turn off for me (even if it narrows down the dating pool)