Do you still shampoo your hair?

I put herbal shampoo on my scalp and I scrunch CON into the length of my hair. This happens once a week. I am a die hard shampoo fan.
I shampoo once every 4 weeks now :yep: I used to shampoo once a week until I finally got cowashing right early this year :grin:

I cowash 3 - 4 times a week.
Ive probably used it twice in the past 4 months.....I dont like it anymore after only cowashing for so long but I bought a big container of Creme of Nature shampoo for some reason (it was my first time in Sallys and I went a lil crazy) so Im trying to use it....I think Ill eventually end up only using conditioner.... haven't had any problems
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Yes. 1-2 times per week. I tried to cowash only and also used baking soda and acv rinses occasionally, but I prefer shampoo.
I pretty much cowashed exclusively at the start of my HHJ and endured the build up until my monthly shampoo, but I like my scalp clean and when I cowash if I don't rinse well enough I end up with build up on my scalp which = itching shortly after.

I now shampoo at least once every week and a half or so.

ITA. I tried so many times to cowash only but I couldn't take the thick build up I would get on my scalp. My scalp didn't smell to pretty either.:nono:

Yep, I shampoo. I especially love my clarifying poo (Elucence).

Isn't that poo just the best! It's labeled as a clarifying poo but it's sulfate free and has a pH of 4.5-5.5. It'll knock any build up on my scalp right out after one lather. For some reason this stuff is more gentle on my hair than some moisturizing poos. I use it once a week and cowash whenever I feel the need during the week. I wish I could nix shampoo all together though.
I like shampoo better than cowashing and cleansing conditioner. I just try to use mild sulfate, no sulfate or dilute the poo.
Just adding, I always concentrate the shampoo on my scalp only, and only use AO / Giovanni shampoos which don't contain sulfates. The most important change in my shampooing regimen since starting my HHJ is that shampoo never touches my hair unless immediately followed by a DC.
Just adding, I always concentrate the shampoo on my scalp only, and only use AO / Giovanni shampoos which don't contain sulfates. The most important change in my shampooing regimen since starting my HHJ is that shampoo never touches my hair unless immediately followed by a DC.

Co-signing :yep:
Co-washer here! Will use shampoo every couple of months or so to make sure my scalp is v clean. I don't think I've used shampoo since September?
I use baking soda once every 3 weeks and I've only used shampoo for a BKT treatment. I water rinse and cowash quite a bit, but haven't experienced any build-up issues. I gave up shampoo a long time ago and my hair now looks and feels better.

ETA: I don't use leave-ins, etc.
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No, I rinse with ayurvedic powders, then I co-wash with CON (purple label). I use a clarifying shampoo maybe once a month.
I always shampoo. I tried co-washing but my scalp never felt clean and was itchy. So, now I only shampoo and never co-wash.
I tried to only co wash but the buildup was unbearable. Not only did I see my scalp look terrible, I felt it itch like crazy. I shampoo biweek but co wash once a week.
I train (martial arts) a whole lot!! and when I'm don't my scalp and hair is drenched, I look like I've taken a shower. So, i just feel cleaner when I wash it. My scalp doesn't itch or anything, but I just feel better.
I still shampoo once every 10 days or so with a sulfate free shampoo. I need to start using my shikakai bar more often.:look: