Do you still shampoo your hair?

Oh snap I knew I forgot something yesterday in the shower. Only if I need to. Other than that I've just been co-washing. If my hair is really, really dirty then yep i'm shampoo.
I only shampoo when I am chelating, before doing an Emergencee, or henna. I use shampoo at the most once a month to every 6 weeks.
I'm trying to cut back on the amount of shampoo, I alternate, 1 week shampoo, 1 week cowash. I just started doing this so I will see how my hair and scalp reacts. So far its been great.
I only poo once a week, with a coconout oil/ evoo/ conditioner pre-poo overnight on damp hair. I hate the stripped feeling.
I like to cowash still at least once a week, but if i don't clean my scalp with some type of shampoo it will have a fit. Then I start getting dandruff......
I def shampoo. hair loves it.

Co-washing is fine since some(most) conditioners contain a little bit Sodium Hydroxide (Sodium Hydroxide + Water = Lye) and of course Lye + Oil(also fats) = Soap (this process is called saponification). So Co-Washing does have some cleansing effect on the hair...jus not as much as which the oils have been fully saponified. (dont know the exact chemical reaction difference as to why shampoo is soapier??? wish i knew a chemist)

Clays also clean the hair and scalp since they draw dirt, oil and toxins from the skin and hair shaft.

Never tried to wash wit clay....wonder how that would turn out...:think:
My stylist and I were just talking about this, I tend to only shampoo when I need to clarify or if I go see her at the shop. Other than that I'm strictly a co-washer.

I haven't used shampoo in months. I don't put the conditioner on my scalp, so there's no build up for me. I use castor oil on my scalp to clean it.
I just started back shampooing after using only WEN for about 1.5 yrs. My conditioners seem to work better now that Im shampooing again!
I always shampoo. I haven't tried the whole co-washing thing yet. Honestly,it never made much sense to me. But so many people talk about the benefits of cowashing on here that I think I might come around and give it a try. I won't stop using shampoo on the scalp though.
Yup...I never stopped shampooing. I have several shamps that I like. I do it on loose hair, undiluted, and whenever I cleanse my head. I use it on hair and scalp. I never use clarifying shampoos tho.
I do at least once a week, I've been using Jason Natural Sea Kelp for a few years now and I love it.

I'm thinking of cutting out clarifying shampoos though. In the past I used one once every 4-6 weeks, but now that I've eliminated mineral oil, petroleum and cones from my products, I don't seem to need it. Also, I finally tried baking soda for the first time a few weeks ago, and if I ever have a build-up issue I think that will be enough.
My scalp needs shampoo, cant live without it... I tried the strictly condish stuff and I find I have better results with shampoo. I just have to use it in moderation....Ausie moist shampoo is my fav....Used to love cream of nature but now our relationship status is complicated
I tend to co-wash in the summer when I wash more frequently. Winter regime calls for heavier butters, oils and low manipulation: so I wash with a sulfate-free shampoo every 2 weeks. And...ummmm...I'm starting to like shampooing more (or is it the less intensive regime? :look:)
I still shampoo maybe 1-2x a week with a sulfate-free shampoo. I don't think I'm gonna quit anytime soon. It's important to me for removing build-up.
I shampoo weekly with CV ayurvedic poo bar. It's heavenly and provides moisture and softens my hair like no other. I love it. Every 4-6 weeks I clarify with bentonite clay.
Sure do.With my beloved ORS creamy aloe :yep: My water is very hard, baking soda and acv rinses are futile.
I shampoo every 7 to 10 days.
I tried CWs, they weren't for me because even though I don't apply anything to my scalp it tends to be greasy and CWs just seemed to add on the build up.
I've found that shampoo+oil rinse+ deep conditioner is more moisturizing and detangling for my hair than CWs ever were.
Yes, I wash my hair. But I usually deep condition then mix a light shampoo with a clarifier and condition again to restore moisture (but thats just me) My hair, like yours need the cleanse!