Do you think that white girls have it easier?

There are PROS and CONS for each hair type.

"white people hair" - tends to need less conditioning and retains easier, but can't hold a style well

"black people hair" - tends to need more conditioning and is typically harder to retain length, but is EXTREMELY versitile

There are way more pros and cons for every hair type. I just think those are the main ones we're discussing.

There is no shame in admitting our differences. One is not somehow better than the other.

The problem is... "black people hair" is very misunderstood. Even by many black people.
I was lurking on and it is exactly like this site only it's for white women. They even use the same oils and they rave about coconut oil, EVOO, essential oils, aloe vera gel and leave in conditioners just like we do. They like hennaing their hair as well. They are all about hair care over there. They pre-poo and clarify. I even found a post where one of the white ladies said she liked using shea butter as a leave in.

They have length shots of their hair growth. Some have short hair they are trying to grow long and other's have grown their hair long and are trying to maintain. Just like us on this board.

They complain about dry ends, damaged ends, split ends, heat damage and chemical damage from dyes too.

For anybody who seems to think white women don't have to work on their hair for it to be healthy and look nice just visit that board and you will see they seem to be doing just as much as we do over here.

Obviously, there are some differences but still they do have to work at it.
Yes, they have it easier when it comes to hair.

ETA: I wouldn't want their hair though. (I'm remember being shocked when I realized that.)
They make the SAME types of idiotic mistakes and like to be scissor happy too! I've seen a few white women close to tears about what some stupid stylist did to their hair. The SAME complaints, not getting what you asked for, cutting way too much hair off, damaging your hair... that's one common experience that women share.

True, but that's not the majority of yt women. So yes, they have it easier. Whether it's in the sheer number of stylists available to them, when I have to guess when I visit a different city if there are black stylists, to the number of black stylists who know nothing about haircare.

If I want wash and go hair, I have to have a twa. No option. So that requires me to undo all the media conditioning that tells me that short hair is not preferred on females. That's work.

I can't just wake up, wash and go every day of my life and never visit a stylist if I don't wanna. (Some of them have never been to a stylist!!!)

whether the answer is yes or no..i still wouldn't want it.:look:
god gave me the hair he thinks looks best on me.

ITA - I still like napps

Yes, they have it easier when it comes to hair.

ETA: I wouldn't want their hair though. (I'm remember being shocked when I realized that.)

I think they have it easier as far as growing it. I really do. Our hair tends to be dryer, coarser, and tends to be more difficult to manage. It's just the fact of the matter. But as far as styles and versatility I think we definitely have them beat. I think because they tend to have longer hair and, yes, more naturally moisturized, the fact that that they tend to wear the same styles (down or ponytail) kind of just washes over people . And yeah, white girl hair doesn't hold like our does. I've also heard a lot of asian women complain that their hair is too straight and it doesn't curl easily. To each his own.
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I'm putting my neck out here... I know yall ladies don't play! :lol:

I feel that a lot of people are hesistant to say that less coarse and less kinky hair is more managable.

We all know there is no such thing as "white" hair products. It's just marketing and WE use the same products.

The products aren't the explanation behind why people with straighter hair retain length more easily and tend to have more healthy hair.

The typical white woman doesn't do monthly protein treatments. She doesn't baggy her hair or pre poo. She doesn't use a bunch of leave in conditioner. She doesn't sleep with conditioner in her hair overnight. Her hair simply doesn't need it.

Note that I said TYPICAL. I'm sure that some women with straight to loosely curled hair do these things and more.

For example, my bf has type 1 hair. He just shampoos with suave shampoo every 3 or 4 days, combs it with a small toothed comb and thats it. His hair retains length and looks shiny and healthy.

How many women here can do that and have healthy, long hair?

I feel that just being honest and admitting that there are differences isn't bad.

For me, accepting and aknowledging differences, but realizing that these differences don't make anyone better or worse than the next person is important.

Kinky, coarse hair IS the weakest type of hair. HOWEVER, that does not make it the least desireable in my eyes. It's beautiful... absolutely stunning when it's healthy.

