A True Soldier Never Dies
I have to disagree somewhat. How many of us have been asked how we have gotten such healthy hair and as soon as we respond, eyes glaze over or we are told that is too much work or we have been poo pooed on when providing the most basic of information? The information is available, people just have to want to find it and use it instead of wishing for a miracle in a bottle or jar.
Also, what is most of "our" money being spent on? It's weaves, extensions, relaxers, and salon visits. If complacency and lack of effort is not a main issue, why do so many women not wash their own hair or know how to wash their own hair? Until last year, I never realized how many black women do not wash their own hair! Also, why do so many women go to the salon weekly or every other week?
Complacency, acceptance of the status quo, the deep rooted belief that black hair does not grow, and the belief that our hair is so difficult that it requires a "professional" to care for it.
I have had people (black and white) ask me what salon I went to for my 2 strand twists, braid-outs, and twist-outs. Why is it so difficult to believe that I did my own hair? What is so difficult about my hair that I can't style it on my own? All those are really basic styles.
Even with me, the first 9 months of being natural I had a hair stylist or a friend do two-strand twist for me. I realized that not only was I wasting SOOO much money ($75 for two strand twist, can you believe it), but at times I was inconveniencing other people. I knew eventually I would have to teach myself how to two strand twist properly.
I know to most people, two-strand twist is so simple and easy; but for me, it has always been difficult to style my whole head especially since I wore box braids through most of my upbringing.
So I took the initiative to MAKE MYSELF LEARN to do two-strand twist. I have been doing so for the past two months. I mean, my twist sometimes look frizzy/not fresh, but I'm getting there.

So I think it does have to do with laziness at times.