Do you talk about what is up in your family to you boyfriend/husband?


Well-Known Member
Do you tell your husband or boyfriend or fiance all the issues/problems going on with your side of the family?

I was always told to never share with your husband all that is going on with your side of the family.

In my case, there is so much going on that I don't even know if I will have someone to share my life with. At times, I can't help but wonder who would want to marry into this family? There is always drama, sadness, no one pulling their weight and me being stuck dealing with it. Its to a point that I wonder if I will have a chance to be happy, normal. & have a family.

In fact at this very second, I'm at the end of my rope. I only 2 other siblings but man just nothing can go smoothly...its annoying. :cry3:

Anyone in here who has family drama? How did it affect your love life? Did you tell your husband? How do you hide the constant sadness from the person who you are dating? How do men react to stuff like this? Will they start running for the door?
I don't have a lot of family drama, but I tell my SO most things. He is my biggest supporter, so whenever I'm sad or happy about something family related, I know I can talk to him without judgement from him.

There are some things though that my mother told me about stuff she went through in the past, and I'm taking those things to the grave. I won't even write about them in my journal out of fear that someone will read them when I am no longer around.
I have an aunt who's a whore (she's married and sleeping with another man). I told FH and now I regret. I think some things should not be shared.
I tell him everything and vice versa. We're pretty much part of the other's family anyway. I couldn't be with someone if I didn't trust them enough to tell them about family drama.
He's my bestfriend, so of course I tell him everything and boy do I have lots of family drama. (drunks, mental illness, who's cheating with who, folks asking to borrow money, who's been arrested for what, the tears, the laughter, how I'm tired of my family at times, etc.)

He probably wishes I would stop telling him so much cause it's always something.
Anyone in here who has family drama? How did it affect your love life? Did you tell your husband?

How do you hide the constant sadness from the person who you are dating? Well, I'm not constantly sad about my family. I have sad moments, but am trying to make peace with who they are.

How do men react to stuff like this? Will they start running for the door?
If a guy is truly interested in you, I don't think he'll run. I also don't think it's something that should be shared immediately or with someone you're dating short term.

I was somewhat ashamed of my family at first, so I tried to hide or deny some things, but any person with half a brain can see that some people in my family are not right. :drunk:
He's my bestfriend, so of course I tell him everything and boy do I have lots of family drama. (drunks, mental illness, who's cheating with who, folks asking to borrow money, who's been arrested for what, the tears, the laughter, how I'm tired of my family at times, etc.)

He probably wishes I would stop telling him so much cause it's always something.

Same here. All sorts of family drama. I think my boyfriend enjoys it because he loves gossip and we always have something to :giggle: about.