I'm just a little concerned about the level of denial I see in some posts. To say texture doesn't matter seems so weird to me. Even on THIS board there are type 3 and type 4 help and discussion threads.

Texture does make a difference, even though hair IS hair and responds to the same things in the same way... different textures need different handling, products, techniques and amounts of care.

"Becky" with the type 1b hair definitely has an easier time growing her hair out than someone with 4b. I don't see how/why anyone can deny that.

She may not be able to rock cornrows as well, but there is a big difference in the level of care that must be taken to achieve longer lengths (USUALLY!)

Yes, our hair has unique gifts, but so does theirs.

Again I'd like to state that just because our hair needs more pampering, it is NOT inferior to straighter hair types. I LOVE kinky hair.

It's not any less beautiful because it is more work... and I feel okay saying that.

Cosign. Forums like longhaircommunity exist so that white women at least an average length can grow their hair to tailbone. That is a much different issue than growing any hair at all, especially when a lot of Blacks consider long hair anything past shoulder length. Texture does make a difference but it doesn't mean one person's hair is innately more beautiful than another simply because of hair type. I can actually say that being around more White people has made me really appreciate my hair type and its versatility.
If the measure of "easier" was how long it takes woman with type 1a hair to get out of the door after washing her hair versus the length of time it would take a type 4a hair type to get out of the door after washing her hair, I think the answers would change!

ETA: I asked one of my white guy friends who has seen me do my wash routine countless times and he says white hair is much easier.
Yes, they have it easier when it comes to hair.

ETA: I wouldn't want their hair though. (I'm remember being shocked when I realized that.)

That shocked me too. I'm always having their hair type braided into my head, that it would seem that I would want that to actually come out of my head. But..I don't. I like our hair. I like the fact that it's so diverse. And difficult and we work hard at it. Hell, I like the fact that we wear fake hair all the time (but make sure your real hair is on point though ). It's this great hair culture and it's fun and we're the only ones who can celebrate it.
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No. As everyone's been saying, straight hair is hard to style. I can do some really elegant, fast and simple hair styles with my texture, and they will last. I don't need wax or hairspray. I don't have to tease my hair.

If I want to take a little more time, I can do a lot of curly styles without using heat, which I am not sure is possible for straight hair.

Oh, and when I write this, I am referring to White women with type 1 or 2 hair. White woman with type 3 or 4 hair can obviously do what we can. I'm just not sure most of them know how.
Of course they do. Detangling alone is so much easier. And most don't struggle with length retention like 4b hair.

Although I knew a Chinese girl once whose hair could not take a perm and she wanted curly hair soooo bad. She said, "you don't know what it is like to have this straight hair all of your life".....interesting huh?
Personally, I think it's harder for caucasian women than black. Why?? Look around at the older white women (60 and up). The majority of them have to go really short (their hair also thins on top or some of them have purple hair. yes, I've seen it :yep:) whereas mature black women will have grey, yes, but can still rock a healthy head of thick long hair.

Give me 4A/4B hair anyday.
Thats a fascinating question. For the most part I would say Yes, because I think anyone that spends more time working WITH their hair and its nature rather than AGAINST it, will have an easier time.

The vast majority of them do not try to make their hair go against its nature, they mostly do wash and go's the furthest they'll do is some color. They don't have to take additional measures when they go to sleep at night, and they can get away with damaging chemical processes because they have the cuticle layers to spare.

They have the hair that is the beauty standard in this country, so they certainly have an easier time.

That being said they have WAY less versatile hair, I really wouldn't trade my 4a/b coils for the world, I can do a straw set and have it last for as long as I want to keep it, I can do sleek and straight, my hair can hold curls with one pass of the flat iron or one night with some flexi rods, my hair can defy gravity, it holds twists and braids efortlessly, it can shrink it can elongate, my hair may not always be easy, but its always the best. ESPECIALLY for a city girl like me I GOTS to switch it up:cool2:
Yes, I believe white women have it easier when taking care of their hair. I think their only struggles are trying to make their hair thick with body or trying to obtain curles or certain styles. In that case, they will have their struggles but to overall take care of their hair they have it easier than black women and so does every other race.